Telecom elements in WeChat

As an engineer who spends much time on focusing on WeChat like applications(Skype, Fring, Viber, Kik Messenger, WhatsApp, Talkbox, LINE, Kakao Talk) , I would like to share with you the telecom element in WeChat to show the inheritance and integration of traditional telecom services in the Internet service and applications.First, WeChat is an application to send messages, the fully IP-based messaging capabilities may replace the traditional telecom services such as SMS, MMS and VMS ,This is ver...

   WeChat,Telecom operator     2013-04-13 20:29:46

  5 reasons on why local businesses need a website

Having a website for a local business is not a matter of doubt – this is what the market demands. Customers turn to the web practically all the time, so you can be sure that when they need a specific product or service, the internet will serve as their first choice. Moreover, having a website will allow every business to expand their operation and deliver their product to a wider market, effectively competing against other providers. Here are 5 key reasons on why any business should be set...

   small business, company website     2015-03-30 06:35:54

  The Best Entertainment Services A VPN Will Allow You To Access In Europe

It’s fair to say that entertainment is more global than ever before. We have a constant stream of new box sets to binge on, but if anything that just makes us demand more. We want the latest episode quicker and not have to wait for the next big thing, and when in Europe that usually means having to wait for a show to arrive from the USA. However, more and more people are using VPNs as a way around this. There are dozens on the market, helping people all across Europe access content they w...

   HULU,PROMOTION     2019-06-14 08:46:39

  Hologres vs AWS Redshift

Hologres and Redshift are both data warehousing solutions, but they have some differences in terms of features, architecture, and target use cases. Underlying Infrastructure Hologres: Built on Alibaba Cloud's Apsara distributed computing platform, Hologres leverages the underlying infrastructure for storage, computation, and management. It benefits from Alibaba's expertise in cloud-native architecture and real-time data processing. Redshift: Amazon Redshift is based on a Massively Parallel Pro...


  5 Great Hacks to Learn Before Launching a Startup

Maybe months or years have gone planning for a startup and finally you are ready to enter into the world of small business.  Excited enough to hit the “Launch” button. As the bulk of your business is good, so the rest of it must be the same. You think like that, right? But hey, you are wrong there. You may be selling the next big thing, but it does not matter until you have frozen your brand name in the niche market and gained a decent amount of credibility. But you can do that...

   SOFTWARE,STARTUP, ENTREPRENEUR     2016-06-21 09:33:05

  China to expand 4G network across the country

According to Xinhua news, China Mobile, the country's largest telecommunication company is expanding its commercial trials of 4G network across the country including Tibet. On Tuesday, the Tibet branch of China Mobile held a ceremony to mark the beginning of its 4G network trial in Tibet. This plan includes building new 4G base stations there and also provide support for connecting to the 4G network. In this new plan, China Mobile's high speed network services will soon benefit people living in ...

   4G,China Mobile,Tibet     2013-06-13 05:06:41

  Signature sign/verification demo in Java

Digital signature is commonly used in areas where data authentication and integrity are required. It is extremely important to have signature while transferring sensitive data from one peer to other peers through network since there might be malicious applications or man-in-the-middle attacks which may alter the data along the way. Java provides some APIs to generate and verify digital signature. One important class is Signature.  When generating the signature, a private key needs to be pa...

   SECURITY,JAVA,SIGNATURE     2015-11-21 09:48:12

  Upgrade phpMyAdmin Version in WAMP

Once PHP version is upgraded in WAMP(especially from PHP 5 to PHP 8), we may encounter issue where phpMyAdmin may not work anymore. It needs us to make some upgrade of phpMyAdmin in this case. To do upgrade, can follow below steps. Download the latest phpMyAdmin version. Unzip the downloaded file and copy it to c:\wamp64\apps and rename it to phpmyadminx.y.z, the version you downloaded. Copy the file from the old phpMyAdmin folder to the new one. Update the alias of Apache s...

   WAMP,PHPMYADMIN,UPGRADE,GUIDE,PHP 8     2024-11-28 00:55:42

  Only 4G can resolve the conflicts between China Telecom Carriers and WeChat ?

Why WeChat has made the three big Chinese telecom companies uncomfortable? Let's analyze from both technical and commercial levels. From a technical point of view, Mr. Huang, Dean of China Mobile Research Institute, described the impact of "always online service" applications like WeChat. Instead of using technical terms, we will explain in simple vivid phrases. First, mobile QQ, or WeChat, will have their own "request frequency". These requests are sent to the carrier network, to check the re...

   4G,WeChat,Telecom,China     2013-03-25 08:28:59

  9 fields platform companies need to fight for

If you are person reading technology news much, you will find a large part of the tech news are about a few companies : Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft, in which the first four are today's "Big Four (platform)" as said by Google Chairman Eric Schmidt. These giants have both competition and cooperation in many areas, and each has its own place in the world, with Schmidt's words, Google dominates search, Apple designs device, Amazon occupies e-commerce and Facebook leads social. Alth...

   Big four, Future,Software and hardware     2012-10-20 09:50:43