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  Seven Ways to Boost Employee Morale

Do your employees drag themselves into work? Is office laughter a vague memory? Your employees' morale may need a boost.After all, low morale can lead to poor cooperation, low productivity and increased turnover -- and ultimately hinder a business from reaching its goals.Since employee morale can quickly build or break a company's success, effective leaders often keep a close eye on it and enlist simple and creative approaches to strengthen it. Here a few tactics to think about adapting for your...

   Employee,Working, active,Attitute,Passion,Encouragement     2011-10-09 07:37:36

  Why MySQL 8 drops support of query cache

Many of you may have heard or used MySQL's query cache, because it used to be a popular way to improve MySQL's performance. As an important feature for improving MySQL's performance, the query cache was often recommended as a solution for slow queries. However, why has MySQL 8 abandoned the query cache? Today, we will analyze and explore this decision. What is query cache? According to official document: The query cache stores the text of a SELECT statement together with the correspon...

   MYSQL 8,QUERY CACHE     2023-03-11 09:05:17

  Tencent CEO : Mobile social gaming will be the profit breakthrough point of WeChat

Tencent CEO Ma Huateng said mobile social gaming would be one of the biggest light spot and also the profit profit breakthrough point of WeChat.Mr. Ma thinks that the principle of public accounts of WeChat is very simple, In the early period of QQ, users could also send messages and feedback, the reason why WeChat is so charming is because the phone has audio and video capabilities, this is very different from the text on the PC. Public account service providers can send voice passages to users ...

   Tencent,WeChat,GMIC     2013-05-07 07:27:23

  Networking Terminologies

Portmaps sudo apt-get install -y portmap Portmap is a part of ONC RPC (Open Network Computing Remote Procedure) collection of software for implementing remote procedure calls between Computer Programs. It is widely used by NFS (Network File System) and NIS. Portmap is a server that converts RPC program number to DARPA protocol port number. It must be used in order to make RPC calls. Network Infomation Service (NIS) sudo apt-get install -y nis NIS is a client server directory service provi...

   Linux,Network programming,Network file system     2012-02-16 06:22:30

  Haxe: Another multiplatform language

There are two kinds of programmers: One is using different languages to solve problems, the other is inventing languages to solve problems. Haxe is an emerging open source programming language which is universal, powerful and easy-to-use. Some languages claimed they were multiplatform languages, such as Java, C# and ActionScript. They all are based on some platforms, Java has JVM, C# has .Net and ActionScript has Flash Player. While Haxe is a trule multiplatform language, it can be used to devel...

   Haxe,Multiplatform,Open source     2012-06-11 08:08:28

  If programming language is a knife, what would it be?

The following diagram shows that if is a programming language is a knife, what would it be.? This figure I personally feel very interesting.I try to give my  explanation for some languages  here:.C + +, C and Pascal are the Swiss Army knife. The knife of the C language has a USB, that can do hardware operation. C++, a knife with everything, C + + is a variety of languages​​. Swiss army knife (figure C+ + is very powerful, do not think that it is fictional, this knife is r...

   Programming language,Knife,Swiss army life     2012-04-21 00:52:22

  Google search engine algorithm change history

Recently, Google had a major adjustment on its search algorithm: Users can directly see answers to the searched question on the top of the page.There are billion of search requests each day on Google. There is no doubt that the algorithm will become the subject of discussion. Last year, Google did an adjustment to its search algorithm every 17.5 hours in average. We all experience the change of the algorithm. Following information chart summarizes the major changes of Google search algorit...

   Google,Search engine,History,Google+     2012-04-07 12:41:10

  Vim: revisited

I’ve had an off/on relationship with Vim for the past many years. Before, I never felt like we understood each other properly. Vim is almost useless without plugins and some essential settings in .vimrc, but fiddling with all the knobs and installing all the plugins that I thought I needed was a process that in the end stretched out from few hours to weeks, months even; and it the end it just caused frustration instead of making me a happier coder. Recently, I decided to give Vim ano...

   Linux,Editor,Vim,Setup,Quick guideline     2011-12-12 07:55:27

  memcpy() vs memmove() in C

memcpy() copies the bytes of data between memory blocks. If the block of memory overlaps, the function might not work properly. Use memmove() to deal with overlapping memory blocks. memmove() is very much like memcpy() but very flexible as it handles overlapping of memory blocks. example : char msg[50] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; char temp[50]; main() { strcpy(temp, msg); printf("Original Msg = %s\n",temp); memcpy(temp+4, temp+16, 10); printf...

   Memory,memcpy,memmove,C,comparison,diffe     2011-04-14 09:05:10

  Tips to improve JavaScript efficiency

Writing JavaScript code is tedious and error prone. You not only need to implement the necessary functions, but also need to ensure cross browser compatibility. This often causes the low efficiency of JavaScript developers. Here we recommend 12 tips you can benefit from. 1. Remove array element by index If we want to remove one element in an array, we can use splice. function removeByIndex(arr, index) { arr.splice(index, 1); } test = new Array(); test[0] = ’Apple’; test[1] = &rsq...

   JavaScript,Tips,Array     2013-07-27 20:50:40