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  Lasagna Code

Anyone who claims to be even remotely versed in computer science knows what “spaghetti code” is. That type of code still sadly exists. But today we also have, for lack of a better term — and sticking to the pasta metaphor — “lasagna code”.Lasagna Code is layer upon layer of abstractions, objects and other meaningless misdirections that result in bloated, hard to maintain code all in the name of “clarity”. It drives me nuts to see how badly some c...

   Lasagna Code,Analysis,spaghetti code     2011-11-16 03:12:03

  Jack Ma retires from Alibaba today

Jack Ma, Alibaba founder and chairman, retires today. Today is the Teacher's day in China and also the 20th anniversary of Alibaba. It's a special day and also a memorable day for all Alibaba employees including employee No.1 Jack Ma. Ma steps down as chairman today as he promised 10 years ago when he was 45. Just a few years back in 2013, he left his position as Alibaba CEO. His successor will be Daniel Zhang who is the current CEO of Alibaba. After today, Jack will start his new life out...


  How To Find Link Prospects Without Using Google

I’m obsessed with Google. (I mean, you kind of have to be if you’re in this industry.) But sometimes, you need a break from the hand that feeds. There’s no denying the power of advanced search queries, but you’d be surprised how many other and different prospects you can find without using the search engine at all. Curated Lists OK, I lied. You do have to use Google for this, but not nearly in the capacity you would with normal searches. With lists, you have less ...

   Search engine,Web site prospect,SEO     2012-02-25 12:02:50

  Can we believe our eyes?

Several days ago, one of our customers submitted a sample (SHA1: fbe71968d4c5399c2906b56d9feadf19a35beb97, detected as TrojanDropper:Win32/Vundo.L). This trojan hijacks  the hosts “” and “” (both social networking sites in Russia)and redirects them to, but achieves this in an unusual way. A common  method used to hijack a website and redirect it to a site of the attacker’s choice is to add an entry in the Windows hosts f...

   Window,Software,Eye,Weired     2011-08-22 12:12:16

  Fear of Ignorance

This past week, I was interviewing a candidate for a VP role along with two of our engineering leads. Everyone in the room excluding myself was classically “technical” – they could write code, had experience solving hard software problems and a background in computer science. I wrote my last line of PHP in 2004, and it had to be rewritten by a real programmer within 6 months.During the interview, we had the following exchange (due to an imperfect memory, I’ll ...

   Leader,Team,Technical,Leadership,Ignorence     2011-11-21 10:03:03

  10 Ways to Be a More Productive Web Developer

We could all be more productive. There are many things we can do — some big, some small — that will enhance the way we work and improve the outcomes of our activities.Although I can’t promise that I’ll be able to help you cure all your productivity ailments, I do hope that I can provide you with a few useful, solid tips on streamlining your web development workflow and making every part of the development cycle move quickly and smoothly.Follow each one of these tips a...

   Ways,Efficiency,Web development,API,Fram     2011-09-26 11:25:29

  What’s the waiter doing with the computer screen?

When Richard Gatarski and a few friends wanted to dine in the Swedish city of Norrköping a few weeks ago, they booked a table at a downtown Italian restaurant that seemed nice. When they arrived, they were greeted by the headwaiter, who asked if they had a reservation. Richard confirmed, and the headwaiter looked at his computer screen. ”Gatarski? Hm, let’s see .. yes, there’s your reservation. Welcome!” The headwaiter then picked up what Richard first thought m...

   Waiter,Computer screen,Touch     2012-03-12 11:07:01

  Man Survives Steve Ballmer’s Flying Chair To Build ’21st Century Linux’

Mark Lucovsky, famous for building Windows NT and watching Steve Ballmer throw a chair.Mark Lucovsky was the other man in the room when Steve Ballmer threw his chair and called Eric Schmidt a “fucking pussy.”Yes, the story is true. At least according to Lucovsky. Microsoft calls it a “gross exaggeration,” but Lucovsky says that when he walked into Ballmer’s office and told the Microsoft CEO he was leaving the company for Google, Ballmer picked up his chai...

   VMWare,Founder,Mark Lucovsky,Microsoft,Google,Cloud Foundry     2011-11-25 03:00:39

  Chrome extension manifest v2 migration to v3

In 2023, Google would not allow Chrome extensions with manifest version before v3 to be listed on Chrome web stores as v3 extensions add more security privacy related restrictions on some of the functions. Hence all extensions with manifest v2 must migrate to v3. In this post, we would show how we did the migration for one of our extensions and the changes made. There is a checklist provided by Chrome team on what needs to be updated so that the extension can still work in v3. It can be checked ...


  Products born for Cloud

Cloud computing has become increasingly popularity among companies. It greatly saves the investment of infrastructure and training with everything is running on cloud, it also improves the accessibility and flexibility of service provided by companies. With its popularity, many products are born or becoming popular to help build and move the apps to the cloud. Some well known names of these products are Vagrant, Docker/LXC, Chef and OpenStack. These tools can help create, test and deploy applica...

   Cloud,Openstack,Docker,Vargrant,LXC,Chef     2015-01-25 02:27:11