A plugin to update last_error in Delayed Job

delayed_job is a process based asynchronous task processing gem which can be ran at background. It will fork the specified number of processes to execute the tasks asynchronously. The task status is usually stored in the database so that it can be easily integrated into a Rails application where asynchronous job execution is desired. Normally when a job fails to execute or error occurs, it would save the error into the database with the column last_error. Ideally all these will be handled b...

   RUBY,RUBY ON RAILS,DELAYED JOB,LAST_ERROR     2017-11-18 13:05:49

  From College To Silicon Valley: Tips From A Veteran

Editor’s note: Pedram Keyani has been an engineer at Facebook since 2007. He is a manager on the Site Integrity team, the inventor of Keg Presence and a Hackathon enthusiast. Looking for internships and jobs after college can be exhilarating, especially for people with engineering and other technical expertise. In an otherwise tough job market, demand for software engineers is higher than ever right now. You may find that companies are actually competing to pay you for the knowledge y...

   Career,College,Silicon valley,Transition,Experience     2012-02-20 05:34:24

  Small team? Fix your life with a non-virtual assistant

Like many others, I tried “outsourcing my life” using a digital assistant. A year and a thousand bucks later, I’ve received one department store recommendation and an admittedly adequate spreadsheet of competitive research.I have since cancelled. Why didn’t it work for me?I think I just didn’t trust it/them/him/her (that I even have this ambiguity is indicative of the issues).Most of my mindless time-sinks involve at least a credit card number and are often a con...

   Work,Assistant,Team,Small,Individual,Get an assistant     2011-10-28 10:26:36

  What's Wrong with the For Loop

Closures in Java are a hot topic of late. A few really smart people are drafting a proposal to add closures to a future version of the language. However, the proposed syntax and the linguistic addition are getting a lot of push back from many Java programmers. Today, Elliotte Rusty Harold posted his doubts about the merits of closures in Java. Specifically, he asks "Why Hate the for Loop?": I don’t know what it is some people have against for loops that they’re so eager to...

   For loop,Basic,Problem,Efficiency,Java     2012-02-24 05:06:15

  Learn Vim Progressively

tl;dr: Want to learn vim (the best text editor known to human kind) the fastest way possible. I suggest you a way. Start by learning the minimal to survive, then integrate slowly all tricks.Vim the Six Billion Dollar editorBetter, Stronger, Faster.Learn vim and it will be your last text editor. There isn’t any better text editor I know. Hard to learn, but incredible to use.I suggest you to learn it in 4 steps:SurviveFeel comfortableFeel Better, Stronger, FasterUse vim ...

   Vim,Learning,Skills,Tips,Steps,Progressi     2011-09-08 10:44:06

  How to Seem (and Be) Deep

I recently attended a discussion group whose topic, at that session, was Death.  It brought out deep emotions.  I think that of all the Silicon Valley lunches I've ever attended, this one was the most honest; people talked about the death of family, the death of friends, what they thought about their own deaths.  People really listened to each other.  I wish I knew how to reproduce those conditions reliably.I was the only transhumanist present, and I was extremely careful not...

   Deep,Work,Smart,Work style,Study     2011-10-23 11:46:11

  Build a Kubectl Plugin from Scratch

by author The command-line tool kubectl is indispensable when using Kubernetes. You need it to query related Pod and Service information both in developing or performing some maintenance operations, such as events, scale, rolling update, etc. However, when using kubectl, there are many inconveniences. Though Kubernetes is officially maintaining kubectl¹, and you can submit the problems, improvement, and even PR in its Github Issues, you still have to wait long before its release. The m...

   KUBENETES,KUBECTL,PLUGIN,GOLANG     2020-12-02 03:43:16

  All I Know About Certificates -- Certificate Authority

One of the crucial steps in the TLS handshake is for the server to prove its identity to the client. While there is plenty of content explaining the principles of the handshake, there's less information about certificates, which are a critical component of TLS/SSL. This series of articles aim to explain what certificates are used for, how Google prevents others from impersonating Google, and why certificate issues frequently arise, among other topics. (Postscript: It took me a full 10 hours to w...


  Integer overflow

You may be familiar with integer overflow, but what you may not be familiar with is how gcc handles signed integer overflow. First let's look at the standard, for unsigned integer, the standard says : A computation involving unsigned operands can never overflow, because a result that cannot be represented by the resulting unsigned integer type is reduced modulo the number that is one greater than the largest value that can be represented by the resulting type. In other words, unsigned integer ov...

   Integer overflow,gcc,Linux     2012-10-20 13:33:10

  Macro vs. Micro Optimisation

So there's recently been a bit of hype about another Colebourne article: I'd like to respond to a few points he makes. First - You should evaluate Scala and pay attention to its benefits and flaws before adopting it.  Yes, there are flaws to Scala.   Working at typesafe makes you more aware of some of them.  We're actively working to reduce/minimize/get rid of these.   In my opinion, the negat...

   Optimization,Performance,Micro,Macro,Software     2011-11-30 12:04:25