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  Mark Zuckerberg delivered his first Chinese speech in Beijing

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg delivered a speech in Chinese at "Tringhua Students Dialogue with Board Members" on Oct 24, 2015 in Tsinghua University, Beijing. This is the first time he used Chinese throughout the whole speech. Though his Chinese is not that fluent, his hard work on learning Chinese is well appreciated.  In this speech, he shared three stories : mission, care and looking ahead. Mission You have to believe in your mission. When you have a mission, it will help yo...


  Jack Ma : Where are you going during the weekends?

Jack Ma, the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba founder and executive chairman, was reported to show up in a night club named Dragon-i in Hong Kong on 17th August night (Beijing Time).  It became the headline in China soon after this news was reported as many people thought it was quite unusual that a successful and super rich business man like him would show up in night clubs. Jack Ma explained on his Weibo(China's Twitter) on this and he posted a question to people as well which ...

   Alibaba, Jack Ma, Night club, Bar, Hong Kong     2015-08-23 02:42:59

  Big Corporate Layoffs Hit Shenzhen IT Manufacturing Business

At 11:00 on March 29, 3 employees were ready to jump from Shenzhen Foxconn's longhua building G14. According to witnesses, those 3 employees were negotiating with company regarding the “Foxconn diversion plan”. Liu Kun, Foxconn public speaker, told reporters that many employees are working negatively to resist this plan, but Foxconn does not agree or support their actions in this way. " Company like Foxconn with large-scale labor-intensive manufacturing enterprises in Shenzhen, is f...

   Layoff,Career,China     2013-04-01 06:44:43

  Tips for Socializing With Friends During College

The shift from high school to college is a pivotal time in a young adult's life, complete with new responsibilities and the exciting opportunity to forge new relationships. Navigating social life in college can be daunting for many, but with the right tips, it's entirely possible to create a fulfilling social experience while still maintaining academic focus. From joining interest-based campus clubs to managing a healthy balance between studies and socializing, there are several strategies to en...

   SOCIAL NETWORK,COLLEGE     2024-04-16 06:40:55

  Former Microsoft Executive Vice President Qi Lu joins Baidu

Former Microsoft Executive Vice President Qi Lu joined Baidu(The largest search engine in China) on January 1, 2017. Qi will be group president and COO at Baidu. He will be in charge of Baidu's products, technology, sales and marketing and operations. And he will be the second most powerful person in Baidu just behind Robin Li, the founder and CEO of Baidu. At the same time, Robin Li will step away from daily operation of Baidu. In a statement, Robin Li said “Dr. Lu possesses a ...

   MICROSOFT,CHINA,BAIDU,NEWS,QI LU     2017-01-18 08:53:42

  Do You Make These 5 Database Design Mistakes?

Look, everyone makes mistakes. It’s true. But not all of us have the chance to make mistakes that end up costing millions of dollars in hardware and production support costs. Any one of the following five mistakes listed below will add additional costs to your company. It’s guaranteed. The costs could be hardware related (extra disk space, network bandwidth), which tend to add up quickly. The costs are also support related (bad performance, database re-design, report cre...

   Database design,Mistake,Advice,Data type,Compatibility     2012-01-03 11:25:13

  A trap about PHP random number

The method to get random number in PHP is very simple, we only need to use rand() function. int rand ( int $min , int $max ) One function call can return the random number in a specified range. But in fact, the random number in computer is actually pseudorandomness, generally to increase the randomness, we may set a random seed before calling rand(). void srand ([ int $seed ] ) According to other language features, we should pass a time value as a parameter to the srand() function, generally...

   PHP,rand,srand,mt_rand     2013-06-07 09:10:10

  Why cannot compare double values directly for equality?

A question in PHP: Get some value from the database and use floatval() to convert it to floatint point value, then compare it with another value which is also converted to floating point value with floatval(). These two values are the same when using var_dump() to output, the two outputs are float(8.87), they are the same. But when comparing them for equality, the result is weird., they are not equal. Why?To analyze this question, we need to start with PHP data types. PHP uses weak types. In PHP...

   PHP,floating, precision,compare,equality     2012-06-27 09:01:36

  How To Optimize Your Site With HTTP Caching

I’ve been on a web tweaking kick lately: how to speed up your javascript, gzip files with your server, and now how to set up caching. But the reason is simple: site performance is a feature. For web sites, speed may be feature #1. Users hate waiting, we get frustrated by buffering videos and pages that pop together as images slowly load. It’s a jarring (aka bad) user experience. Time invested in site optimization is well worth it, so let’s dive in. What is Caching? ...

   Website performance,Speed,HTTP Cache,Hash code     2011-12-10 06:11:33

  8 Things To Love & Hate About Outsourcing Employees

What is the dirtiest word in business? Chances are that the word ‘outsourcing’ comes to mind. Many Americans despise it, many business owners shy away from it and many entrepreneurs depend on it. Regardless of what side of the issue you are on, it is important to know that it exists and will continue to exist. Why? Because there are a lot of things to love about outsourcing.As a business owner and tech entrepreneur who exists in a hyper-competitive market, I have used outsourcing to...

   Employee,Outsourcing,Merits,Disadvantage     2011-11-12 10:16:13