QScrollArea Scrollbar Display Solution

Qt framework is a popular C++ GUI framework developed by Nokia. And it is also cross platform compatible. Many developers are using Qt to develop C++ GUI programs. In Qt, some important components are deserved our close attention. Many developers faced the problem when they put some widgets in a QScrollArea widget and they want it to display scroll bars when the widgets inside the QScrollArea overflows. After many experiments, I propose a way which can show scroll bars as you expected. The...

   C++,Qt,GUI,QScrollBar,ScrollBar,Not display,Solution     2012-03-03 07:48:36

  Webinar Best Practices For A Webinar Experience Your Audience Will Love

The web conferencing technology has been getting a lot of attention lately, and for good reason. With global lockdowns and social distancing norms in effect, video conferencing has emerged as an economical way of staying in touch with office colleagues, friends, and family members. However, if that’s all you are using this technology for, you may not fully understand what is web conferencing and its immense potential. For instance, lately, web conferencing technology is being used to deliv...

   WEB CONFERENCE,WEBINAR     2020-11-07 04:19:52

  How AI is Changing Web Development: A New Era of Digital Innovation

Picture this: AI isn't just about robots and sci-fi movies anymore. It's shaking things up in the tech industry, especially web development. So, what's the deal with AI and web development? Let's break it down. In a nutshell, AI refers to machines performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. When we talk about AI in web development, we're talking about smart algorithms and systems that can make websites smarter, faster, and more user-friendly.  Why should you care about this?...

   AI,WEB DEVELOPMENT     2024-10-21 07:34:22

  System programming is still there

System programming is the practice of writing system software. System software lives at a low level, interfacing directly with the kernel and core system libraries. Your shell and your text editor, your compiler and your debugger, your core utilities and system daemons are all system software. But so are the network server, the web server, and the database. These components are entirely system software, primarily if not exclusively interfacing with the kernel and the C library. But nowadays more...

   System programming     2014-02-27 05:46:48

  IDEs for Java programmers

IDEs are great helpers to programmers. They can help programmers write less error-prone programs with less time. They have become an inevitable part of many programmers. As a Java developer, you may be familiar with Eclipse already. But do you know other IDEs for Java programmers? We will give an overview of different IDEs for Java programmers. These IDEs are Eclipse, Intellij IDEA, NetBean and BlueJ. Eclipse Eclipse is the most widely used IDE for Java programmers. It's an open source IDE whic...

   Java IDE,BlueJ,NetBeans,Eclipse     2014-08-21 06:15:54

  Check mobile device using JavaScript

Sometimes developers want to know whether the user is using a mobile browser or a desktop browser so that they can build corresponding user experience. Although in many cases responsive web design would help solve component alignment issues, there are performance related considerations in some cases where some code should not be ran or some feature should not be available if user is on mobile browser. or vice versa This post will summarize a few ways which are commonly used to check whether a us...


  When You Should Consider Moving From HTML to WordPress Platform?

No matter, you want to introduce big changes in your HTML website or a minor one, you'll have to make the edits in your site's files and then upload all of them by connecting to your FTP server. Now, this can be a pretty time-consuming and a daunting prospect for business owners who requires to make changes to the site on a regular basis. You should think about moving from your static HTML to some dynamic platform that provides you the flexibility to make the process of content editing become a ...

   HTML to Wordpress, HTML to Wordpress Conversion, Convert HTML to Wordpress,     2014-07-29 07:16:30

  Pros and cons of 6 most popular test automation frameworks

Not everyone dappling into systems for test automation knows how to leverage the maximum benefit and keep them going in top shape for a long time. That's where test automation frameworks come in – they're basically sets of rules, standards, protocols and guidelines which can be incorporated into practice or simply followed to provide beneficial execution environments for automation test scripts.   Why are test automation frameworks important?   Test automation frameworks offer m...

       2015-11-30 08:14:23

  What Sort of Projects Can You Work on Using Web Scraping?

Image Source: Unsplash Web scraping is a technique used to extract large amounts of data from websites and save onto your computer in a database or time table format. There are many reasons businesses would use this information for lead generation, SEO, or to better understand their customers.  However, you can do a lot of fun projects in your free time that doesn’t have to be associated with work or a company. Before you start using your programming skills to find and extract inform...

   WEB SCRAPING     2020-09-10 09:16:44

  Understanding Slice Behavior in Go

In Go, understanding how slices behave when passed to functions is crucial for writing efficient and bug-free code. This behavior is often a source of confusion for many developers, especially those new to the language. In this article, we'll explore the difference between passing slices by value and by reference, and how it impacts the modification of slices within functions. Introduction In Go, slices are a fundamental data structure used to work with sequences of elements. They are essentiall...