Some useful code editors for developers

A good code editor will save developers much work. It can help developers find syntax errors easily through code highlight capability. It also makes the code more readable and maintainable through the indentation. Here we recommend some excellent code editors which you may want to have a try. Compilr Compilr is an online IDE, it supports 8 languages as of now including : C, C++,C#,Java,JavaScript,PHP ,Python,Ruby and Visual Basic. Compilr is developed by Ninjia Otter Inc in Canada. CodeMirrow C...

   Code editor,Code highlight     2013-03-20 12:25:13

  FTP active mode and passive mode

1. What's active mode and passive mode a. FTP has two ports to control: Port 20 is for data transfer Port 21 is for control or establish TCP connection b. The process of active connection Note: C represents Client and S represents Server S opens port 20 and 21 C connects to port 21 of S with a random port, this port can be between 1024 and 65536, it sends port+x to server at the same time to specify C(X)->S(21) When S receives the command, it will sends back ACK, S(21)->C(X) S will set ...

   FTP,Active mode,Passive mode     2013-04-01 07:01:25

  Generate certificate in Java -- Self signed certificate

This is the first post in this series which I will show you how to generate SSL certificate in Java programmatically. Certificates are frequently used in SSL communication which requires the authentication of server to client. This is to make the client to trust that the server is actually the one it claims. Certificates are really important on the Internet. All HTTPS communications on the Internet need the server side to present their certificates signed by trusted CAs. The basic flow of a requ...

   Java,Certificate,X509     2014-07-30 07:42:18

  OpenLDAP Proxy -- Tricks and tips

Just like other software configuration, there would be issues encountered during the OpenLDAP proxy setup process. In this post, we would try to summarize some of the tricks and tips for OpenLDAP proxy setup. OpenLDAP Version We would always recommend that you install the latest version of the OpenLDAP because they contain the latest features, bug fixes and security patches. You should always refer to the latest release notes for new changes. In case you have used an earlier version of Open...


  HeartBleed: OpenBSD now starts to clean up OpenSSL

Since the disclosure of HeartBleed bug in OpenSSL, some arguments emerge around the safety of OpenSSL, the largest open source SSL/TLS library used by large number of servers, applications. Some people are even starting to create their own version of SSL library. This includes OpenBSD, a famous Unix like open source operating system. Just a few days after the HeartBleed bug, OpenBSD forked a new branch of OpenSSL and started to clean up the forked branch and plans to merge it to its own cod...

   HeartBleed,OpenBSD     2014-04-15 04:21:26

  Marissa Mayer has something to say about work from home

A few months ago Yahoo started to prohibit employees working from home. This controversial decision attracts many arguments about work from home. Previously we published one article Silicon Valley engineers have something to say about work from home. Now the key person behind this prohibition expresses her opinion about this. Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer responded to the policy of prohibiting working from home the first time on Thursday. She said that when people were working together they could be m...

   Work from home,Yahoo, Marissa Mayer     2013-04-19 22:54:44

  Things to Look for in Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7

The .NET Framework 4.7 is the updated version of the .NET Framework 4.6.2.  It can run along with earlier versions of the .NET Framework. On installation it appears as an update for Microsoft Windows under the Installed Updates item in Control Panel. The improvements in the.NET Framework 4.7 includes: High DPI support for Windows Forms applications on Windows 10 Touch support for WPF applications on Windows 10 Enhanced cryptography support Performance improvements .NET Framework Documenta...

   ASP.NET, ASP.NET FRAMEWORK     2017-07-18 05:55:20

  Bing now supports code search

In programmer's daily life, much time is spent on searching Google or StackOverflow for code snippets which can help them understand how the code works. Now there is one more option. Microsoft's Bing now adds a new feature which support code snippet search. With this new feature, you can search code snippet and execute them directly within the search results. For example, if you type "quick sort java", you will see below search result : This feature now supports a few popular programming langua...

   BING,CODE SEARCH,HACKERRANK     2016-04-09 02:49:25

  File upload in PHP

File is a special kind of form data, when being uploaded to the server through HTTP POST request, PHP will create a $_FILES global array, the relevant file information will be stored in this global array. We will illustrate file upload with some code snippets using PHP and look into the internal work mechanism. Lastly will talk about file upload security. File upload In order for users to upload files in client side, we have to provide a form on the user interface. Since the uploaded file is a s...

   File upload,PHP     2012-11-30 22:01:28

  Disgusting programming language list

To avoid arguments among different programming languages, this ranking only covers the opinions from programmers with multi-language experience. Also it doesn't mean the language is not good if the language is on the list, it just means those developers don't like some features of the language. Below ranking is summarized from Quora、Stack Overflow and Hacker News. 10. Python Reason : It uses code indent to define block level scope, why not use curly braces? It also uses massive colons and ...

   Programming language rank     2013-09-27 09:53:39