SEARCH KEYWORD -- Network traffic

  What is Hystrix and How does Hystrix work

Background In distributed systems, there is one effect where the unavailability of one service or some services will lead to the service unavailability of the whole system, this is called service avalanche effect. A common way to prevent service avalanche is do manual service fallback, in fact Hystrix also provides another option beside this. Definition of Service Avalanche Effect Service avalanche effect is a kind of effect where the service provider fails to provide service which causes t...


  37 powerful Linux shell commands

To work on Linux platform, you cannot avoid using shell commands to complete some tasks. These tasks can be as simple as list files in some directories or find some text in some file, or can be as complex as monitoring processes. In this post, we will share 37 powerful Linux shell commands.   Task Commands 1 Delete file with 0 byte(empty file) find . -type f -size 0 -exec rm -rf {} \;find . type f -size 0 -delete 2 Check process memory consumption ps -e -o "%C : %p : %z : %a"|sort -k...

   Linux command,List     2013-09-16 07:47:16

  Tips to Keep in Mind When Adding Devices to WiFi

When it comes to powerful tools, it is hard to beat the Internet. We can use it to access a huge variety of news, information, entertainment, products and more. When the Internet first became a thing, people pretty much had to be sitting at their computers to use it. But now, thanks to the advent of a wireless network known as WiFi, you can connect to the Internet through your smartphones, streaming devices, laptops and more from anywhere in the house. If you are in the market for some new tech...

   ROUTER,TIPS,WIFI     2021-10-01 08:19:19

  Apple will shut down Ping on 30th September

What? Apple also has social networks! Yes. Unfortunately, you just heard it and it is to be shut down. In fact, Apple launched Ping not too long ago, in September 2010, it was released together with iTunes 10.Ping allows users to share with your friends the music you are listening to, and you can even share concerts and activities information, and it supports for picture and link sharing. In addition, Ping also includes the "Top Ten" list of features that can be customized, each singer and the ...

   Apple,Ping,Social network     2012-09-12 22:21:31

  Why is single threaded Redis so fast

Redis is a high-performance, in-memory key-value database. According to official test reports, it can support around 100,000 QPS (queries per second) on a single machine. However, Redis uses a single-threaded architecture in its design. Why does Redis still have such high performance with a single-threaded design? Wouldn't it be better to use multiple threads for concurrent request processing? In this article, let's explore why Redis has a single-threaded architecture and still maintains its spe...


  How to choose effective colors to improve your website traffic

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that looks don’t matter and it’s what’s inside that counts. Would you be eager to open a present that does not seem too promising on the outside, even when knowing what it hides may pleasantly surprise you? Right – it’s about the whole package. It may be the content on the site that creates value and makes a visitor stop for longer, but the background that accompanies it definitely plays a major role, too. Now that you’re a...

   Color,Web design     2014-10-06 13:35:08

  Get Bluetooth back on my ASUS Zenbook UX31A

A strange thing occurred to me a few days ago after I installed some routine Windows updates on my ASUS Zenbook UX31A, my Bluetooth was gone and I could not have my Bluetooth speaker connected to my PC and listen  my favorite music. It's just like a ghost, everything disappears all of a sudden. Everything was tried to find where my Bluetooth went but no luck. Below is what my device manager shows: No Bluetooth is found, usually if there is some issue with the Bluetooth driver, the device m...

   Bluetooth,Windows 8.1,ASUS Zenbook, Bluetooth driver     2014-12-11 09:17:11

  Microsoft is going to redesign Bing again

On 10 May,2012, Microsoft announces in San Francisco they will  redesign its search engine Bing, and it will cooperate with Facebook, Twitter etc to build a new search service.Bing now is the second largest search engine in the world, but compared to Google, Bing is always the second city of search. Bing these years has always been putting effort on improving its service and the accuracy of search results. Unfortunately, it still cannot gain market share from Google. Today, Microsoft is goi...

   Bing,Social network,Integration,Sidebar     2012-05-11 05:26:11

  What are the Four Most Important Technologies Inside an Office, Today?

The office life has changed a lot since the beginning of the 21st century. Nowadays, technologies have taken over a large part of the work that people have to do, inside their walls. Some of them are more important than others, though. Here are four that no company should live without.  A VoIP Phone System If a company wants to communicate with its clients, it needs to install a centralized phone system. The old ones were complicated and costly. The more phone lines you had, the higher the ...

   SMARTPHONE,VOIP,5G     2022-12-24 06:35:02

  How expensive is a MySQL query?

Database access speed is always the bottle neck of many applications. Many application have large amount of data to search, retrieve and display nowadays. How do we improve the performance of our applications, how do we reduce the cost of database access? Apart from the design of database, the quality of the query is also one important factor to take care.  But before that, we need to know how much network traffic a query will consume. Yunyang,Zhang from Nubee in Singapore did some research...

   MySQL,Network traffic,Query     2013-04-09 05:13:33