Pagination or continuous scrolling? It's a question

No matter in web page or mobile applications, information often can not be displayed on one page all alone, there needs some interactive modes which can expand page information: Pagination and Continuous Scrolling are very common interactive modes. Every day we may see them, they are so common that we do not even feel their presence, when browsing to the bottom of the page, we will see it. But it's difficult to choose which mode to use in design. Here we have a discussion on these two modes. Pag...

   Pagination,Continuous scrolling,Design     2012-09-12 19:55:51

  App Store, Most Effective Weaponry In Apple’s Armor

Apple’s most effective and effectual weaponry is its app store. Surprisingly however, the first generation iPhone did not support any Mobile apps, and Steve Jobs was actually proud of this fact. Back then, in 2007, third party mobile apps were not allowed on the iPhone. Jobs in-fact announced that Mobile app developers could use the most modern standards and write customized mobile apps for the iPhone web browser. He said, “We think we’ve got a very sweet story for you. You can...

   Mobile app developers, customized mobile apps, software development kit,     2015-07-28 03:26:19

  We need a programming language for the rest of us

Recently I took on the enormous task of learning Objective-C from the bottom up and I was struck by something I couldn’t shake: this is too hard. An experienced developer might scoff at me for saying that, but it’s true. I’ll be honest about my education, Calculus II was the most math I ever took, I have an advanced degree from Berkeley in Journalism. I am a proficient HTML/CSS developer and can glue enough javascript together to solve almost any problem that has presen...

   Code.Programming,Expectation,Easy-to-use     2011-07-22 02:20:09

  A simple example on implementing progress bar in GoLang

Sometimes when handling a long running process, there would be need to track the progress so that people know something is still running instead of doubting something goes wrong. In this case, a progress bar which indicates the current status and progress would be desired. This post will show an example on how to implement progress bar using GoLang. Let's take a look at the final outcome first before jumping into the implementation detail. The key in the implementation is actually just the \r ...


  So, just what IS the problem with Windows Phone?

Charlie Kindel (who left Microsoft earlier this year after 21 years, most recently as a Windows Phone General Manager), posted today on an “impedance mismatch” between carriers and device manufacturers, and Windows Phone, where those carriers and OEMs are “reluctant” to push Windows Phone, while Google’s Android has taken an approach that “reduces friction with carriers & device manufacturers at the expense of end users”. Kindel seems to be imply...

   Windows Phone,Trend,Weak market,Analysis     2011-12-27 09:11:19

  3 Mistakes Website Owners Must Avoid to Enjoy SEO Success

The first thing a consumer asks themselves when they enter any website/webpage is whether they should stay or not. A consumer has just a few seconds during which, you have a chance to capture and retain them or else they will go. Whether or not they stay depends on a number of factors, but these are things that you can improve in on-site SEO, assisted of course by the web design and development team. Read on to find the three biggest peeves that are causing high bounce rates on your site and ho...

   SEO,WEB DESIGN     2015-11-20 02:33:07

  Understanding GoLang interface

If goroutine and channel are considered as the foundation for GoLang concurrency, interface would be the key for data types in GoLang. In practical Go programming, almost all data types are built/used around interfaces, interface is the core of GoLang data structures. Go is not a typical OOP language, it has no class and inheritance concept syntactically. But it doesn't mean that there cannot be polymorphism in GoLang. Because of interface, it achieves the same polymorphism effect as in C++, tho...

   INTERFACE,GOLANG     2021-05-15 04:16:42

  5 Mistakes Developers Should Avoid before Launching Their API

Time is money in the API industry, and everyone wants to be timely for the API’s milestone event: its eventual launch. Delays in this event can be very costly, so the sooner the API can be integrated, the better. Many developers start their work knowing quite well that the clock is ticking. But prioritizing a quick launch—at the cost of everything else—can do a lot of damage in the long run. A rushed launch may result in unstable integration, a host of errors and bugs, lower en...

   TIPS,API DESIGN     2020-05-18 07:08:22

  Future of Healthcare Application Development Goes Beyond Your Expectations

Healthcare application development sector is still progressing and growing with changing needs of medial sector. While healthcare apps are hot now, the future of healthcare app development sector lies in technology implementation and consultation. In this article, we will discuss majorly on four facts – Which healthcare apps are hot now? What is the future of medical health? Which medical apps you can trust? What to look for in medical health apps? Let us discuss on all of these fa...


  Scala feels like EJB 2, and other thoughts

At Devoxx last week I used the phrase "Scala feels like EJB 2 to me". What was on my mind?ScalaFor a number of years on this blog I've been mentioning a desire to write a post about Scala. Writing such a post is not easy, because anyone who has been paying attention to anti-Scala blog posts will know that writing one is a sure fire way of getting flamed. The Scala community is not tolerant of dissent.But ultimately, I felt that it was important for me to speak out and express my opinions. As I s...

   Scala,Module,EJB,Concurrency,Feature     2011-11-22 08:29:44