Some measures for improving Linux server security

The hackers often exploit server weakness to gain access control to some servers. With a scanner, aimlessly looking undefended host, backdoor, control, and sold to people in need. Some basic security measures can be taken on Linux servers to avoid being attacked by hackers. Disable root remote login As the default administrative account, root is the account which is most likely to be attacked.Disabling ssh remote login is necessary. Method: Edit / etc / ssh / sshd_config PermitRootLogin no At t...

   Linux server,Server security     2012-08-21 05:08:50

  Undoing Changes in Git: Working Directory, Staging Area, and Committed Changes

When working with Git, it's crucial to understand how to undo changes at different stages—whether in the working directory, the staging area, or after committing changes to the local repository. This guide walks you through the essential Git commands to effectively manage and revert changes, ensuring that your version control process is smooth and error-free. Modifying Files in the Working Directory but Not Yet Added to the Staging Area When you make changes to files in your working direct...

   GIT RESET,STAGING AREA,UNDO CHANGE     2024-08-11 08:53:34

  How to Stream Your PC Games to Android with Steam Link

If you are a PC gamer who is in a hurry to compete, Steam Link is looking for a possible answer. With this on your Android phone, you can play games on your phone with your computer. What is steam link? Basically, steam link is a perspective of streaming your steam library in other gadgets. The first steam link is a physical set of the best box you share with your TV, and after using its gaming PC after playing the Fate Grand Order game in your TV. The steam link application is another Andr...

   PC GAMES TO ANDROID WITH STEAM LINK     2018-06-03 05:04:33

  Future of Healthcare Application Development Goes Beyond Your Expectations

Healthcare application development sector is still progressing and growing with changing needs of medial sector. While healthcare apps are hot now, the future of healthcare app development sector lies in technology implementation and consultation. In this article, we will discuss majorly on four facts – Which healthcare apps are hot now? What is the future of medical health? Which medical apps you can trust? What to look for in medical health apps? Let us discuss on all of these fa...


  Ruby WinRM undefined method `split' for nil:NilClass

WinRM service is a service provided by Windows to enable remote access a Windows system. It is similar to what SSH is for *nix. And it is frequently used in applications which want to automate process or accessing remote Windows system and perform actions on them. Ruby also provided the WinRM gem which is an implementation of the WinRM service.  When using WinRM gem, one may often want to use :negotiate as the transport protocol for authentication. This transport will negotiate using d...

   RUBY,WINRM,INIT_AUTH,PROXY     2017-03-08 02:21:09

  A Chinese Programmer Accused of Circumventing Great Firewall Faces Confiscation of RMB 1.05 Million

Recently, a programmer posted an article on Weibo claiming that he was working for an overseas company while accessing the international internet. He was subsequently accused by the Shuangqiao Public Security Sub-bureau in Chengde, Hebei of "illegally establishing and using non-official channels for international networking" and received an administrative penalty of a fine of RMB 200 and the confiscation of "illegal gains" totaling RMB 1.05 million. This is the most severe punishment reported s...

   GITHUB,CHINESE     2023-09-25 07:57:58

  3 better and efficent ways of cloud to help content marketing

Content marketing has enlarged in quality over the past year, with around 88% of business-to-business (B2B) firms participating during this marketing stategy and around 90% of customers indicating that custom content is beneficial. Some businesses across industries need staff to send email newsletters, pen web log posts , draft advertisements, write grant proposals and publish white papers. flexibility to form quality content are often an important talent every  jobs However, making and mar...

   BUSINESS     2016-03-08 10:39:10

  Ruby net-scp cannot scp multiple files with asterisk(*)

net-ssh/net-scp is a Ruby gem which can be used to scp files between different *nix machines. It's similar to how the *nix scp command. It can be used to scp a file or a directory. However, it seems it has some problem to scp multiple files using pattern *. For example, below script is supposed to download all files from remote directory to local directory: require 'net/scp' host = 'testmachine' login = 'testaccount' password = "testpassword" remote_path = '/tmp/remote...

   NET-SCP,RUBY,ASTERISK,MULTIPLE FILES     2016-10-20 03:00:13

  Time-saving tips Linux users should know

As a programmer or system administrator, we have more chances of working on *nix platforms. It's tough experience when first start use *nix as we need to face a black screen without knowing what's behind it. Now, if we can have some resources to rely on, then we will find the beautify of *nix. They are fast, efficient and most importantly sexy. Below are some great tips for helping Linux users get used to Linux. This list is a bit long. So be patient. To get more information on a command mention...

   Linux,Tips     2013-09-03 22:30:48

  Use of log in programming

Usually, The purposes of log are for troubleshooting and displaying program running status. Good log will help us locate the error easier. Many programmers think log in programs is very simple, but it's not an easy task to write log codes to efficiently locate the error. Here we discuss about program log in three aspects: Where to log What to log Log styles to be avoided Where to log 1. When calling external functions When your program is calling some external functions which are not written b...

   Log, Programming,Debug     2012-11-28 11:42:23