SEARCH KEYWORD -- Response web design

  Windows 8 Possible Features: Ribbon, Metro, Apps, Cloud Integration

Microsoft may still be plugging away at selling Windows 7 to consumers and the enterprise, but rumors have already started about the next version of the popular operating system—dubbed "Windows 8" by many in the media. Rafael Rivera and Paul Thurrott, two bloggers with a track record of delving into Microsoft's proprietary code base, recently sparked a fresh round of chatter with a dissection of a supposed Windows 8 early build, adding their voices to a discussion that extends back to 201...

   Windows 8,New features,Touch,Metro     2011-04-11 02:10:12

  Letter to a Young Developer

I’ve been getting some emails from young developers wanting to “level up” as programmers. I’m definitely not the first to write about this topic, so I’m not sure how much I have to add. Still, for what it’s worth here are a few points off the top of my head: Work with other developers. We are at a wonderful time in the history of technology when for the first time, it doesn’t really matter where you are or who you are working for. So long as you ...

   Letter,Tips,Programmer,Developer,Opportu     2011-09-14 11:49:24

  4 types of programmers

Not every one who writes code is a programmer. Programmers are people who live with programming. There are 4 types of programmers: scientist, coder, expert and artisan.Scientist, they are more like mathematicians rather than programmers. They invented various theories, algorithms and terminologies. Proofs and calculations in textbooks are all from these people. Moreover other programmers more or less benefit from their work. Sometimes one paper published by them can change the way of thinking of...

   Programmer,Coder,Expert     2013-07-13 09:19:03

  The State of Digital Commerce and Smartphones

The ubiquitous nature of the smartphones and other mobile devices has given rise to a highly informed and connected consumer base. They walk into a retail outlet and they would already be whipping out their mobile devices to compare products or prices available in-store to those available online. Moreover, they expect the retailers to be well aware of not only the merchandise, but also about promotions and discounts on offer. Interestingly, the number of e-commerce transactions has been on the r...

   Ecommerce Web Development Company, Android App Developers     2015-09-09 04:57:31

  Error handling in GoLang

Error handling is one of the must talked topics for any programming language. The program would be more reliable and stable if errors are handled properly and timely. Each programming language has its own way to handle error, this applies to GoLang as well. This post will discuss more about GoLang's error handling mechanism. Error handling Before talking more about GoLang's error handling, we can see how different programming languages are handling errors. C's error check The most direct way of ...


  The Problem With Client-Side Analytics

Client-side analytics is broken. The numbers produced by it are trivially spoofable by competitors and nefarious characters. Most websites use client-side analytics of one type or another and the only way to get numbers you can trust is to compare numbers from multiple providers and to take an average of the closest two.This post highlights the problem and proposes a partial solution that substantially mitigates the issues with minimal effort. Our proposed solution is simply to include a digital...

   Client side,Analysis,Problem,Tricks,ASP.NET,spoof     2011-10-22 12:58:51

  JavaScript to open link in new window without being popup blocked

To ensure security and reduce spamming, modern browsers have implemented very strict rules on when a new window can be opened in a web page. Currently browsers restrict that any new web page to be opened in a new window must be initiated with an user action. The action is usually an user click event. Otherwise, a popup blocker would show on the browser address bar which indicates that something is blocked. To workaround this issue, normally you should implement the window open logic in a click e...


  Making Sites Shine with @font-face

Like many of my web designer brethren, I’m a bit of a typographic geek. And like many web designers, I’ve been frustrated (to say the least) about the historical state of web typography.At first, we were limited to a common, but very small set of “web safe” fonts. Anything beyond those fonts, we had to rely on images. Images for text not only meant we had to create and maintain dozens (if not hundreds) of images, but it introduced accessibility issue...

   HTML,Font face,Font family,Demo,Example     2011-08-19 08:16:29

  Java Doesn't Need to Be So Bad

I do a lot of Java coding and I enjoy it. I admit that there is a lot of typing, often a lot of boilerplate and getting even simple tasks done can involve too much work. Most of the tools that try to fix these problems trade one moment saved for another lost. Maven's XML based configuration file is a good example: Thank you for making my project easier to manage and I won't forget that you made me edit XML to do so. These are the things that you live with, these are the things you trade for ...

   Java,Coding,Enterprise application,Tedious     2011-12-09 07:50:20

  Using OpenID connect in for login via Facebook

This post is shared by development India experts to explain OpenID support and OAuth providers support in Through this article, you will learn the best way to use OpenId in development for login through different accounts including Facebook. Read this article and discover how experts of do it. Web pages of Asp.Net have support for OpenID and OAuth providers. These providers allow users to log in to the web application with their credentials from Microsoft, Google...

   ASP.NET ,DEVELOPMENT,INDIA     2016-11-07 05:09:58