SEARCH KEYWORD -- Software testing

  Learn about the Benefits of Providing an Engaging Onboarding Experience to your customers

Learn about the Benefits of Providing an Engaging Onboarding Experience to your customers A good onboarding experience helps create a positive first impression and makes your customers feel valued and helps convert leads into paying customers. Effective onboarding experiences also increase conversions and keep customers. High-quality onboarding experiences build brand awareness. Customers notice when businesses take time to engage with them. They even notice when businesses care about them and t...

   ELEARNING,EDUCATION     2022-08-26 21:41:17

  All Programmers Are Self-Taught

When I was a teenager I played high caliber baseball. I’m competitive to a fault and when I decide I want to be good at something, results usually follow. Now I’m a third year undergrad studying computer science. There’s something critically different between programming and sports though: A pitching coach teaches you how to pitch, but a CS professor doesn’t teach you how to code. I was surprised that neither my TAs nor professors critiqued my code during my firs...

   Programming,Style,Habit,Self learning     2011-12-21 10:25:50

  Don't write on the whiteboard

I recently interviewed at a major technology company. I won't mention the name because, honestly, I can't remember whether I signed an NDA, much less how strong it was.I did well. Mostly because of luck. I normally step over myself when I interview. I guess I've improved over the years. Here are a few tips to ace your own interview.1. Don't write on the whiteboardWhen I interviewed at Palantir around 5 years ago, I had a lot of trouble with this. Yes, I knew next to nothing about compu...

   Interview,Preparation,Whiteboard,Note,Python     2012-01-11 11:31:32

  The Obvious, the Easy, and the Possible

Much of the tension in product development and interface design comes from trying to balance the obvious, the easy, and the possible. Figuring out which things go in which bucket is critical to fully understanding how to make something useful. Shouldn’t everything be obvious? Unless you’re making a product that just does one thing – like a paperclip, for example – everything won’t be obvious. You have to make tough calls about what needs to be obvious, ...

   Software,Obvious,Easy,Possible,Requirements     2011-11-30 11:48:12

  Python SSH Connection Tools

Program Design Purpose: We aim to create a simple Python SSH tool library that facilitates SSH communication, SCP file transfer, and SSH port forwarding through multiple jump hosts in an SSH tunnel chain. The library is designed to provide a simple API for establishing nested SSH tunnel connections through multiple jump hosts with customizable TCP ports. This allows users or their programs to automate SSH tasks such as: Batch processing SSH connection tasks, such as connecting to multiple ser...

       2024-08-30 04:46:05

  Programmer professionalism

Programmer is a lifetime occupation. But first, as a programmer you need to love programming, rather than just an occupation to achieve other goals in life.Now if you plan to spend decades of life on programming, then you should continue to think about what is more efficient. In other words, how are you different from who you were a decade ago and how will you be better than who you are now a decade later?In my opinion, a programmer, regardless of his work, should improve himself in three aspect...

   Programmer, Idea     2012-12-10 12:05:24

  Why there is white/blank space instead of AdSense ad on my website?

Usually if you see on your website a white/blank space instead of Adsense ads, this means that Adsense cannot show adds in that unit for some reasons (we are going to talk about possible reasons below) and also you have enabled the “Fill space with a solid color” feature (in the “Choose what to display if no relevant ads are available” settings of this ad unit). I probably should also say that if you set “Show public service ads” instead of the “F...

   AdSense,Ads,Blank,Reason,Solution     2011-07-25 12:52:29

  Revenue = X

We've been experimenting with app prices for quite some time and again and again we've noticed a funny effect:No matter what price we choose, we always make the same revenue.I attached two charts to illustrate that. I recently lowered the price of the iPad app ( from 5 to 1 Dollars. At first the sales spike, then they even out to previous levels. Meaning: By cutting the price by factor 5, I am selling exactly 5 x more apps. Then we lowered the price of iA Writer for Mac...

   Revenue,Price,Productivity,Investment,Discount,Software     2011-11-17 02:31:58

  Top 10 Tell Tale Signs Your Computer Has a Virus

The true genius of the 'computer' is its ability to make human lives easier. This is only achieved from the ability of running software such as word processing, number crunching with Excel or learning from the worlds largest source of knowledge, via web browsers. Today being connected to the internet is fundamental to leading a productive modern life. While internet is a boon it comes with its own share of problems. As internet users increase so does the instance of com...


  Facebook appoints former Google engineer to improve its search function

Facebook has set up a new team to improve its search products, the team leader is Lars Rasmussen who was a former Google engineer..The team consists of more than 20 engineers which is led by Rasmussen. The main efforts are to achieve easier sorting for contents which are created by users on Facebook . This will help Facebook be a more powerful search engine, which not only allows the user to stay longer on Facebook, but also helps Facebook make more profits by selling keyword ads like ...

   Facebook,Search engine,Google,Like     2012-03-30 11:33:28