Guide to Clearing Storage Space on a Macbook

Macbooks are pretty notorious when it comes to what storage space you have available. Those few gigabytes that you have will disappear in no time if you are not careful. The whole issue becomes even more problematic for people who are not that familiar with Macbooks or have switched from another computer. And if you do not pay attention, it will not take too long before you have next to no storage space on the hard drive. Leaving only a few gigabytes of free space will significantly reduce the ...

   MACBOOK,APPLE,DATA STORAGE     2020-08-08 00:21:42

  Google Chrome to support sync clipboard data among devices

Google has been working very hard to make it possible for syncing clipboard data among PC and Android devices through Chrome. This feature is finally available in Chrome Canary 79 and is going to be released in future version of Chrome although it only supports sync data from PC to Android but not vice versa. But before getting to that day, users can start to explore this feature in latest Chrome Canary version 79.  There are three flags(chrome://flags) to control enablement of the feature...


  Asynchronous UIs - the future of web user interfaces

It's an interesting time to be working on the frontend now. We have new technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, Canvas and WebGL; all of which greatly increase the possibilities for web application development. The world is our oyster!However, there's also another trend I've noticed. Web developers are still stuck in the request/response mindset. I call it the 'click and wait' approach - where every UI interaction results in a delay before another interaction can be performed. That's the process they'...

   AJAX,Asynchronous UI,AUI,User interface     2011-11-18 08:55:08

  Let browser prompt for storing password when doing AJAX login

In Web 2.0 era, more and more web applications are using AJAX to replace the traditional HTML form element to perform user login. This usually provides a better user experience than form submission. But it also brings a side effect to the end users. That is the browser will not prompt the user whether s/he wants to save the password so that s/he no needs to enter the username/password again when visiting the same site next time. Below is the code snippet which does the AJAX login.  <scri...

   AJAX,Browser,Login,Password     2015-06-04 10:02:46

  Open Source Needs a New UI

As a freelance web developer, I’ve seen and used my fair share of open source web applications (and desktop software), and I’d like to point out something that I see all too often in open source projects: the user interface almost always lets the project down. Let me explain… The Problem I’ve used a considerable amount of open source software (web-based and desktop), and I feel that a large portion of them are let down by their UI. The functionality is brill...

   Open source,Problem,UI,New paradign     2011-12-09 07:53:19

  iPhone 7 may come with following new features

There are all kinds of news that iPhone 7 will be released in the coming September. Now the news seems to be convincing. On 26 August, a Sina Weibo(China's Twitter) user @POPPUR posted an weibo which says that China Telecom, one of the largest telecom vendors in China, has opened the pre-order of iPhone 7. Along with this, a few new features of iPhone 7 are also released. On the photo uploaded, there are a few new features of iPhone 7 displayed. They are : Waterproof No headphone jack Wireless...

   NEW FEATURE,NEWS,IPHONE 7,CHINA TELECOM     2016-08-27 03:50:41

  Australian software engineer got asked algorithm question when entering US

The whole world knows that security and background checks get tighten for people to enter US since Donald Trump took office. But have you ever heard about getting algorithm question asked during the immigration check interview while entering United States? Recently an Australian software engineer David Thornton had such an experience when he tried to enter US. (Image from David is a software engineer from Sydney and he is a 24-year-old studied computer sci...

   NEWS,DONALD TRUMP,UNITED STATES     2017-03-04 12:07:54

  How to handle ES6 modules in NodeJS

In modern JavaScript, there are two types of modules: ES6 module and CommonJS module used by NodeJS. These two types of module are not compatible. Many people would wonder how to load ES6 modules in their NodeJS project. This post will show how this can be done. Difference The syntax of the module being loaded is different. CommonJS modules are loaded with require() and exported with module.exports. ES6 modules are loaded and exported using import and export respectively. Merchanismwise require(...

   NODEJS,COMMONJS,ES6     2020-08-28 22:01:33

  7 ways to start learning how to code right now for free

Learning to code is one of the most powerful and satisfying things you can ever do. If you’re a designer, learning to code can help you understand what you’re creating for, and if you’re looking to build a startup from scratch, being a technical founder can make things exponentially easier for you. No matter why you want learn, the only thing you really need is curiosity. But if you’re just starting out as a novice and don’t know where to begin,...

   Learn programming,Efficient way,Experiment,iPad     2012-02-03 08:11:21

  Responsive Web Design

With the popularity of 3G, more and more people are surfing the Internet using mobile phones. Mobile devices are becoming common devices for accessing internet. So web design faces a big challenge which is how to display the same webpage on different devices with different screen  resolutions.Screen resolution of mobile device are usually not very large, the width is below 600px, while PC usually has a resolution over 1000px. It is not an easy task to display the same content with satisfyin...

   CSS,Web design,Layout,Response web design     2012-05-03 06:59:40