SEARCH KEYWORD -- Software design

  Noteworthy Aspects of PSD to Markup Conversion

Are you a great designer but can't code to turn your pixel-perfect design into a mark-up language? You will certainly begin scrolling the web to seek out an expert PSD to mark-up conversion service provider. But before venturing out for a credible service partner, it's very important to decide the right platform for your website. Especially, when you're thinking about converting your photoshop document into a CMS (content management system), you will get a plenty of choices. However, WordPress, ...

   PSD to WordPress, Convert PSD to Wordpress, Convert PSD to Wordpress Theme, PSD to Wordpress Service     2014-08-04 08:46:36

  Letter to a Young Developer

I’ve been getting some emails from young developers wanting to “level up” as programmers. I’m definitely not the first to write about this topic, so I’m not sure how much I have to add. Still, for what it’s worth here are a few points off the top of my head: Work with other developers. We are at a wonderful time in the history of technology when for the first time, it doesn’t really matter where you are or who you are working for. So long as you ...

   Letter,Tips,Programmer,Developer,Opportu     2011-09-14 11:49:24

  A Brief Guide to Voice Navigation and the Future of UX Design

Voice devices are now everywhere, whether you like them or not. Amazon's Alexa, Google's Assistant, and Apple's Siri have proved that voice interactions are not from science fiction films but part of our new reality. Just as touch screens, voice interaction with devices will completely revolutionize how we interact with our computers, smartphones, and watches (and even cars and houses) in the coming years. But you might ask yourself, why is it evolving at such a fast speed? Well, there are many ...

   UX DESIGN     2021-11-25 02:24:55

  Tribute to Java On Successful Completion Of 20 Years

There is a great news for fans of Java that this week Java have completed its 20 years of success and that’s why it is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Java is a language which show legacy with the piece of technology and this is virtually important as the powerful programming methods and related machines are JVM (java virtual machine). SUCCESSFUL LAUNCH OF NEW VERSIONS Java developers are specially celebrating their event due to the huge success of their language and they get success a...

   Java software development, Java development services     2015-05-29 08:23:52

  Enable mouse scrolling with Apple wireless mouse on Windows PC

Today I was trying to use my Apple wireless mouse on my Windows PC, after pairing the mouse using Bluetooth, it worked fine until I noticed that I couldn't scroll browser pages properly. Tried many ways but all failed. Did some investigation online and found a workable solution. This post will share my experience. To enable mouse scrolling, there is a driver needed to be installed. First to go to Brigadier which is a Windows- and OS X-compatible Python script that fetches, from Apple's...

   APPLE,WIRELESS MOUSE,SCROLLING,WINDOWS 10     2022-10-01 01:44:37

  Let Your Programmers Be Silly

6Share You’re in the middle of a crazy startup development sprint. Pressure is sky high as you might have to fire everyone if you don’t generate significant traction over the next 4 months. Make it or #fail situation. The guys (I wish we’d have girls but … wait we have a student, anyway) are killing tickets and you’re pretty much on the target you’ve set with your investors. Not comfortably confident but ok. And you catch your guys debating, f...

   Programmer,Style,Management,Work     2012-01-29 04:31:56

  Which one cost more in development : Android vs iOS

As for which platform has more development cost, there are many different views. Using Android we no need to spend money on an expensive Mac computer, iOS test machine and $99 year fee for each developer account. While developing iOS apps does not require much testing, screen adaption, debug and script compatibility considerations. Let's see a few views shared by some developers. Nan Li, ERP/SAP/Mobile network/Japan/Apple/KKK@ifanr Because of the performance of iOS, it actually has domina...

   Android,iOS,Development cost,Comparison     2012-03-23 13:39:48

  Something you should know about programming even if you are not a programmer

Out daily life are deeply affected by software and web. More and more people are realizing the importance of software, For example, you want to travel to Brazil for the world cup, right? You should first book the ticket online, when you book the ticket, you should pay for the ticket with your credit card, after successfully booking your ticket, you will get a e-ticket in your mailbox. When you arrive at the airport, your identity information will checked against the immigration database system, ...

   Programming,Programmer     2014-06-11 10:06:40

  this in JavaScript in detail

this in JavaScript is always confusing, it is one of the most frequently seen traps in JavaScript. this is not a good design in JavaScript(You can refer some other design flaws of JavaScript here), since it's lazy binding feature, it can be a global object, the current object or.... Some people even avoid using this in JavaScript. Actually if you master how this works, then you will know how to stay away from these traps. Let's take a look at what this points to in below situations. 1. In global...

   JavaScript,this,bind     2013-05-09 18:35:12

  Sundar Pichai : Excited to try out iOS 7

Google Android business executives Sundar Pichai said on Twitter that he was excited to try out iOS7 beta and he would like to register as a Apple developer in order to experience iOS 7 early.The real reason why Sundar Pichai expresses interest on iOS 7 is not yet known, but at least "Know thyself, ever-victorious" is correct. Because as a person who is in charge of Android, he should grasp the status of competitors in order to know what the Android system can improve.However, Apple's iOS 7 appl...

   iOS 7,Google,Sundar Pichai     2013-06-12 00:57:30