Becoming a Better Developer, Part 1: Making Fans

If you're trying to grow your startup you've come to the right place. Get my 170-page ebook on how to grow a startup and join thousands of self-funded entrepreneurs by subscribing to my newsletter at right. This is the first of what I hope to become an ongoing series about non-technical ways to improve yourself as a developer. Becoming a better developer involves more than learning new technical skills; learning about your company and co-workers will dramatically improve the software y...

   Developer,Tips     2011-06-29 08:38:26

  Extending Native Features To HTML5 Web Apps

A small company called AppMobi is enabling developers to create HTML5 apps that tap into native hardware and OS capabilities of mobile devices, such as gravity sensing, accelerometer, GPS, camera, sound and vibration, and the file system, InfoWorld reports. 'Its MobiUs browser for iOS implements HTML5's DirectCanvas API for gaming, as well as the HTML5 local storage API for saving executables and data in the browser cache so that apps can run offline. But what makes MobiUs more than just ye...

   HTML,WebApp,Hardware,Local storage,Gravity accelaration,AppMobi     2011-11-07 02:57:08

  Let 's write some front end codes

I've seen a lot of arguments that there is no much technical value writing web portal, I think that the vast majority of good programmers will try many different things. The low level development and machine learning are not the only technologies which are  full of wisdom and challenges, I wrote web site for a few years, it is difficult to say that this is my initial interest, although I touched on other technologies as well, I still feel building website is challenging. Front end developme...

   Front end development, JavaScript,CSS     2013-01-22 04:00:24

  How can you test if your VPN is working properly?

Installing a VPN on your device is one of the essential steps you need to take in order to have a safe and pleasant online experience. It good functioning is in your best interest and this is why you need to make sure that your VPN is working properly. Unfortunately, a lot of problems can occur if it turns out that your VPN is not up to the task and that it has some leaks.  Can a leak really occur? To answer you most directly – Yes! Yes, it can! Unfortunately, no system is perfect an...

   VPN     2020-09-17 06:53:19

  Why MySQL 8 drops support of query cache

Many of you may have heard or used MySQL's query cache, because it used to be a popular way to improve MySQL's performance. As an important feature for improving MySQL's performance, the query cache was often recommended as a solution for slow queries. However, why has MySQL 8 abandoned the query cache? Today, we will analyze and explore this decision. What is query cache? According to official document: The query cache stores the text of a SELECT statement together with the correspon...

   MYSQL 8,QUERY CACHE     2023-03-11 09:05:17

  A plugin to update last_error in Delayed Job

delayed_job is a process based asynchronous task processing gem which can be ran at background. It will fork the specified number of processes to execute the tasks asynchronously. The task status is usually stored in the database so that it can be easily integrated into a Rails application where asynchronous job execution is desired. Normally when a job fails to execute or error occurs, it would save the error into the database with the column last_error. Ideally all these will be handled b...

   RUBY,RUBY ON RAILS,DELAYED JOB,LAST_ERROR     2017-11-18 13:05:49

  JQuery Mobile App Development Tips

Over the recent years, jQuery has been considered as a popular javascript library for creating rich interface websites and applications. And since the framework was initially meant to design desktop browsers, it doesn’t comprise of many features for building mobile apps. Thus, JQuery Mobile app development came into existence. Prominent jQuery development company offers  cutting-edge framework, a range of user interface elements and features for developers to develop innovative and us...


  Windows 8 first impressions: It's a game changer

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The PC needs saving. With Windows 8, Microsoft believes it has the magic cure.It just might. I've been testing a consumer preview version of Windows 8 for the past week, and it's unlike anything I've ever seen in a PC operating system.The stunning "Metro" interface just begs you to touch and interact with it. Beautifully designed apps, ultra-simple navigation, and instinctive commands make it hard to believe Metro came from the same company that brought us Windows Vista...

   Windows 8,Hands on,Game changer,Impression     2012-03-17 04:26:54

  First page of 2012

The tail of 2011 has gone through my heart silently, Year of 2012 is coming with mystery. Looking back to 2011 and looking forward to 2012, it's time to record something...In the past 2011, nothing specials happened in my life. At the beginning of 2011, I was a college student with full of passion, while at the end of 2011, I am an engineer with 5 month's working experience. At the beginning of 2011, I was struggling through my Final Year Project and job hunting, while at the end of 2011, I am p...

   2012,New year,Mayan,Summary     2012-01-01 05:19:32

  Huawei is open to acquire Nokia

Last night Huawei unveiled a new flagship smartphone Ascend P6 in London. It may be the thinnest smartphone in the world and its potential competitor is Samsung Galaxy S4. Before the press event, an article from FT said that Huawei was open to buy Nokia. "We are considering these sorts of acquisitions,maybe the combination has some synerges but depends on the willingness of Nokia. We are open-minded." remarked by Huawei's Richard Yu. After this news, Nokia's share price surges 11% to $4.10 per ...

   Huawei,Nokia     2013-06-19 00:43:38