Kubernetes Authentication & Authorization 101

If we want to build a system with user modules, Authentication and Authorization are something that we can never ignore, though they could be fuzzy to understand. Authentication (from Greek: αὐθεντικÏŒς authentikos, “real, genuine”, from αὐθέντης authentes, “author”) is the act of proving an assertion, such as the identity of a computer s...


  OpenLDAP Proxy -- Introduction

OpenLDAP is an open source project which is intended to provide some commercial-grade, fully featured applications and development tools based on the well known Light-weight Directory Access Protocol(LDAP). Hence corporations which want to manage their user and group information can freely use these tools.  OpenLDAP provides ldap servers, ldap clients and corresponding tools to work on LDAP. The LDAP server is called slapd(Stand-alone LDAP  daemon). And it would serve as the server whi...


  What is good design?

Some quotes about good design from a Germany designer Dieter Rams in documentary "Objectified": Good design should be innovative Good design should make a product useful Good design is aesthetic design Good design will make a product understandable Good design is honest Good design is unobtrusive Good design is long-lived Good design is consistent in every detail Good design is environmentally friendly Good design is as little design as possible This brings up a question -- what...


  Future of Healthcare Application Development Goes Beyond Your Expectations

Healthcare application development sector is still progressing and growing with changing needs of medial sector. While healthcare apps are hot now, the future of healthcare app development sector lies in technology implementation and consultation. In this article, we will discuss majorly on four facts – Which healthcare apps are hot now? What is the future of medical health? Which medical apps you can trust? What to look for in medical health apps? Let us discuss on all of these fa...


  Set file permission in Java

Prior to Java 6,  there is no good solution at the Java level to provide file permission management. You need to implement your own native methods or call the Runtime.exec() to invoke the system routine such as chmod in LInux. Since Java 6, Java introduces a set of methods which can be used to set the file permission at Java level. These methods include: File.setReadable(boolean); File.setWritable(boolean); FIle.setExecutable(boolean); File.setReadable(boolean, boolean); File.setWritable(bo...

   JAVA, FILE PERMISSION, POSIX,learnjava     2015-08-29 03:37:37

  Singleton Design Pattern in Java

Singleton is frequently used in applications where resource may be expensive to create and no instance specific state needs to be maintained. For example, when creating database connection, a singleton may be needed. Today we will share the famous Singleton design pattern in Java. 1. Definition Singleton design pattern is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object. It is one of the most well-known design patterns. 2. Application Singleton ...


  The Role of Coding Skills in Advancing Tech Careers

In the fast-changing technical landscape of today, coding is not a unique advantage; it's a basic necessity. From a software engineer to a data analyst or digital marketer, being able to code will greatly expand the opportunities one has for their careers and how effective they can be in their jobs. This essay discusses how coding skills help one's career in the tech field and gives the basic concept of coding: objects, a building block for any modern programming language. 1. Creates Employment ...

   CODING,OOP,OBJECT     2024-05-04 14:27:42

  How to write your own DSL in Ruby

DSL(Domain Specific Language) is a language defined to fulfill some domain specific requirements to ease people's work. It can be used to define attributes and actions of a domain easily and cleanly. And it is often created based on some common observations or micro patterns of some domain. In Ruby world, there are quite a few places people can find DSL. For example, Ruby itself, Chef recipes. To create a class in Ruby, the traditional OOP way would look like. class User @name = nil @email =...

   RUBY,DSL,TUTORIAL     2017-03-04 09:40:34

  Implementing DESede/ECB/NoPadding cipher algorithm in GoLang

By default, GoLang doesn't provide the ECB mode cipher for DESede though there is CBC mode provided. In cases we need to encrypt/decrypt data with ECB mode, we need to implement those by ourselves. This mode is frequently used when encrypting/decrypting PIN block which is small block data less than 16 bytes. In this post, we will introduce how to implement the DESede/ECB/NoPadding algorithm in GoLang by using the existing cipher support. Here we will not cover how DESede works in detail, instead...

   SECURITY,SAMPLE,GOLANG,DES,DESEDE,3DES     2019-07-29 06:43:50

  Why localStorage only allows to store string values

localStorage allows data to be stored in browsers across sessions, the data will be there even though the session is expired. It is frequently used to store static data so that they can be loaded when needed. But as per spec, it says that the keys and the values are always strings (note that, as with objects, integer keys will be automatically converted to strings). Why cannot store the object as it is? Take a look at an example: var str = "test"; localStorage.setItem("str", str); cons...

   JAVASCRIPT,LOCALSTORAGE     2020-04-05 00:54:29