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  Statistics on StackExchange

StackExchange is the most popular and professional IT Q&A site, Under StackExchange, there is StackOverflow and other sub sites. Many of us may wonder how this mega site is maintained and what its performance is. A performance page has been released by StackExchange recently. Below is some statistic about this mega site. 560 million page views per month, i.e around 1.9 million PVs per day. For such as big site, it has only 9 web servers and 4 SQL servers(while two of them are in backup mode...

   Stackoverflow,statistic     2015-01-05 02:47:01

  Concurrency vs Parallelism

Concurrency and parallelism are two related concepts which deal with executing tasks "simultaneously". From Sun's Multithreaded Programming Guide: Concurrency: A condition that exists when at least two threads are making progress. A more generalized form of parallelism that can include time-slicing as a form of virtual parallelism. Parallelism: A condition that arises when at least two threads are executing simultaneously. These two definitions are too formal to be understood easily. On t...

   Concurrency,Parallelism,Thread     2013-08-07 23:42:33

  Fix issue docker-credential-desktop not installed or not available in PATH on Mac

Sometimes you may encounter below issue while running docker-compose on MacOS. Traceback (most recent call last): File "docker-compose", line 6, in <module> File "compose/cli/", line 71, in main File "compose/cli/", line 127, in perform_command File "compose/cli/", line 1085, in up File "compose/cli/", line 1081, in up File "compose/", line 527, in up File "compose/", line 354, in ensure_image_exists File "compose/",...

   MACOS,DOCKER,DOCKER-COMPOSE     2020-06-23 03:25:16

  iPhone 5 vs Samsung Galaxy S3 drop test

With the launch of the iPhone 5, there are quite a few companies starting the test of Apple's new darling. Recently, Android Authority released a video of a test. The test is about ropping iPhone 5 and Galaxy S3 three times from different heights, the result is not good to Galaxy S3, although two phones can still work, the Galaxy S3 screen almost completely torn.In daily life, we may pull out the phone from our pocket and hold it in our hand, put the phone to our ear. In these three cases, the p...

   iPhone 5,Galaxy S3,drop test     2012-09-21 23:42:18

  Chrome 23 supports Do Not Track now

Google has upgraded its browser to Chrome 23, released for Windows, Mac, Linux and Chrome framework. New features brought by Chrome 23 include GPU video decode acceleration, more convenient site permissions management and start supporting DNT agreement. The most important feature of this version upgrade is the support for "Do Not Track (DNT)". As one of the solutions to address online privacy issues, DNT protocol allows Internet users to control how their privacy information can be tracked, als...

   Chrome 23, Do Not Track,DNT     2012-11-07 11:27:26

  The danger of target=_blank and opener

When want to open a new page in a new tab on clicking a link on a page, the usual way of achieving this is to use target="_blank" property in a tag. However, the use of this leaves space for phishing website. Background parent and opener Before talking about the opener object, let's know a bit about parent object when using iframe. HTML provides a parent object which is used to communicate between the parent page and the embedded iframe element. This parent object can be accessed using...


  5 Innovative Web Design Trends Startups Should Consider Adopting

Nowadays, every market has the tendency to shift and change on a whim, and it is no different in the world of web design. No one in their right minds has the time to sit and watch the market for possible shifts as it takes up too much time and no one can really predict what’s going to happen so we’re just forced to adapt and improvise. Currently, there are 5 trends that have caused an uproar and have reshaped the online marketplace and are worth looking into. Think Big First an...

       2017-11-02 06:12:47

  Microsoft to lay off Zune

Recently we can see many news about Microsoft's Windows 8, Microsoft puts much effort to promote Windows 8.  A few days ago, Microsoft announced the death of Windows Live brand, instead they will integrate it into the Windows system. Also, Microsoft now plans to lay off its Zune and focus on XBox, let XBox be the main entertainment service of Microsoft. XBox can provide  music and videos, it can also let users play video games.Here is a part of Microsoft's announcement:This year, Xbox ...

   Windows 8,Zune,XBox,Microsoft,Layoff     2012-05-30 08:14:58

  When You Should Consider Moving From HTML to WordPress Platform?

No matter, you want to introduce big changes in your HTML website or a minor one, you'll have to make the edits in your site's files and then upload all of them by connecting to your FTP server. Now, this can be a pretty time-consuming and a daunting prospect for business owners who requires to make changes to the site on a regular basis. You should think about moving from your static HTML to some dynamic platform that provides you the flexibility to make the process of content editing become a ...

   HTML to Wordpress, HTML to Wordpress Conversion, Convert HTML to Wordpress,     2014-07-29 07:16:30

  How Chinese tech websites survive

As a tech site which aims to share knowledge and experience, content is its core value. To attract readers, it needs to produce valuable content and keep the originality of the content. When an article is published on a site, it should be a copyrighted property of that site or the original author while others should be very careful when considering to copy that article to their own site. They should generally avoid to copying the whole content of the article. However, in reality, this is no...

   WEBSITE,COPYRIGHT,CHINESE     2017-08-08 21:54:32