jsonSerialize() in extended class

Since PHP 5.4.0, there is a convenient interface JsonSerializable which can be used to indicate that a PHP object can be serialized to JSON object. It has only one method which should be implemented by any class which implements this interface. The method is named jsonSerialize(). It's really easy to serialize an object to JSON object. Here is one example: <?php class ArrayValue implements JsonSerializable { public function __construct(array $array) { $this->array = $array; ...

   JSON,jsonSerialize,Inheritance,extends     2014-07-26 05:54:00

  Java Cipher encryption/decryption example

In Java, Cipher is the API for doing data encryption/decryption. Many cryptographic algorithms such as AES, DES, RC4 etc can be specified when creating Cipher instance. The Cipher instance calls the underlying algorithm specific implementation to do the actual encryption/decryption.  Before doing the encryption/decryption, a key needs to be created and it will be used to do the encryption/decryption. A sample program for performing all these is : import; import javax.cryp...

   Java, Java Security, Cipher, Example, Sample     2015-08-14 07:07:10

  Why accessing Java HashMap may cause infinite loop in concurrent environment

HashMap in Java is frequently used to handle key/value pairs. But it is not a good candidate to be used in concurrent environment where ConcurrentHashMap should be used instead. If used in concurrent environment, it may cause lots of unexpected behavior even including make the program getting into an infinite loop situation. To understand how this can happen, let's first discuss how HaspMap works internally. In this post we will use implementation of HashMap before Java 8 as example, Java 8 prov...

   JAVA,HASHMAP,INFINITE LOOP     2020-03-29 01:47:00

  Programmer's Mother's Day

Mother's Day is a celebration honoring mothers and motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in March or May. Mothers usually receive gifts on this day.Carnation is dedicated to be mother's flower. As a special group of people - programmers, our way of expression will naturally have our own characteristics. We can write programs to express our love to our mothers. Here is a Chines...

   Mother's day. Program     2013-05-12 01:10:15

  Generate certificate in Java -- Store certificate in KeyStore

In previous post, we have explained how to create a certificate chain in Java. After generating the chain, we need to store it somewhere so that it can be used later when we are doing the actual SSL communication, either in a key store or trust store. This post will show you how to store the private key and its associated certificate chain in a keystore file. There are different types of keystore in Java, in this post, we will choose the JKS to demonstrate how to store the certificate chain. Whe...

   Java,Certificate chain,Keystore     2014-08-20 03:56:39

  Different types of keystore in Java -- JCEKS

JCEKS stands for Java Cryptography Extension KeyStore and it is an alternative keystore format for the Java platform. Storing keys in a KeyStore can be a measure to prevent your encryption keys from being exposed. Java KeyStores securely contain individual certificates and keys that can be referenced by an alias for use in a Java program. The process of storing and loading different entries in JCEKS is similar to what JKS does. So please refer to the article Different types of keystore in Java -...

   Java,KeyStore,JCEKS,Tutorial     2015-01-05 00:30:56

  this keyword in Lambda expression in Java 8

Since the release of Java 8, people are excited to see a big feature added to this language which is existing in other languages for a long time -- Lambda expression. The introduction of lambda expression in Java 8 gives people an easy way or a vertical to horizontal way to solve problems. There are many posts on the Internet which shows how to use lambda expression in Java, such as Lambda Quick Start and Java 8 Lambda Expressions Tutorial with Examples. In this post, we will only focus on the t...

   THIS,LAMBDA EXPRESSION,JAVA 8     2014-06-01 03:57:05

  Solution to getKeyCode() returns 0 in Java

The getKeyChar method always returns a valid Unicode character or CHAR_UNDEFINED. Character input is reported by KEY_TYPED events: KEY_PRESSED and KEY_RELEASED events are not necessarily associated with character input. Therefore, the result of the getKeyChar method is guaranteed to be meaningful only for KEY_TYPED events.For key pressed and key released events, the getKeyCode method returns the event's keyCode. For key typed events, the getKeyCode method always returns VK_UNDEFINED....

   Java,KeyCode,0,KeyListener     2011-06-06 10:38:11

  Add ContextMenu to a customized View in Android

In Android, we may sometimes need to add ContextMenu to a View, it's not so easy to add ContextMenu to a customized View. Here we explain how to add ContextMenu to a customized View. First, we may need to create View.OnCreateContextMenuListener so that the customized view can register for it. Here is the class definition: public class GraphView extends View {     private View.OnCreateContextMenuListener vC = new View.OnCreateContextMenuListener() {       &...

   Android, ContextMenu,Customized view     2012-11-04 07:10:40

  What will the value of Integer.valueOf(127) == Integer.valueOf(127) be in Java?

Do you really understand how Java does the integer comparison? OK, ignore the statements in the post title. What we are interested in is another set of comparison statements. Let's first see below code snippet. public class IntegerComparison { public static void main(String[] args) { Integer a = 127, b = 127; Integer c = 128, d = 128; System.out.println(a == b); System.out.println(c == d); } } What do you think the output will be? Are they both displaying true? You will find out t...

   JAVA,==,EQUALSTO     2018-01-13 22:18:15