SEARCH KEYWORD -- Web design

  Google open sources its Collaborative IDE

July 9, 2012 news, Google engineer Scott Blum published an article on Google+ which revealed that Google would open source the Collaborative IDE. The project was named "Collide" (collaborative IDE), which is a Web collaborative code editor. Google hopes that Collide can serve as a catalyst for improving the state of web-based IDEs.Caution Collide does not have any proper auth, SSL support, or user account management just yet. Please consider that fact when running instances that expose important...

   Google,Open source,Collide IDE     2012-07-09 10:55:20

  Configure a PHP web server on CentOS

Are you used to use cPanel or Plesk on VPS for your PHP website management? If for some reason you don't want to use them? What can you do? How do you maintain your website? How do you access Emails, use FTP to upload files or use phpMyAdmin to manage your databases? You may need to configure all these services yourself on a VPS without cPanel or Plesk or other similar apps.But to configure all these services on a Linux server is not an easy job. You may spend many nights but still fail to get s...

   Cron,Linux,CentOS,Email,FTP,MySQL     2012-07-08 06:01:56

  Use of @font-face

Almost all web browsers(including the dinosaur browser IE6) support the web font property @font-face. Its usage is: @font-face { font-family: 'MyWebFont'; src: url('webfont.eot'); /* IE9 Compat Modes */ src: url('webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */ url('webfont.woff') format('woff'), /* Modern Browsers */ url('webfont.ttf') format('truetype'), /* Safari, Android, iOS */ url('webfont.svg#svgFontName') format('svg'); /* Legacy iOS */ } Now we...

   CSS,@font-face     2014-06-08 07:17:34

  Pagination or continuous scrolling? It's a question

No matter in web page or mobile applications, information often can not be displayed on one page all alone, there needs some interactive modes which can expand page information: Pagination and Continuous Scrolling are very common interactive modes. Every day we may see them, they are so common that we do not even feel their presence, when browsing to the bottom of the page, we will see it. But it's difficult to choose which mode to use in design. Here we have a discussion on these two modes. Pag...

   Pagination,Continuous scrolling,Design     2012-09-12 19:55:51

  5 Amazing Firefox Add-ons That Ensure Superior Software Testing

In this rapidly evolving IT world, quality has become the primary parameter to achieve a niche position. The IT professionals are using an array of advanced software testing tools to ensure an excellent quality of the application. And among this set of highly sophisticated software testing tools and techniques, web browser has emerged as one of the simplest, nicest and affordable means which can be easily used, even on a daily basis for testing life cycle of the application. In fact, there is h...

   software testing, web testing     2014-11-25 07:38:51

  Social network website homepage design analysis

This article is to discuss outstanding design principles to enhance the social networking site registration conversion rate by comparative analysis of the social web site home page .In general, the user registration conversion process generally consists of the following components:    Attractive home page contents.    Simple and fast registration process.    The effectiveness of friends search and invite mechanisms.    User ...

   Social netwrok,Homepage design,Analysis     2012-04-16 14:27:06

  5 Mistakes Developers Should Avoid before Launching Their API

Time is money in the API industry, and everyone wants to be timely for the API’s milestone event: its eventual launch. Delays in this event can be very costly, so the sooner the API can be integrated, the better. Many developers start their work knowing quite well that the clock is ticking. But prioritizing a quick launch—at the cost of everything else—can do a lot of damage in the long run. A rushed launch may result in unstable integration, a host of errors and bugs, lower en...

   TIPS,API DESIGN     2020-05-18 07:08:22

  Rust vs Go: how to choose the best programming language for your project?

Rust and Go, these two modern programming languages, with their unique advantages, are becoming hot topics in the developer community. Their competition in performance, security, simplicity, feature set, and concurrency not only influences developers' choices but also foretells future trends in software development. Battle of Performance: Rust's Precision vs. Go's Efficiency Rust, developed by Mozilla Research, has become the preferred choice for performance-sensitive applications due to its zer...

   RUST,GO,GOLANG,COMPARISON     2024-02-10 19:36:44

  An easy way to log client side information to server

JavaScript debug is a very troublesome thing in web application development. Because many web browsers will not notify you if there is any error in the JavaScript codes you write. They just silently fail and block the following codes execution. In order to debug JavaScript codes, we need a good log mechanism which will help us log the error information,, we often need to log errors in JavaScript codes to server for debug purpose in a production web application, What should we do? The first ...

   JavaScript log, Ajax,Image,Debug     2012-12-30 09:16:50

  A Brief Guide to Voice Navigation and the Future of UX Design

Voice devices are now everywhere, whether you like them or not. Amazon's Alexa, Google's Assistant, and Apple's Siri have proved that voice interactions are not from science fiction films but part of our new reality. Just as touch screens, voice interaction with devices will completely revolutionize how we interact with our computers, smartphones, and watches (and even cars and houses) in the coming years. But you might ask yourself, why is it evolving at such a fast speed? Well, there are many ...

   UX DESIGN     2021-11-25 02:24:55