Why Use Java?

  ethanmillar        2018-07-06 00:05:31       2,382        0         

 Java was developed by Sun Micro-systems back in 1995 to function as high level programming language and serve as a computing platform. This gets regularly updated with new features and better compatibility. The latest version is Java SE 8.0 which released in 2014, March. Java has gained immense popularity while there have been various platforms to match up with the Java configurations like Java SE for Macintosh, Windows and UNIX, Java ME for Mobile Applications and Java EE for Enterprise Applications. Java is nowadays used in most of the enterprises and business units in networked applications, web-based content, enterprise software, games and mobile applications.

Applications of Java – Java is used across the world in the business units for supporting the below:

  • Mobile application like android
  • Java Web Application in eCommerce, business process outsourcing, trading, games in android phone etc.
  • Desktop GUI applications
  • Embedded systems
  • Enterprise applications
  • Scientific application
  • Middle-ware products

Advantages of Java - There are several reasons as to why it is loved and embraced by all, like in almost every business process java has been at the core programming level to support the functioning. The advantages of using the most popular programming language are as below:

  • It is one of the easiest computing languages ever, for a beginner. Not only it is easy to learn and use, but also one can easily compile, debug and write the language for diverse use.
  • Since java is an object oriented programming language it allows an user to develop modular programs as well as reusable programming codes. It identifies the software components as objects, in fact everything in Java is an object! The object oriented programming methodology simplifies the software development and maintenance of the data in it.
  • Perhaps the biggest benefits of Java is its feature of cross function ability and portability. This means program codes written in any platform can be run in other desktops, laptops, mobiles etc. Java functions in byte codes which makes it suitable for running on any device with a JVM installed.
  • Since Java gets updated and upgraded with new every new version it becomes mature every time. Thus it is not only easy to access and learn, but also it is known to be stable and predictable.
  • Java support multi-threading, multimedia and network support.
  • Since it is is one of the most popular programming languages embedded in most of the organizations at their network levels, Java possess a huge network of active users community who can support in need.
  • In order to combat debugging, provide troubleshooting as well as development support Java possess some of the best development tools like Eclipse SDK and NetBeans.
  • With better and improved language diversity in the networking world, we get to experience the compatibility levels of Java with Scala, Groovy, JRuby, and Clojure.
  • If you are migrating from one version of Java to the next, it is absolutely seamless and compatible with the next levels.
  • A secure programming language with no explicit pointer. Java programs run in virtual machine sandbox and the code fragments are checked and verified with byte code verifier for illegal codes.

So install Java in your enterprise if you are looking forward to a seamless transition and maintenance of performance, revenue and growth.

Author Bio


Ethan Millar - A Technical Writer at Aegis Softtech, where he leads team to covers a wide range of topics like. He has been working on technical content for 7+ years, acquiring and developing content in areas such as Software, IoT, IT News and Technology Trends.






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