Microsoft to lay off Zune

Recently we can see many news about Microsoft's Windows 8, Microsoft puts much effort to promote Windows 8.  A few days ago, Microsoft announced the death of Windows Live brand, instead they will integrate it into the Windows system. Also, Microsoft now plans to lay off its Zune and focus on XBox, let XBox be the main entertainment service of Microsoft. XBox can provide  music and videos, it can also let users play video games.Here is a part of Microsoft's announcement:This year, Xbox ...

   Windows 8,Zune,XBox,Microsoft,Layoff     2012-05-30 08:14:58

  There is no privacy in front of Facebook Home

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the release of Facebook Home application. It will be available for Android users on 12th April. But there is one thing to be noted. What's about our privacy? Facebook is questioned by public about its privacy issues. Facebook Home is deeply integrated with Android and has fully control of the entry of user. This makes people who care about privacy alert. The editor of Gigaom Malik expressed his own worries in one article. Here is what he wrote: The new Hom...

   Facebook Home,Privacy     2013-04-05 10:51:46

  The dystopia from “Blade Runner 2049” to come to mobile phones

Next Games, a Finnish mobile game developer and publisher is working along with Alcon Entertainment for the development of "Blade Runner 2049". The Next Games CEO, Teemu Huuhtanen disclosed the news this month in Electronics Entertainment Expo 2017. Besides displaying only a screenshot, the companies are yet to uncover the details regarding the release date and the title of the game. Alcon Entertainment is busy in the production of movie "Blade Runner 2049", a sequel to the 1982's dys...


  Android socket programming example

Socket is a kind of interface for different sides t communicate, it usually identified by an IP and a port. There are many server side software on a server and they would provide different service. Each server many create some sockets and bind them to some ports so that clients can listen to. Software on the Internet will exchange data though a bidirectional connection established. Each end of the connection has a socket created. In Java, Socket and ServerSocket are in package, ServerSo...

   Android,Socket,Java     2013-05-11 22:17:16

  Add ContextMenu to a customized View in Android

In Android, we may sometimes need to add ContextMenu to a View, it's not so easy to add ContextMenu to a customized View. Here we explain how to add ContextMenu to a customized View. First, we may need to create View.OnCreateContextMenuListener so that the customized view can register for it. Here is the class definition: public class GraphView extends View {     private View.OnCreateContextMenuListener vC = new View.OnCreateContextMenuListener() {       &...

   Android, ContextMenu,Customized view     2012-11-04 07:10:40

  Why does Symbian collapse?

On 24th January, Nokia announces a disappointing news that they would give up Symbian. The 808 PureView released last year will be its last Symbian model.  Symbian was born in 1998, it was supported by the then three mobile giants : Sony Ericson, Motorola and Nokia after its birth, later Samsung and LG also joined the Symbian camp. In 2000, the first Symbian model in the world Ericoson R380 was released, in 20006, there were over 100 million Symbian handphones on the market. But in 2007, t...

   Nokia, Symbian, Collapse, Analysis     2013-01-28 03:06:09

  Mobile devices are facing new threats

More and more companies allow employees to use smartphones and tablet PCs in workplace, but they are facing a new potential threat - malware embedded in games and applications.Dan Hoffman, network security company Juniper Networks mobile security director, said the application store is quickly becoming the main delivery mechanism of infected applications. Consumers purchase applications for their equipments through an online application store.As the consumers are free to download applicatio...

   Mobile device,Data security,Malicious software     2012-04-05 13:00:57

  Nokia fires the Qt team

Recently, Nokia announced that they would lay off around 10000 employees, 700 of them are developers. Among these 700 developers, 100 are the core developers of the open source project Qt.Nokia is the main sponsor of the open source project Qt. According to Mirko Boehm, the core Qt team has around 100 people, this means that Nokia fires the whole Qt team.He criticized Nokia's decision, he thought that a responsible CEO should persuade the team to move to other platforms.Qt team is experienced, t...

   Nokia,Fire,Qt     2012-06-26 06:57:06

  jQuery 2.0 gives up IE 6/7/8

jQuery 2.0 is released after 10 months development. jQuery 2.0 is customized for modern web browsers and also considers about mobile devices. But one big change is that jQuery 2.0 will not be  compatible with old versions of IE and its size is 10% less than the version 1.9.1. The execution efficiency is higher as well. jQuery 1.9.x will still be maintained by jQuery team, they will also provide update for it. Those websites which want to be compatible with all browsers should not upgrade to...

   jQuery 2.0,IE support     2013-04-20 07:58:16

  Google wins the lawsuit against Oracle

According to The Next Web, San Francisco court has made a final decision that Google didn't violate Oracle's Java patent. Although previously some judges and some people in jury said that Google made some mistakes on Java's use. The final decision made by the court saves Google from the charge of Java patent infringement. The next step of this lawsuit was supposed to be the evaluation of the damage and compensation. But now because of court's decision, this step is jumpe...

   Google,Oracle,Java,Anroid     2012-05-24 03:18:11