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  Nokia finally announces the death of Symbian

According to Nokia confirmed that the 808 PureView released last year would be the last phone equipped with Symbian OS in its Q4 financial report. This means that Symbian has been officially declared dead.Nokia said in the report: "In 2012, during the process of transition to Windows Phone, we continue to sell Symbian devices. The Nokia 808 PureView launched in the middle of last year is the last Symbian device."In Q4 2012, sales of Symbian phones were 2.2 million which was equivalent...

   Nokia, Symbian, Windows Phone     2013-01-24 06:45:17

  Expectations, Desperation And Anticipation All You Need To Know About iOS 9.3

With so much anticipation filled among the audience, iOS 9.3 on contrary came out to be as a blooper. All the users were filled with a lot of enthusiasm about the latest advancements in the software, but the final release went to several crest and troughs. iOS 9.3 was quite important for the users when it comes to mobile OS update, however this did not go as it was expected to be for the iOS. The latest software in some cases is locking users. Along with the users this has also creased the eye ...


  How to draw pentagram in HTML5 canvas

I wrote simple function to this magical symbol I like so much: 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930<!doctype html><html><body>    <canvas id="c" width="500" height="500"></canvas>    <script> var ctx = (document.getElementById("c")).getContext("2d"); // draws rotated pentagram with or without cirlefunction pentagram( ctx, x, y, radius, rotate, circle ){    ctx.beginPath();&nbs...

   Html 5,Canvas,pentagram     2012-04-23 12:56:06

  10 Web Design Elements that You Shouldn’t Overlook

When it comes to designing and building websites, it never seems to happen fast enough.Given this fast pace, many small details that are eventually required to build the website are often left out of the design process. While these details might be minor, they are what take a website from nice to truly awesome.These details are often easy to miss because they don’t drive the overall look and feel of the website. The problem is that as your development team works through the design, it wil...

   Web design,Verification,jQuery     2011-03-30 00:09:49

  IT System Cyber Attack Case Study 01: Malicious Macro and Backdoor Trojan Attack on IT-Network

Project Design Purpose: The objective of this cyber attack case study is to develop a workshop showcasing a practical demonstration of a red team attacker implementing an IT system/network attack via a Malicious Macro MS-Office-Word file (CVE-2015-1641) and phishing email generation program to penetrate multiple layers of firewall defenses and implant a backdoor trojan into the railway system's OT network. Related Links: GitHub Project Link , LinkedIn Post Link Attacker Vector: Malicious Macro ...

       2024-08-03 08:21:49

  Exploring Open edX: A Global Platform for Online Education

Understanding Open edX The digital education sector has seen a rise in platforms that enhance global learning access. Open edX, in particular, has made a significant mark with its comprehensive and robust features. Companies like Raccoon Gang offer specialized open edX services to further enhance this platform's capabilities. This article delves into the essence of Open edX, highlighting its key components and global appeal. Open edX Core Features Course Authoring: User-friendly tools for cou...

   OPENEDX,LEARNING     2024-06-04 23:09:45

  WeChat has 100 million international users now

Just one month ago, Tencent announced that it had 70 million international users outside of China mainland. Today, they announced that WeChat hit 100 million international users. In just one month, the international users increase by 30 million. WeChat becomes one of the most tough competitors in the international IM market. Although there are still Whatsapp, Line and some other IMs, WeChat provides many different robust features, especially in the newly released WeChat 5. The new features in W...

   WeChat,Tencent,Internationalization     2013-08-20 02:38:14

  Step-by-Step Guide: How to Choose a Website Developer

A software development partner greatly affects the success and performance of your online project it is involved in. Therefore, it is so important to approach your IT partner selection with special care and responsibility. Find below the main steps and decisions you need to make in order not to fail in this business.  Step 1: Decide What Tasks the New Site Should Perform The main goal of any business (and a website) is to generate and grow profits. You shouldn't create or update a site just...

   WEBSITE DEVELOPER,WEB DESIGN     2020-08-26 03:56:41

  Chrome time machine : Chrome starts from 0 to 1

Time flies, Chrome has been around us for four years since its birth. The Chrome team launched a Chrome time machine on Google's official blog, you just need a simple click or scroll back and forth with mouse, it will show you what happened to Chrome in last four years. If you find clues hidden between the lines, type a few mysterious characters, you may also be able to find a special birthday gift prepared by Chrome team.Four years, Chrome started from scratch and now it's the No.1 web browser...

   Chrome time machine,4 years     2012-09-05 06:54:05

  SQL Injection through HTTP Headers

During vulnerability assessment or penetration testing, identifying the input vectors of the target application is a primordial step. Sometimes, when dealing with Web application testing, verification routines related to SQL injection flaws discovery are restricted to the GET and POST variables as the unique inputs vectors ever. What about other HTTP header parameters? Aren’t they potential input vectors for SQL injection attacks? How can one test all these HTTP parameters and whic...

   Code security,SQL injection,HTTP header     2012-04-05 11:42:04