8 Very Simple and Easy Steps for Designing a Successful Launch Page

There are such a large number of new companies launching nowadays that you truly can't stand to waste your time for coding for your wonderful products. Also make sure that you are additionally making a list of your potential clients for your application. A Launching page will permit you to connect directly with great business people who can transform your company into compelling brand envoys. You can browse making a coming soon page or even a complete page including the items with their complete...

   app development, mobile apps, app design, app development sydney, iphone app, iphone app development     2014-12-12 00:40:10

  The internals of slice in GoLang

There are 3 components of slice:a) Pointer: Points to the start position of slice in the underlying array;b) length (type is int): the number of the valid elements of the slice;b) capacity (type is int): the total number of slots of the slice. Check the following code: package main import ( "fmt" "unsafe" ) func main() { var s1 []int fmt.Println(unsafe.Sizeof(s1)) } The result is 24 on my 64-bit system (The pointer and int both occupy 8 bytes). In the next example, I will use gdb to poke t...

   GOLANG,SLICE     2019-06-30 02:55:22

  IoT System Cyber Attack Case Study 02: Python Deserialization Attack and Library Hijacking Attack

Project Design Purpose: The objective of this cyber attack case study is to develop a workshop that demonstrates how a red team attacker can permanently compromise a people detection radar IoT device. The attack path is achieved through a series of attacks, including traffic eavesdropping, data deserialization attacks, web shell attacks, remote command/code execution, and Python library hijacking attacks. This case study is intended for IoT and data security professional training, aiming to ill...

       2024-07-14 01:40:09

  Sales of phones with NFC capability increased by 300% in 2012

According to Sina Tech, Research firm Berg Insight latest report shows that the global NFC smartphone sales increased by 300% to 140 million units in 2012.The report said that the compound annual growth rate of NFC smartphones sales will reach 48.2% in next few years, and in 2017 the number of smartphones sold will reach 1 billion units.NFC is widely used in mobile phones began in 2011, In 2012, the top ten mobile phone manufacturers launched nearly 100 models of NFC mobile phones. In addition t...

   NFC,Apple,2012     2013-06-20 08:51:09

  Spurring the Consumer Feedback Loop with Connected Devices

In a press release from earlier this year, Gartner had predicted that by the year 2018 mobile devices would account for initiating 5% of consumer services cases, registering a marginal rise of 0.02% from 2014. Research shows that most businesses lose around a whopping $83 billion owing to poor consumer services (Source: kissmetrics) in the US alone while globally, the average cost of losing a consumer is $243. It is only viable to think of automating support services as a way to lower the costs ...

   Big Data Analytics Solutions, Loyalty Programs for Customers     2015-08-18 07:11:35

  Convert time to Unix time

Unix time is defined as the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), 1 January 1970,not counting leap seconds. It is used widely in Unix-like and many other operating systems and file formats. It is neither a linear representation of time nor a true representation of UTC. Unix time may be checked on some Unix systems by typing date +%s on the command line. Sometimes it's a bit difficult to compare times stored in different applications or systems with ...

   UNIX time, Oracle DATE, conversion, timestamp     2013-01-19 09:04:17

  How does Base64 work

Base64 is a data encoding scheme used in safe data transfer such as HTTP and its extensions. Base64 encoding can conver arbitrary group of bytes into a sequence of readable ASCII characters. These converted characters can safely put in a HTTP header without causing any problem while the peers process the HTTP header. Base64 encoding was invented as part of the MIME content transfer encoding. It is similar to other encoding schemes such as Uuencode and BinHex but with higher efficiency....

   ALGORITHM,BASE64     2016-03-09 23:47:40

  Use cases of Java enumeration

JDK 1.5 introduces a new type -- enumeration. In Java, it's just a small feature, but it can bring us much convenience.Here we summarize some use cases of Java enumeration. 1. Constant Prior to JDK 1.5, we can define constant as public static final..., now we can use enumeration to group all constants in one enum variable and it also provides some useful functions. public enum Color {     RED, GREEN, BLANK, YELLOW   }  2.In Swit...

   Java, Enum,enumeration     2013-01-05 09:15:30

  PHP function overloading puzzle clearer

PHP's meaning of overloading is different than Java's. In PHP, overloading means that you are able to add object members at runtime, by implementing some of the __magic methods, like __get, __set, __call, __callStatic. You load objects with new members. Overloading in PHP provides means to dynamically "create" properties and methods. These dynamic entities are processed via magic methods one can establish in a class for various action types. Some example:class Foo{    p...

   PHP,function overloading,OOP,default val     2011-07-11 03:24:30

  10 reasons why I "hate" working in Facebook

To me, the past two years in Facebook is simply a nightmare, To celebrate the upcoming 2 year anniversary, I decided to jump out of it. Facebook, I have so many reasons to hate you. However, for fear that readers find me too annoying, I take my complaints to be condensed into the top ten reasons.1. Why should submit so much code? In the past two years, the number of Facebook engineers is doubled, and the amount of code submitted by each engineer is also increased with the increase of the number ...

   Facebook,Hate,Leave     2012-08-17 13:34:05