PHP to get long running process progress dynamically

Frequently in web applications, we may have a request to the back end system which may trigger a long running process such as searching huge amount of data or a long running database process. Then the front end webpage may hang and wait for the process to be finished. During this process, if we can provide the user some information about the progress of the back end process, it may improve user experience. Unfortunately, in web applications, this seems not an easy task because web scripting lang...

   AJAX,PHP,progress,long process,demo     2012-06-04 07:29:37

  A simple tutorial on Linux nohup command

In our daily work, there might be need to run some important program for hours or even days without being abruptly terminated. In such case, we may want to run the program with command nohup. nohup is the abbreviation of no hangup, i.e, don't hang up or terminate the process. This command will tell the process to ignore the system HUP signal. The HUP signal will be emitted when the terminal is exited or disconnected. Normally process will abort its execution when receiving this signal.  Bas...

   NOHUP,LINUX     2020-08-08 01:14:50

  Why is Golang's Compilation Speed So Fast?

Overview When I started learning the Go language, I already had experience with three statically typed languages—C/C++ and Java—and two dynamically typed languages—PHP and JavaScript. Because of this background, when I compiled a demo file of several hundred lines for the first time in Go, I was genuinely impressed by its compilation speed. At that moment, I thought to myself, "Go claims to have the execution speed of statically typed languages and the compilation speed of dyna...

   GOLANG,COMPILATION,GO     2024-10-07 22:02:23

  Different types of keystore in Java -- DKS

Domain KeyStore(DKS) is a keystore of keystore. It abstracts a collection of keystores that are presented as a single logical keystore. Itself is actually not a keystore. This new keystore type is introduced in Java 8. There is a new class DomainLoadStoreParameter which closely relates to DKS. To load different keystores into the single logical keystore, some configuration is needed. Here is the format of the configuration for grouping different keystores. domain [ ...] { keystore [ ....

   Java,keystore,DKS,tutorial     2015-01-20 02:27:27

  The most stupid C bug ever

I have been programming for a number of years already. I have seen others introduce bugs, and I have also introduced (and solved!) many bugs while coding. Off-by-one, buffer-overflow, treating pointers as pointees, different behaviors or the same function (this is specially true for cross-platform applications), race conditions, deadlocks, threading issues. I think I have seen quite a few of the typical issues. Yet recently I lost a lot of time to what I would call the most stupid C bug in ...

   C,Bug,Comment,Back slash     2012-04-22 03:40:49

  Set up Superset on ubuntu 16.04 LTS

Apache Superset (incubating) is a modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application. Compared with business-focused BI tool like Tableau, superset is more technology-navy. It supports more types of visualization and able to work in distributed manner to boost the query performance. Most importantly, it is free of charge! An example dashboard: Let’s go and set it up. Create a virtualenv Assume Anaconda is installed for python management. # create a virtualenv with python 3.6 co...

   TUTORIAL,UBUNTU,SUPERSET     2019-10-19 21:34:55

  Ruby net-scp cannot scp multiple files with asterisk(*)

net-ssh/net-scp is a Ruby gem which can be used to scp files between different *nix machines. It's similar to how the *nix scp command. It can be used to scp a file or a directory. However, it seems it has some problem to scp multiple files using pattern *. For example, below script is supposed to download all files from remote directory to local directory: require 'net/scp' host = 'testmachine' login = 'testaccount' password = "testpassword" remote_path = '/tmp/remote...

   NET-SCP,RUBY,ASTERISK,MULTIPLE FILES     2016-10-20 03:00:13

  A tutorial on Github Actions

Github Actions is a CI/CD service created by Github. It aims to make it easy to automate all software workflows, now with world-class CI/CD. Build, test, and deploy code right from GitHub. It was launched in October 2018 and was officially available to all users in November 2019. This post will give an introduction of Github Actions and explain how it works. What is Github Actions Normally Continuous Integration includes some steps, fetching code, running test, sshing into remote server in...

   GITHUB,GITHUB ACTIONS,CI,CD     2019-12-23 05:33:39

  An alternative way to parse URL in JavaScript

Normally when we need to process URL in JavaScript, we may use the location object. Then we can use location.hostname,location.href,location.port etc to get the information we need. In this post, we will parse an URL with an alternative way. We can use an URL to create a DOM object by calling document.createElement("a"). The complete code is: function parseURL(url) { var a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; return { source: url, protocol: a.protocol.replace(':',''), host: a.ho...

   URL,location,parse     2014-03-03 07:05:11

  Mount DD image on Linux

Yesterday, my Raspberry Pi running Arch Linux was not able to boot with error: Kernel Panic, not syncing: no init found. I spent a night on it, but could not find a working solution. The last option is easy: reinstall the system. That is really the last resort, for I do not want to re-setup everything I have done: samba server, Time Machine server, Xunlei Offline Downloader… Unable to mount the SD card The system does not boot, so I need to find a way to get into the file system to identi...

   LINUX,DD IMAGE     2014-06-24 07:49:14