The Art (and Science) of Consumer Experience

According to a new report on e-commerce spending and earning by eMarketer, global retail sales are set to touch $22.492 trillion in 2015, with a forecast for a steady rise over the next 3 years, i.e, until 2018. Over the years, online commerce conducted via the smartphone, tablet or even the desktop devices have steadily increased, owing to the increasing adoption of mobile devices. With more than 80% consumers accessing their mobile devices to compare products, redeem coupons or make purchases,...

   Ecommerce Web Development Company, Customer Loyalty Solutions, Ecommerce Development Company, Custom     2015-08-05 06:47:33

  Top Digital Transformation Trends To Lookout For in 2018

While Innovation was rife in 2017, it is expected that 2018 will bring the cherry on the cake. While businesses are shifting continually towards making things work with Technology in view, organizations have had to embrace the Tech wave for good. A paradigm change in the way businesses operate is the consequence of the trends in Digital Transformation. From Artificial Intelligence to Blockchain, to Machine Learning, to Data Analytics, 2017 saw the onset and the growth of numerous new Technologie...


  A boolean value interview question

Someone asked a question on StackOverflow, he was asked an interview question. The question is : Given 3 boolean variables a, b, c, return true if at least 2 out of the 3 are true. He gave the solution as follows :boolean atLeastTwo(boolean a, boolean b, boolean c) {    if ((a && b) || (b && c) || (a && c)) {        return true;    } else {        ret...

   bool,return,expression,conditional     2012-04-30 08:49:32

  Enterprise Mobility Solution From A DreamFactory of Software to Accelerate Customer Experience

Today the conventional model that suppliers follow i.e. the make, sell and ship process is no longer enough to keep your customers happy and satisfied. The landscapes have evolved such that, manufacturers not only have to continue making the best quality products but also be in complete sync with the new age  customer requirements, encourage customer involvement and henceforth achieve the best products. This can be achieved by using the emerging mobile technology to deliver improved custom...

   enterprise mobility, enterprise management, enterprise mobility management     2014-12-10 00:36:56

  How does Class box get 1 million users with only 4 people?

"Class box" is an app which helps students create course plan developed by 4 Chinese. This app was created in 2012. They get over 1 million users with only 4 people. How do they make this? The co-founder of "Class box" Tianfang Li explains this on Zhihu. Here is what he said: About millions of users, in the mobile Internet era what we need to do is just find a good entry point, rapid iteration and with a little luck, a small team or even an independent developer can make millions user level prod...

   class box,team size,sillicon valley     2013-04-03 08:08:21

  4 Often-Forgotten Elements of Starting a Small Business

Starting a new business can be an unnerving experience, however, it can be equally rewarding at the same time. The road from idea to launch can be long but when you finally open your doors for business, it will be worth every step of the journey. There is a lot to consider to get to that point. From paperwork to practicalities, it is easy for some of the seemingly minor elements of starting a business to slip through the cracks.  To ensure your business gets off to the best start possible,...

   BUSINESS,AUSTRALIA     2021-05-15 04:13:19

  How Cloud Computing is changing the Face of Business

The world of information is getting bigger and bigger and so does the need for cloud computing is felt broadly across various industries and platforms. The ever growing popularity and adoption are due to the fact that cloud computing is efficient, reliable and secure than any other business model. However, the way cloud computing is adopted across different enterprises may vary. How cloud computing has been adopted worldwide by companies- let us have a look at few statistics that would blow you...


  Is ERP on Cards? - Here is a Comprehensive Buying Guide for the Solution

2015 is around the corners, knocking at the doors!!And it usually happens; with year coming to a closure; a lot of speculations are already under way for the next year!  As a matter of fact, with a constant technological progress, the business world has been set abuzz with numerous theories about the possible and path-breaking trends which might change the course of action. And customized ERP software solution has not been left out of these speculations. It is usually seen that implementati...

   erp, enterprise, erp software solution, erp system     2015-01-20 04:50:51

  4 Things Every Great Online Teacher Knows

Virtual classrooms have become the new norm for education during the pandemic. Teachers from every school have to adjust to this new reality to ensure students keep learning even in the absence of a physical classroom setup.  Thankfully, there are various digital solutions to help teachers conduct online classes without much hassle. One such tool that has revolutionized the online learning market is a Learning Management System (LMS). For schools, the in-house learning management department...

   EDUCATION,ELEARNING,ILEARNING     2021-02-12 03:23:43

  Does My Online Business Need Log Aggregation?

Logs crop up all over the place. They are generated by everything from web servers and databases to the firewalls which protect them from breaches. Because logs accumulate in large volumes from all of these different sources, log aggregation is an important process which works to organize and impose order over otherwise disparate log files. That sounds good, but should your online business be eager to jump on the log aggregation bandwagon? Here is a look at the main benefits and considerations t...

   SOFTWARE DESIGN,LOG AGGREGATION     2021-10-12 21:44:39