Python Disrupts the Programming Language World- Gets Hot and Popular

Python is one of the fastest growing languages currently. It is undeniable that more and more programmers use Python and deploy it to the best of their use. Everyone, from the freelancer and startups to giant corporations and even governments, is using Python. Let us have a look at the reasons that make it so popular.  Training: According to research, 8 out of 10 tech schools in the US teach Python over JAVA. Even the three major MOOC platforms, edX, Coursera, and Udacity have a similar app...

   DEVELOPMENT,PYTHON,TEAM     2018-06-07 01:02:03

  Things to Look for in Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7

The .NET Framework 4.7 is the updated version of the .NET Framework 4.6.2.  It can run along with earlier versions of the .NET Framework. On installation it appears as an update for Microsoft Windows under the Installed Updates item in Control Panel. The improvements in the.NET Framework 4.7 includes: High DPI support for Windows Forms applications on Windows 10 Touch support for WPF applications on Windows 10 Enhanced cryptography support Performance improvements .NET Framework Documenta...

   ASP.NET, ASP.NET FRAMEWORK     2017-07-18 05:55:20

  Is Facebook News Feed copied from Google+?

According to Sina Tech, Facebook released its new News Feed this week. However, this design is considered to be copied from Google social network the Google+.Google senior vice president of technology infrastructure Urs Holzle said: "Proud to see +Mark Zuckerberg promote G+.  Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!"Although technology companies will learn from each other's designs and there are not any effective ways to display pictures on the web and mobile devices, Facebook's ne...

   Facebook,News Feed,Google+     2013-03-10 04:37:18

  How To Make Sure Your Next Date Isn’t A Psychopath Via Online Checks

Online dating is pretty much the norm these days when it comes to looking for love, but it can't be denied there’s still a bit of a stigma attached and most certainly an air of mystery. After all, until you meet face-to-face there’s no real way of knowing who they are. It’s putting your faith in a stranger and, of course, that’s more often than not absolutely fine. Over the years though there have been a number of horror stories and it’s enough to put even the most...

   PROMOTION,DATE     2019-06-12 10:44:11

  How to Find User Participants To Test Your Project

Image Source: Unsplash Recruiting the right participants is important to test your projects properly, but it's essential that your research participants are able to represent your target group, or the results won't translate into something you can use. Since recruiting for specific criteria can be time-consuming, follow these considerations that should make getting these types of user participants easier.  Sharply Define Recruitment Topic Criteria There needs to be a required criteria befo...


  JavaScript cross domain request solution

1. What is cross domain? We may often using AJAX to request data from other domain, now we will have cross domain request issues. It's because JavaScript only allows to request data from the same domain because of security consideration. In short, same domain strategy means a piece of code can read data from the same source, the same source here means the combination of the same domain, protocol and port number. For example: URLDescriptionAllow communication? http:/...

   AJAX,cross domain,security     2013-03-13 20:04:52

  How mobile-first index impact on your rankings?

Google has officially announced the rollout of its mobile-first indexing. After a year and half of careful experimenting and testing. Google has begun to start a transition to websites that follow best practices for mobile optimization, to help the majority of people who use google search on their mobile devices (mobile users). Google says, its search algorithms use the mobile version of the web page to indexing and ranking, to better help 'primarily mobile' user-base. Google continues to have t...

   SEO,RAMKINGS,MOBILE SEO     2018-07-23 02:59:03

  JavaScript to scroll element into view

In AJAX applications, there are frequent needs to scroll some element into view after some modification to the page. For example, after adding an item or updating an element in an admin panel, the page may need to be scrolled to the item added or updated so that we can see the changes immediately. In these cases, JavaScript can be used to scroll the element we want to show. In Vanilla JavaScript, there is no built-in function which can achieve scroll_element_into_view(), but most of modern brows...

   JAVASCRIPT,JQUERY,SCROLLTO,HOW-TO     2015-12-17 03:47:32

  Service discovery with etcd

In previous post, we have talked about etcd and its usage. This post we will cover how to implement server discovery with etcd. Service discovery is to solve one of the most commonly seen scenarios in distributed system where how to find the corresponding target service to talk to. In short, it is to find some server which one can talk to based on some service name. A complete service discovery system include below three key functions: Service registration: A service must register itself to so...


  Disgusting programming language list

To avoid arguments among different programming languages, this ranking only covers the opinions from programmers with multi-language experience. Also it doesn't mean the language is not good if the language is on the list, it just means those developers don't like some features of the language. Below ranking is summarized from Quora、Stack Overflow and Hacker News. 10. Python Reason : It uses code indent to define block level scope, why not use curly braces? It also uses massive colons and ...

   Programming language rank     2013-09-27 09:53:39