Google open sources its Collaborative IDE

  Peter        2012-07-09 10:55:20       5,009        0         

July 9, 2012 news, Google engineer Scott Blum published an article on Google+ which revealed that Google would open source the Collaborative IDE. The project was named "Collide" (collaborative IDE), which is a Web collaborative code editor. Google hopes that Collide can serve as a catalyst for improving the state of web-based IDEs.

Caution Collide does not have any proper auth, SSL support, or user account management just yet. Please consider that fact when running instances that expose important files on disk! As the project matures we will implement more security features to enable using this in a hosted fashion. But we recommend that if you are running an instance now, to keep the server access secured to your local network!

Scott Blum also mentioned that Google decided to close a project nearly seven years old in Atlanta. Scott Blum said this was his last day at Google., he will start his new job on July 16. Does this mean that Scott Blum leave Google?

The project address :





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