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  HTML Email Guide

Many of us may subscribe to some newsletters to get update about their site or information about a topic such as JavaScript Weekly, we may receive an email every week or every month to know what's happening there. The email we receive is just a simple HTML page but with an Email format called HTML Email. It seems it's simple to write this kind of HTML Email. But the thing is it's not so easy. It takes much effort by just designing an Email template. Whether the HTML Email can be displayed norm...

   HTML Email,Guide     2013-06-16 03:38:36

  5 Reasons to Join a Startup After Graduating

After I wrote my last post, a surprising number of people emailed me asking why I decided to join a startup after graduating from Duke. Many of those I heard from face similar decisions today: either they are college seniors choosing between a big company and a startup, or they are recent graduates who work at a big company and are thinking about making the switch. What’s interesting is that most are already leaning towards the startup career path: it seems they just want someone to ...

   Startup,Graduation,Work,Advice,Passion,Learn     2011-11-23 08:12:13

  Making Computer Science a Requirement?

This US News article points out a growing interest among colleges and universities to make basic computer science a required course for all students. Georgia Tech already does this. The article points out that universities not normally considered to be science/technology-heavy are leaning this way too: Every student at Montclair State University in New Jersey must complete a computer science in order to graduate. For most students, that course is Introduction for Computer Appl...

   Computer science,Requirement,CS     2012-04-05 11:33:04

  Difference between Enumeration and Iterator in java interview question and answer

This tutorial explains about what are the differences between Iterators and Enumeration and similarity of both interface which may be asked in a core java interview. Functionalities of both Iterator & Enumeration interfaces are similar that means both generates a series of all elements of the object which is to have its values iterated that can be traversed one at a time using next() method incase of Iterator and nextElement() method incase of Enumeration. The more powe...

   Java,Iterator,Enumeration     2012-05-01 07:41:52

  10 design flaws of JavaScript

JavaScript's design took only ten days. Moreover, the designer didn't want to design it initially, he just wanted to complete the task assigned by company. It is now a very powerful client side programming language used in almost all the websites. It's an excellent language, but it also has some flaws. 1. Not suitable for large projects JavaScript doesn't have namespace, it's hard to be modular, there is no standard for putting codes in multiple source files. It allows defining functions with th...

   JavaScript, Design flaw, Object     2012-11-29 11:39:35

  Some hidden XSS injection vulnerabilities

XSS injection refers to a Web page generates some unexpected executable js codes based on user input  and these executable codes are executed by web browser,i.e, the source code sent to web browser by the server contains some illegal js codes, and these illegal js codes are related to user's input. Common XSS injection vulnerabilities can be fixed with some functions such as htmlspecialchars(escaping HTML special characters) and strip_tags() or similar, but there are some hidden XSS injecti...

   XSS,PHP,Security,Code,JavaScript     2012-08-27 20:32:08

  Go Error Best Practice

Being indulged in Go for quite a while and having implemented web-related programs, grpc interfaces and Operators, I seem to be an advanced beginner now. However, I am still a raw hand in production-environmental debugging, which is cumbersome if done by querying logs or error messages. Imagine the scenario that a full-text search is called when the specific location of the error log is missing. Then what happens when those error logs are not only in one place? Yes, my error logs can no longer h...

   GO ERROR,ERROR HANDLING     2021-10-07 07:38:28

  Google+ doesn't support Firefox 23?

Mozilla just released a new version of Firefox--Firefox 23, but after upgrading to the new version. We cannot login to Google+ anymore, instead it will show a page which says "Your browser is no longer supported" and it gives some choices to download new web browsers. It also allows to download Firefox. But the thing is we have updated to the latest version. Also when clicking on the "Download Firefox" link, it is redirected to the download Firefox for Android page, is it weird? Is this becaus...

   Firefox 23,Google+     2013-08-10 21:46:27

  Web evolution history

I guess many of us want to know about web evolution history since it changes so fast. Web has changed our life style, there are many big events in web history. Following picture give us a general understanding of the history of web.Original author : 陈皓 Reference :

   Web,History,Figure     2012-04-25 07:40:52

  Why Memorizing is Ineffective

The information-age has burst into life, creating a wake of social change. Young people are growing up faster and more sophisticated, as raw information, tailored-entertainment, and branded-marketing are streamed into their rooms. But this technological exposure has not necessarily made them savvier or more capable of handling tomorrow’s challenges.The debates in public education over “school-choice” and standardized testing have missed the far more important issue. The real c...

   Memory,Memorization,Ineffective,Career     2011-11-19 02:13:41