SEARCH KEYWORD -- Work place

  4 Technologies That Impact You (Without Your Knowledge)

Our world to day is so driven by technology that it’s easy to stay on top of the major changes and developments. We know when there’s a major new innovation in personal electronics; we know that the 5G network is rolling out this year; we track the progress of smart cars, learning thermostats, and interactive home speakers. We even tend to care about how major tech companies around the world are performing! However, as “plugged in” as we all seem to be to the world of tec...

   AI,DATA ANALYTICS,IOT     2020-04-16 06:35:54

  Do IE developers feel guilty?

IE won the browser war before Chrome appeared with the help of anti-competitive practices. But with the appearance of more and more easy-to-use and fast browsers, people start to hate IE and leave IE. It seems IE is not a product of modern age. Do IE developers feel guilty about this? Everything is contextual. The browser that most people hate today is IE6, which, at the time was one of the best browsers on the planet (it didn't win the Browser Wars, Round One, by accident). It was built on "int...

   IE,History     2013-07-26 21:21:46

  My frequently used Linux commands

In our day to day work. We may have many chances working on Linux/Unix systems. There are many things we may need to do, checking logs, navigating in directories, creating file or installing software. We may use many commands to complete the work, such as ls, mkdir, cd etc. Below are my frequently used Linux commands or programs recently: pwd : print working directory, sometimes I need to check which working directory I am in in order to know where to go next. ls : List current directory files,...

   Linux,Command,Program     2012-08-16 15:09:42

  Business Opportunities for Entrepreneurs – Check them Out Here

We are in the digital era, and today, starting a business seems to be easier than ever before. With a smart device and a reliable internet connection, you are almost halfway to becoming a business owner. The main challenge, however, comes in identifying a good business opportunity to venture in, especially considering the high competition in nearly all sectors. Today, nearly everything is done online, and you can take advantage of this to sell your products or services. The best part about onlin...

   BUSINESS     2020-05-13 11:25:28

  Before Python

This morning I had a chat with the students at Google's CAPE program. Since I wrote up what I wanted to say I figured I might as well blog it here. Warning: this is pretty unedited (or else it would never be published :-). I'm posting it in my "personal" blog instead of the "Python history" blog because it mostly touches on my career before Python. Here goes.Have you ever written a computer program? Using which language?HTMLJavascriptJavaPythonC++COther - which?[It turned out the students ha...

   Python,History,Programming language,B     2012-01-18 08:08:53

  eLearning Can Improve How Educators Approach Learning

eLearning has varied benefits for learners, as has been amply documented across numerous articles on the web. It allows learners to gain access to quality education from the comforts of their homes, according to their convenience. It allows them to focus on their other interests and education at the same time.  When it comes to educators, there’s a dearth of documentation of the positive impacts of eLearning on their work. eLearning has revolutionized the entire learning process, and ...

   ELEARNING     2022-01-29 04:01:23

  HTML Email Guide

Many of us may subscribe to some newsletters to get update about their site or information about a topic such as JavaScript Weekly, we may receive an email every week or every month to know what's happening there. The email we receive is just a simple HTML page but with an Email format called HTML Email. It seems it's simple to write this kind of HTML Email. But the thing is it's not so easy. It takes much effort by just designing an Email template. Whether the HTML Email can be displayed norm...

   HTML Email,Guide     2013-06-16 03:38:36

  Week 1 : Research - Elements of Successful iPhone Games.

This weekend I started work on my first full blown game for the iPhone. I’m not ready to share the details of what the game will be specifically as I’m sure these will change dramatically over the coming weeks. All I’m sure on is it will be a platform game built with Corona SDK. To get me started I’ve been downloading a bunch of games from the app store, jotting down some of the areas contributing to their addictiveness and success. Short levels I do most of my ...

   iPhone,Game design,Mobile,Facors     2012-01-16 09:47:53

  How to increase the productivity of your IT team

  As a manager, when your team isn’t completing as much work as they should be and you’re feeling the pressure from those higher up, it can be difficult to know what to do. The whole team is stressed and productivity is taking a huge drop. When this happens it’s time to take a step back and assess where the issue lies. Here’s how to increase the productivity of your IT team.   Have clear goals and roles At the start of every project have a meeting with everyone...

   PRODUCTIVITY,IT TEAM, BUSISNESS     2018-04-17 06:19:26

  Lessons from the Trenches

I believe that making a game is part art and part science, so it's no wonder that managing a game project is also part art and part science. Clearly if it was all science then the industry would get a collective F for not having made any significant progress over the last decade - all one has to do is just glance at the published postmortems to see that the same patterns are repeated over and over.A game has to be fun, engaging, grab users in the first two minutes and also keep their a...

   Game,Trenches,Tips,Game design,pattern     2011-10-10 05:08:50