How to enable developer mode on Huawei

As a developer, there might be some need to fake locations when developing and testing mobile apps for different countries. Lots of the times some fake GPS apps will be used and they will ask to enable mock location access on the device before allowing you to fake GPS. To achieve this, we first need to have developer mode enabled. In this post, we will show how the developer mode can be enabled and disabled on Huawei devices. Go to Settings, find About phone and open it. You should be able to se...


  How to be an excellent programmer

To use a programming language is very easy for a programmer, but it's a dream for many programmers to be an expert software developer. There are five levels of programmers: Novice, Senior novice, competent, proficient, and expert. Most programmers are senior novice. And programmer living in this level are a lot of people who have 1 to 10 years work experience.As a programmer, how to find the bottlenecks for your improvement and how to improve yourself quickly? This is really not an easy question...

   Programming,Tips,Habit     2013-03-26 09:53:38

  Simple but Interesting Features of VS2010 and C# 4.0

IntroductionVS 2010 and C# 4.0 introduced so many new features. Here in this article, I try to cover some very simple, yet very useful features of both.1. Hiding the Selected Part of CodeMany a times, a situation arises when we want to hide a specified piece of code rather that hiding the entire region. This has become easier in VS 2010. Just select the part of the code that you want to hide and right click selectOutlining -> Hide Selection.Same way like a region code also gets collapsible an...

   VS2010,C#4.0,New feature,Walk through     2011-11-18 08:59:29

  SSH Security and You - /bin/false is *not* security

Backstory While at RIT around 2004 or 2005, I discovered that a few important machines at the datacenter allowed all students, faculty, and staff to authenticate against them via ssh. Everyone's shells appear to be set to /bin/false (or some derivative) on said machines, so the only thing you'll see after you authenticate is the login banner and your connection will close. I thought to myself, "Fine, no shell for me. I wonder if port forwarding works?" ...

   Linux,Security,/bin/false,SSH     2012-02-06 07:46:29

  Twitter OAuth the easy way – simple post to twitter script

After Twitter introduced mandatory authentication with OAuth, many of the current scripts for posting content to Twitter don’t work anymore. OAuth can be great for more advanced authentication, but for a simple post to twitter script, it seems like a little overkill. In this post you’ll learn how to create a simple script that uses a quick and dirty version of OAuth for posting new tweets to Twitter. How to create a simple script Simplified, Twitter OAuth involves sending both ap...

   Twitter,OAuth,PHP,Auto tweet     2012-02-25 12:51:07

  Package Control doesn't show up in Sublime Text 3

Package Control is a package management console for managing packages in Sublime Text. It is frequently used to install, update packages. In Sublime Text 3, the Package Control package can be installed by following instructions at After installation, when you press Ctrl + Shift + P, a dialog with a text field will show up and package control commands can be typed and executed.  However, if you don't see the expected package control commands ...


  About browser event

First look at following codes: var $ = KISSY.all; $(‘a’).on(‘click’,function(e){ doSomeThing();//This function seems very famous e.halt(); }); The above codes seem complete the work we want them. The browser will not redirect us to the link in href, but is there some issue with the codes above? Before explaining what's wrong with the above codes, we first need to understand some concepts. Browser default behavior When we click a link, the browser will redirect us to anoth...

   JavaScript event,Event bubbling,event capturing     2012-11-15 11:15:41

  Microsoft Interview Riddle Questions

Every year, many people will send their resume to Microsoft and Google. So how do these IT companies hire people? What kind of interview questions will they ask. Let's see what Microsoft asked before in this article. These questions are more focusing on how you are reasoning, not necessary your technical skills. 1.  You’ve got someone working for you for seven days and a gold bar to pay them. The gold bar is segmented into seven connected pieces. You must give them a piece of gold at...

   Microsoft,Interview question,Riddle questions,Answer     2012-03-10 04:56:48

  4 asynchronous programming methods in JavaScript

You may know the execution environment of JavaScript is single threaded. The so called single thread means only one task can be running at any time, if there are many tasks, they need to be in a queue and wait for the previous task to be completed. The advantage of this mode is it's easy to implement and the execution environment is relative simple; the disadvantage is that if one task takes long time, the tasks following it must wait in the queue and this will delay other tasks consequently. Th...


  Tips for Socializing With Friends During College

The shift from high school to college is a pivotal time in a young adult's life, complete with new responsibilities and the exciting opportunity to forge new relationships. Navigating social life in college can be daunting for many, but with the right tips, it's entirely possible to create a fulfilling social experience while still maintaining academic focus. From joining interest-based campus clubs to managing a healthy balance between studies and socializing, there are several strategies to en...

   SOCIAL NETWORK,COLLEGE     2024-04-16 06:40:55