SEARCH KEYWORD -- Software design

  Install Kubernetes with minikube and docker on Ubuntu

When someone just wants to play around Kubernetes on its local environment without accessing to Cloud provider resources, one can set Kubernetes up on local environment with minikube with single node mode. This post will provide a simple guideline on how to set up KUbernetes with minikube and docker on Ubuntu. Before all the steps can be started, you may need to first set up kubectl which is a command line tool to operate on Kubernetes resources. Post that, can ensure that docker is installed on...

   KUBERNETES,MINIKUBE,DOCKER,UBUNTU     2021-06-01 05:37:40

  A guide on installing and running Clickhouse on macOS

ClickHouse is a high-performance open-source columnar database management system developed by Yandex. Here are some of the key features of ClickHouse: Columnar storage: ClickHouse uses a columnar storage format, which allows it to efficiently store and retrieve data by column, rather than by row. This results in much faster query performance, especially for analytical and aggregate queries. Real-time data processing: ClickHouse is designed to handle real-time data processing and can handle bill...

   CLICKHOUSE,MACOS     2023-02-15 06:04:55

  GIF’s - Effective Engagement Tool Of Elearning

Elearning has been continuously facing the challenge of keeping the learners engaged. Many methods are being used to ensure that the learner understands the concepts even without an instructor. The inclusion of various multimedia modes like informative audios, videos, games, animations, etc. has become almost necessary to include as these are considered to make the concepts easier to understand.  In a nutshell, there are many advantages of using multimedia in an eLearning program, however, ...

   GIF,ELEARNING     2021-09-23 07:17:52

  Deep Understanding of ReentrantLock: Unlocking the Mysteries of Java Concurrent Programming

ReentrantLock introduction ReentrantLock is a class in the Java concurrent package, java.util.concurrent.locks, and is an implementation of the Lock interface. As its name suggests, it is a reentrant mutual exclusion lock. A mutual exclusion lock is a synchronization tool used to protect shared resources, ensuring that only one thread can access the resource at a given time. Reentrant means that a thread can acquire the same lock multiple times without causing a deadlock. This lock provides some...


  Dos and Don’ts in Test automation in your project

Test automation is a vital step for any digital solution. With time, its architecture gets more complex, new features are added, and it acquires more users. Thus, your QA team needs to spend more time and effort to ensure the application usability and smooth user experience with no bugs and defects. So here are the things you need to consider before the start of the automation initiative: Define Success Metrics It’s hard to measure success until you haven’t set up clear goals from t...

   TESTING,TEST AUTOMATION     2021-01-12 05:57:45

  Kubernetes: Docker out

Recently,The hottest news in the Kubernetes circle that docker will be deprecated has been confirmed by the release of 1.20. Docker support in the Kubelet is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. The Kubelet uses a module called “dockershim” which implements CRI support for Docker and it has seen maintenance issues in the Kubernetes community. We encourage you to evaluate moving to a container runtime that is a full-fledged implementation of CRI (v1alpha1 or v...

   DOCKERSHIM,DOCKER,KUBERNETES     2020-12-19 21:10:21

  Erlang Style Concurrency

Introduction On an evolutionary scale of innovation from one to ten (one being Bloomberg and Citi Group, eight being Google and Cirque Du Soleil, and ten being the company you couldn't imagine in your wildest dreams), the company I work for is about a three1. Being employed by this bastion of ingenuity affords me certain opportunities I can't get elsewhere. For example, every developer gets to interview potential...

   Erlang,Concurrency,Lock,Message,Innovation     2012-01-03 10:44:44

  Social media sharing codes

Social media is becoming a very important traffic source to one website. We can see social media share buttons or links in most websites ranging from news website to personal blogs. It is also a very important optimization area where many SEO experts recommend. There are many social medias we can share our links to such as Facebook and Twitter. Most of these website provide share button for us to easily integrate them into our websites, but these buttons usually have default styles(fixed size, f...

   Social media,Share button,Cutomize     2013-07-18 23:12:45

  Install Google services on Huawei MatePad

Since the trade war between China and US, lots of services are not allowed to be used on Huawei devices as a series of procedures enforced by US government to restrict China. These services include the Google Play services which are used for downloading Android apps on Android devices. This has brought big trouble to Huawei users as they are not able to download apps available for all other Android devices.  Fortunately, there are ways for people to get Google services installed on Huawei d...

   GOOGLE,PLAY STORE ,HUAWEI MATEPAD     2020-02-02 05:20:43

  Why PHP Was a Ghetto

Note: I wrote this over a month ago, but decided not to publish it until now.I was talking with the Co-founder of a pretty cool start-up in DUMBO the other day about why the non-PHP development world generally has such disdain for PHP and the community surrounding it. He brought up an interesting point that stuck with me, largely because I hadn’t heard it before.If you’re unaware of the usual beef most developers have with PHP, it tends to revolve around:Ug...

   PHP,Framework,MVC     2011-05-06 00:35:37