When no need 3 handshakes in TCP?

Overview In the previous article titled Why TCP needs 3 handshakes simple answers were provided to the following three questions: Can application data be carried during the first handshake? Can application data be carried during the second handshake? Can application data be carried during the third handshake? Briefly, traditional TCP requires a three-way handshake to establish a connection, and during these three handshakes, only simple SYN and ACK packets are sent. From the perspective o...

   REASON,NETWORK,TCP,EXPLANATION     2024-09-29 03:19:35

  Beauty of front end--List of front end tools used by GitHub

I did this summarization when I added Lirate_CoffeeScript support for GitHub-Linguist, i.e how does GitHub do Marjdown render and code highlight in its front end. Lots of font end tools used by GitHub are open sourced. They are: 1. HTML/CSS/JavaScript 1.1 HTML template GitHub markup and template styleguide : 1.2 Style and CSS GitHub uses replacement of CSS: SCSS: KSS: GitHub CSS styleguide ...

   GitHub, front end,Tool     2013-03-07 03:46:42

  Those famous Emacs users

I don't think using Emacs can improve one's programming skills, I don't think some famous people used Emacs before can provide something, either. But these famous people encouraged me to learn Emacs when I wanted to give it up. Here I created a list of famous Emacs users. Most of people in this list are not famous because they developed or used Emacs, but they are famous and also use Emacs. Joe Armstrong -- Erlang's author In The Setup, Joe mentioned that "I write books using XML markup in emacs...

   Emacs,History     2013-07-28 21:36:09

  8 very useful and free web security testing tools

With more pervasive of web applications, web security threats are becoming increasingly prominent. Hackers gain web server control by exploiting web server vulnerabilities and SQL injection vulnerabilities, then they may tamper with web content, or steal important internal data, the more serious is to inject malicious code into web pages to affect visitors of websites. Attention is gradually warming up to Web Application Security. Here we recommend eight very useful and free web security testing...

   Website, security,Web security,Attack     2012-07-22 10:59:09

  Hello, Kernel!

When we learn module programming, the first small program must be hello, kernel!. For a novice, how do we avoid some mistakes and how to fix the bugs we have when writing the first module program? Is there any example we can refer to? Here is one example. 1. Write the hello.c 01 #include <linux/init.h> 02 #include <linux/module.h> 03 #include <linux/kernel.h> 04 //Compulsory 05 //Module lincese declaration 06 MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); ...

   module,kernel,Linux     2013-05-03 03:33:52

  The danger of target=_blank and opener

When want to open a new page in a new tab on clicking a link on a page, the usual way of achieving this is to use target="_blank" property in a tag. However, the use of this leaves space for phishing website. Background parent and opener Before talking about the opener object, let's know a bit about parent object when using iframe. HTML provides a parent object which is used to communicate between the parent page and the embedded iframe element. This parent object can be accessed using...


  OpenLDAP Proxy -- Installation and configuration

After understanding what the configuration would be for an OpenLDAP proxy, it's time to explain the installation of OpenLDAP proxy and how to make it run. In this post, we will cover how to install OpenLDAP proxy both locally and using docker. Local installation The installation is quite easy, there are a few packages to be installed including the ldap server, ldap client and some utilities. Below steps are for CentOS, the instructions for other platforms should be similar with minor differ...


  Google Chrome Alternatives: Best Browsers For Android

Most Android phones come with Chrome pre-installed as the default browser. There’s nothing wrong with that. Chrome is a great browser with excellent features. And it feels natural alongside all the other Google products that also come pre-installed on Android. But the type of browser someone uses is super important. In the end, the browser may be one of the most-used apps on any phone.  Browsers need to fit the needs and lifestyle of the person who is using it. To name a few examples,...

   FIREFOX,MICROSFT EDGE,CHROME     2020-06-18 07:12:35

  Solving easy problems the hard way

There’s a charming little brain teaser that’s going around the Interwebs. It’s got various forms, but they all look something like this: This problem can be solved by pre-school children in 5-10 minutes, by programer – in 1 hour, by people with higher education … well, check it yourself!  8809=6 7111=0 2172=0 6666=4 1111=0 3213=0 7662=2 9313=1 0000=4 2222=0 3333=0 5555=0 8193=3 8096=5 7777=0 9999=4 7756=1 6855=3 9881=5 5531=0 2581=? SPOILER AL...

   Problem solving     2012-04-05 23:40:35

  Create namespace in JavaScript

A namespace (sometimes also called a name scope) is an abstract container or environment created to hold a logical grouping of unique identifiers or symbols (i.e., names). An identifier defined in a namespace is associated only with that namespace. The same identifier can be independently defined in multiple namespaces. That is, the meaning associated with an identifier defined in one namespace may or may not have the same meaning as the same identifier defined in another namespace. Languag...

   JavaScript,namespace,example     2012-05-10 04:57:17