Proximity Cards Do More Than Just Open Doors

  sonic0002        2024-04-11 22:04:07       850        0         

Credit: Susanne Plank via Pexels

Locksmiths from centuries ago couldn’t have possibly imagined opening a door by tapping a card roughly the size of a credit card. Back then, security depended on physical locks, not sealed antennas made from coiled wire, integrated circuits, and capacitors.

Today, proximity cards are a popular form of keycard used in hotels, government buildings, healthcare facilities, and many more places. They open doors for people with authorized access, but they also do a lot more.

Please keep reading to learn about the other benefits of proximity cards.

Access Controlled

Employers should be able to easily control who has access to what spaces. Imagine the logistics of needing to copy keys for specific doors or rooms, transfer them to the right employees, and have them carry multiple keys every day.

Instead, the leading proximity card supplier creates one proximity card that grants access to every space each employee is authorized to go. Managers may have a proximity card that grants them entry to every room, while newer employees can use theirs to enter the building and their workspace.

Proximity cards give managers and executives effortless and granular control over who can go where. Employees don’t need to waste time trying different keys in locks or fishing for the right one. Instead, they can tape one single card and get everywhere they need to.

Security Enhanced

Proximity cards let people in, but they also keep them out! Their security features have evolved much since they first entered the scene decades ago. Today’s prox cards include a unique sequence of numbers on each specific card.

An HID proximity card reader verifies that the numbers on each card match what’s in the company’s internal database. Administering and updating the cards is easy, as is keeping unauthorized people out of the places they’re not supposed to be.

Copying a physical key involves a few bucks and a simple trip to a convenience store. In contrast, proximity cards are much harder to duplicate. The local corner store doesn’t have any machine that can reproduce proximity cards.

Branding and Connectedness

Physical keys make a person feel connected to the space they’re authorized to access. Likewise, a proximity card plays the same role. It’s something they need to carry with them every day to work.

Leading suppliers offer different forms of proximity cards, like key fobs. There are various types of products, but each is compatible with different systems. Some proximity card providers print customized security products, putting your branding on the card, helping cement the connection between each employee and their company.

Because they carry it with them every day and can bear a company logo and branding, it also serves as a form of advertising.

Proximity cards are not just something to open your hotel room anymore. More workplaces are using them to grant instant access to spaces employees must reach to do their jobs while keeping the wrong people out. Given their effectiveness, efficiency, and how they can even help with corporate branding, it is no wonder proximity cards are so popular.





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