How Cloud Computing is changing the Face of Business

The world of information is getting bigger and bigger and so does the need for cloud computing is felt broadly across various industries and platforms. The ever growing popularity and adoption are due to the fact that cloud computing is efficient, reliable and secure than any other business model. However, the way cloud computing is adopted across different enterprises may vary. How cloud computing has been adopted worldwide by companies- let us have a look at few statistics that would blow you...


  Short SASS tutorial

If you learned CSS before, you should know that CSS is not a programming language. You can use it to design webpage style, but you cannot use it for programming, i.e, CSS is what designer uses, not what programmer uses. Programmer may think that CSS is very troublesome, it has no variables, no conditional statements, it just allows line-by-line description of HTML elementsLuckily, CSS preprocessor appear which makes CSS programmable. The general idea of CSS preprocessor is using a programming la...

   CSS,SASS,programmable,variable,condition,comment     2012-06-22 08:38:18

  What programming languages should I learn?

Since I started this blog, I have gotten quite a few emails asking me “What programming languages do you recommend for X?” I often finding myself writing something along the lines ofI would honestly recommend python. Something about me being biased because I know and love it.  Usually say something about the competing technology with a back handed insult. Also if they are starting out I would recommend a language that enforces better OO (Object Orientated) practic...

   programming language,Popularity,Java,Tre     2011-09-23 13:11:57

  Simplify Cloud Data Security: A Deep Dive Into Protecting Sensitive Data in Java

Featuring encryption, anonymization, hashing, and access control Network security incidents occur now and then, mostly caused by data leakage. Data security has aroused widespread concern, and the community keeps working hard on approaches to simplify data security, especially in sensitive data protection. Sensitive data includes but is not limited to personally identifiable information (PII) like names, ID numbers, passport numbers, driver’s license numbers, contact information like addre...


  Comparing Floating Point Numbers, 2012 Edition

We’ve finally reached the point in this series that I’ve been waiting for. In this post I am going to share the most crucial piece of floating-point math knowledge that I have. Here it is:[Floating-point] math is hard.You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly hard it is. I mean, you may think it’s difficult to calculate when trains from Chicago and Los Angeles will collide, but that’s just peanuts to floating-point math.Seriously. Each ti...

   Floating point number,Comparison,True value     2012-02-23 07:11:03

  bcrypt: Safeguarding Passwords with Strong Hashing and Adaptive Security

Introduction In today's digital world, passwords play a crucial role in protecting personal privacy and information security. Passwords are the most commonly used means of authentication because they are simple yet effective. Password security is the cornerstone of cybersecurity and plays a fundamental role in safeguarding the information security of individuals and organizations. However, with the increasing frequency and complexity of cyberattacks, traditional password hashing algorithms like ...

   BCRYPT,SECURITY     2023-11-15 08:14:35

  Moving from Java to C++: An Interview with Rogers Cadenhead

In this interview, co-author of Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 24 Hours, 5th Edition Rogers Cadenhead discusses moving from Java to C++, what brought him to C++, and the best tactics for learning C++.Danny Kalev: For how long were you a Java programmer? Can you tell us a bit about the nature of the projects in which you took part at that time?Rogers Cadenhead: I've been a Java programmer since the language was launched by Sun Microsystems in 1995. I was doing website develop...

   Java,C++,Transfer,Transform,New challeng     2011-09-03 11:01:26

  Is Java Set ordered or not?

“Is Java Set ordered or not? ” is the most popular question asked when you interview for a Java Developer position. Many fail to answer it, and I have to admit I was one of the many. I have known the answer is “Yes and No” for a long time. No. HashSet is not ordered. Yes.TreeSet is ordered. If the interviewer continues with some follow up questions, I’m not confident that I know the answer then. Why is TreeSet ordered? Are there any other ordered S...

   ORDER,SORTEDSET,HASHSET,JAVA     2021-02-11 06:55:00

  GUI vs CLI: Operation vs Expression

Consider this user interface for a car:The goal of these interfaces is to make you operate something, and operate it efficiently and safely. The grooves and clicks and limits constrain the range of motion and the number of choices. The visual look heavily hints at how to actively use it. They are usually not hard to learn. More importantly, the learning curve plateaus. Once you learn how to drive a car, there’s not much progression after that. Boundedness is ...

   GUI,CLI,Operation,Expression,Programmer,IDE     2011-10-25 10:31:26

  How To Find a Great Start-Up Idea

Most people believe that the first step to starting a new company is to have a great idea. Back in business school, there were countless “idea brainstorming” sessions where groups of students would try to come up with the next billion dollar idea. None of them ever turned into anything.Great businesses are not built on ideas for marginal improvements or incremental features, they solve real problems and require a deep understanding of what those problems are. So the absolute worst th...

   Startup idea,Implement,Quickness     2012-03-18 00:26:22