Chinese Developers Release CEC-IDE, Claimed as First Independently Developed IDE

China witnessed the recent launch of a new IDE called CEC-IDE, which boldly claims to be the first IDE independently developed by Chinese developers. Initially, this release was anticipated to be a moment of pride for the country, as it marked the availability of a homegrown IDE. However, the situation quickly took an embarrassing turn, and the entire narrative soon became a subject of ridicule. It has come to light that the so-called independently developed IDE, CEC-IDE, is actually built upon ...

   CHINA,CECIDE,CEC-IDE     2023-08-27 00:43:31

  Find where the start up page is set in Firefox

Recently I encountered a weird behavior where a strange webpage showing up every time when I launched my Firefox. The first thought came into my mind is that my homepage of Firefox had been tampered. It might be changed because some software changed my browser settings to promote something. So the next immediate thing I went to check was to see my Firefox browser settings. To my surprise, the homepage setting was not touched. It would still open the Momentum screen which would display some beaut...


  Encrypting and decrypting PGP file or text on MacOS

When doing data exchange among different parties, there is a frequent need of encrypting data or file and sending it to partner and asking partner to use corresponding key to decrypt the data or file. A famous way of exchanging data is using asymmetric keys where no secret key needs to be shared. One party can just use the public key shared by partner to encrypt the data and the other party uses the private key to decrypt the data. Today, we will introduce how to use PGP to encrypt and decrypt d...