Hadoop or Spark: Which One is Better?

What is Hadoop? Hadoop is one of the widely used Apache-based frameworks for big data analysis. It allows distributed processing of large data set over the computer clusters. Its scalable feature leverages the power of one to thousands of system for computing and storage purpose. A complete Hadoop framework comprised of various modules such as: Hadoop Yet Another Resource Negotiator (YARN MapReduce (Distributed processing engine) Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) Hadoop Common Thes...

   COMPARISON,HADOOP,SPARK     2018-11-22 07:08:57

  Advantages and disadvantages of GoLang

GoLang is a strong typed language which means it is less flexible than interpreted languages by nature. But Go provides Any type(interface) and Reflect mechanism which make the language very close to interpreted languages on flexibility. More and more people start to learn GoLang. This post is mainly for listing down some of the advantages and disadvantages of GoLang. Advantages Performance(Machine code) GoLang is a compilation language which can be compiled to machine code and the compiled bina...


  The Cognitive Benefits Of Chewing Gum

Why do people chew gum? If an anthropologist from Mars ever visited a typical supermarket, they’d be confounded by those shelves near the checkout aisle that display dozens of flavored gum options. Chewing without eating seems like such a ridiculous habit, the oral equivalent of running on a treadmill. And yet, people have been chewing gum for thousands of years, ever since the ancient Greeks began popping wads of mastic tree resin in their mouth to sweeten the breath. Socrates pr...

   Pressure,Gum,Release,Benefits     2011-11-30 11:37:26

  Scala feels like EJB 2, and other thoughts

At Devoxx last week I used the phrase "Scala feels like EJB 2 to me". What was on my mind?ScalaFor a number of years on this blog I've been mentioning a desire to write a post about Scala. Writing such a post is not easy, because anyone who has been paying attention to anti-Scala blog posts will know that writing one is a sure fire way of getting flamed. The Scala community is not tolerant of dissent.But ultimately, I felt that it was important for me to speak out and express my opinions. As I s...

   Scala,Module,EJB,Concurrency,Feature     2011-11-22 08:29:44

  Yes, Virginia, Scala is hard

Let me first say that I am a Scala lover and have been a Scala champion for almost 5 years.  I've written books and articles on Scala.  I've worked with dozens of companies that have launched Scala and Lift projects.  I've code reviewed many dozens of Scala projects.I used to think that Scala was easy.  It was, and continues to be, a cure for some of the numerous problems with Java.  From the "stuff that's hard or impossible in Java is simple in Scala," Scala is a very e...

   Scala,OOP,FP,function programming,hard,idiom     2011-11-08 08:47:43

  6 Great Ways to Design Amazing PWA’s

Why PWA v/s Native Mobile apps a wrong question to ask. PWA has already gathered a lot of momentum recently and is structured to give “App like” experience to its user base. Reveal all the extra layers underneath and create magic with brand new ideas to design progressive web apps. What comes to your mind when you imagine leading a progressive life? Definitely, it is going to be far better than  the previous one. Progressive Web Apps (PWA’s) are going to work to outweigh ...


  Business Opportunities for Entrepreneurs – Check them Out Here

We are in the digital era, and today, starting a business seems to be easier than ever before. With a smart device and a reliable internet connection, you are almost halfway to becoming a business owner. The main challenge, however, comes in identifying a good business opportunity to venture in, especially considering the high competition in nearly all sectors. Today, nearly everything is done online, and you can take advantage of this to sell your products or services. The best part about onlin...

   BUSINESS     2020-05-13 11:25:28

  Understand unsafe in GoLang

Before going to understand unsafe package in GoLang, the first thing needs to talk about is the pointer in GoLang. If you have a background of C language, you must know what pointer means and its usage. With pointer, you are free to operate any data at memory level which means you have great power, but this means that you have great responsibility as well. That's why it might be considered unsafe in lots of cases. Take a look at a simple example of doubling an integer. package main import "fmt"...

   GOLANG,UNSAFE,ZERO-COPY     2020-03-14 23:18:00

  7 big mistakes that make your layout a disaster

Even though the web design field has become a real industry, building a website is part art, part science. The design of a website may attract people but it may also make them run away, it depends on the work of the web designer. The experience, the talent and the capacity of endeavor are the greatest tools of a web designer, a good layout is based on all of these and, besides that, it is a very time consuming activity.Making a good layout is difficult and judging its value is subjective, a desi...

   Web design,Mistakes,Content,White space     2011-11-24 03:36:23

  The dystopia from “Blade Runner 2049” to come to mobile phones

Next Games, a Finnish mobile game developer and publisher is working along with Alcon Entertainment for the development of "Blade Runner 2049". The Next Games CEO, Teemu Huuhtanen disclosed the news this month in Electronics Entertainment Expo 2017. Besides displaying only a screenshot, the companies are yet to uncover the details regarding the release date and the title of the game. Alcon Entertainment is busy in the production of movie "Blade Runner 2049", a sequel to the 1982's dys...