
现在主流的网站开发语言无外乎asp、php、、jsp等。 网页从开始简单的hmtl到复杂的服务语言,走过了10多个年头,各种技术层出不穷,单个的主流技术也在不断翻新的版本,现在分...

   web,server,asp,,jsp,php,cgi     2011-07-09 12:05:15

  Common usage of ls command in Linux

In Linux, ls might be one of the most frequently used commands. It is used to list files in a specific directory. In most cases, we may just use ls -l to list the files under a directory. But have you explored other usages of this command. In this post, we will summarise some other common usages of ls command Assuming we have below directory structure in our system, let's see them using tree command. List details of the files If we want to list the details of the files in /home/alvin/test_...

   LINUX,SHELL,LS     2018-12-16 03:00:42

  10 Technological Trends that are Affecting Life of Teachers

Technology has reached the level where people think that they do not need anybody to teach them new things. When you do not know about anything, you simply Google it and get the answer. All this is good but in actual it is affecting the life of our teachers. So, whatever conclusions these folks have who are arriving today will always influence everyone else who is working in childhood education through their high school. Let us see how they are affecting the life of the teachers:  &nbs...

       2014-12-01 01:38:04

  Tim Cook : 100 million iPads are change people's life

In today's Apple conference, Tim Cook revealed a number Apple achieved two weeks ago, Apple iPad is sold 100 million units in past 2.5 years. Moreover, the iPad brings network traffic of 91% among all network traffic in tablet PC market. In 2.5 years, Apple's iPad series have 3 members: the iPad, iPad 2 and the New iPad. Cook said the iPad's mission is to make things originally complex and confusing simpler so that even the the general children or the elderly can complete. Indeed, the iPad is ...

   iPad, Market,Surface     2012-10-23 14:48:13

   Move.Me Writing Your Own WebSocket Server

The WebSocket protocol has applications beyond plain vanilla web development.  I will explain how the protocol works, how to implement your own server and share some insights I had along the way. Before we get down and dirty, I will explain what I’ve been doing with it. At this point I expect many of you are saying “I’m not working on a web game this doesn’t seem relevant to me.” Well, neither am I. I embed a WebSocket server into my game engine and wit...

   Socket,NetWorking,WebSocket,Server development     2012-01-28 07:06:43

  Why doesn't Google copy successful startup ideas?

Google is definitely one of the largest players in Internet world. It owns the most popular search engine, mobile operating system and mapping service. It not only has huge user base but also is extremely rich. It can copy and create any product that is proven to be successful with its talent pool and money. But why doesn't Google copy those successful startup ideas? Based on the current status quo and culture gene of Google, there are several reasons Google doesn't copy startup ideas. First, Go...

   Google,Startup,Copy     2013-09-11 07:03:02

  File System vs Core Data: the image cache test

Code for this project is on GitHub While doing a full re-write of Droplr's iOS app for the 2.0 launch, I couldn't find any good file/image caches out there had a particular feature I really wanted: extending item expiration whenever it's touched. I set out to write my own — which wasn't that much of a challenge — but somewhere along the process I had this crazy idea that perhaps (SQLite-backed) Core Data would be a much better tool for the job: No mismatch between cache index ...

   File system.Image cache,Multimedia     2012-02-01 08:52:02

  Some hidden XSS injection vulnerabilities

XSS injection refers to a Web page generates some unexpected executable js codes based on user input  and these executable codes are executed by web browser,i.e, the source code sent to web browser by the server contains some illegal js codes, and these illegal js codes are related to user's input. Common XSS injection vulnerabilities can be fixed with some functions such as htmlspecialchars(escaping HTML special characters) and strip_tags() or similar, but there are some hidden XSS injecti...

   XSS,PHP,Security,Code,JavaScript     2012-08-27 20:32:08

  We trade a lot more than just time to practice our craft

I was recently having one of those “life, the universe and everything” conversations with a close industry (web) friend. Mid-conversation I dropped that I’d identified three kinds of stress that we face as creators – it felt somewhat poetic at the time, so I thought I’d take some time to describe it. Physical, the kind of stress you’re under when you’ve been eating poorly, drinking too much, exercising too little, or working too long. Weâ€...

   Stress,Programmer,Creator,Emotional stress     2011-12-09 07:45:48

  8 Optimization Rules To Improve Visibility Of your Ecommerce Store

The success of an Ecommerce store depends on its page rank. If your store pops up in first page then there are higher chances of getting noticed. But getting a spot in page 1 is no mean task as web crawlers are very smart in identifying a quality content. These crawlers follow a specific pattern in setting up a yardstick for a quality content. You need to understand what does a quality content mean from a search engine perspective. Here are the rules to be followed.   #1 Unique content is ...

   marketplace apptha, multi vendor marketplace, magento marketplace     2015-03-09 07:16:16