Install and setup Kafka on Windows

Kafka has become a very popular distributed message delivery service which decouples different services while making message delivery between service easy, fast and reliable. In this post, we will walk through how to install and set up Kafka on Windows. Pre-requisite Java Apache ZooKeeper Installation Go to Kafka's download link and download the latest stable release, we downloaded 2.2.0 as of this writing. After downloading, copy the installation file to some folder and unzip it.  Sinc...

   KAFKA,STREAM,USER GUIDE     2019-06-01 02:12:07

  The False Ideals of the Web

WE who love the Internet love the fact that so many people contribute to it. It’s hard to believe that skeptics once worried about whether anyone would have anything worthwhile to say online. There is, however, an outdated brand of digital orthodoxy that ought to be retired. In this worldview, the Internet is a never-ending battle of good guys who love freedom against bad guys like old-fashioned Hollywood media moguls. The bad guys want to strengthen copyright law, and make ...

   Web,False idea,Free,SOPA     2012-01-19 10:24:25

  A New Experimental Feature: scoped stylesheets

Chromium recently implemented a new feature from HTML5: scoped stylesheets, aka. <style scoped>. A web author can limit style rules to only apply to a part of a page by setting the ‘scoped’ attribute on a <style> element that is the direct child of the root element of the subtree you want the styles to be applied to. This limits the styles to affect just the element that is the parent of the <style> element and all of its descendants. Example Here’s a...

   HTML5,Style,Draw,Use case     2012-03-23 12:11:47

  A Month With Scala

Although I’ve played around with Scala for the few months, these efforts largely involved simple scripts and casual reading. It wasn’t until last month that the opportunity to use Scala in a large scale project finally arose and I dove right in. The project was a typical REST based web service built on top of Amazon’s Elastic Beanstalk, SimpleDB, S3 and Redis*. First off let’s talk about why I chose Scala in the first place. After spending a good deal of my las...

   Scala,Functional,OOP,Java,Iteration     2011-12-10 06:03:23

  Translating math into code with examples in Java, Racket, Haskell and Python

Discrete mathematical structures form the foundation of computer science.These structures are so universal that most research papers in the theory of computation, programming languages and formal methods present concepts in terms of discrete mathematics rather than code.The underlying assumption is that the reader will know how to translate these structures into a faithful implementation as a working program.A lack of material explaining this translation frustrates outsiders.What deepens that fr...

   Math,Algorithms,Formula,Program,Python     2011-11-14 08:43:15

  Let's talk about JSON.stringify()

JSON has been used in lots of places to exchange data among different services/systems. Nowadays all mainstream programming languages have built-in library support of JSON data parse and stringify. In this post, let's talk about JSON.stringify() in JavaScript. Let's first take a small example of Object conversion handling. There is a requirement to convert below object const todayILearn = { _id: 1, content: '今天学习 JSON.stringify(),我很开心!', ...

   JAVASCIPT,JSON,JSON.STRINGIFY     2020-02-22 04:25:08

  Google Drive will support offline editing soon

Normal 0 7.8 pt 0 2 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE    Google Drive,Offline editing,Cloud computing     2012-06-04 06:42:47

  Using Nlog Logging Framework With Vnext In Asp.Net

In this article, development company experts will brief you about asp.netVNext and its features. They will also explain how to use NLog Logging framework in Read this article and learn what they want you to understand. Overview of Asp.Net VNext The next level of Asp.Net after Asp.Net 5 is Asp.Net VNext. Currently, the code is run in Asp.Net with same CLR as that of desktop apps. There is a need for cloud optimized version of Asp.Net for getting higher throughput with lesser memo...


  3 better and efficent ways of cloud to help content marketing

Content marketing has enlarged in quality over the past year, with around 88% of business-to-business (B2B) firms participating during this marketing stategy and around 90% of customers indicating that custom content is beneficial. Some businesses across industries need staff to send email newsletters, pen web log posts , draft advertisements, write grant proposals and publish white papers. flexibility to form quality content are often an important talent every  jobs However, making and mar...

   BUSINESS     2016-03-08 10:39:10

  Why using + to concatenate string in Java loop is not a good option

String concatenation is a common operation in Java programming. It is to concatenate multiple strings into a single string. Java provides a String class which is an immutable class which means the object cannot be mutated once instantiated. Once a String object is instantiated, its properties cannot be changed anymore, so when concatenating strings, it's actually create a new String instance to store the concatenated string values. For example, below is a simple string concatenation example. Str...

   JAVA,STRING,JAVA 8     2019-01-18 22:07:12