SEARCH KEYWORD -- Network programming

  Automate Everything

Performing manual, repetitive tasks enrages me. I used to think this was a corollary of being a programmer, but I’ve come to suspect (or hope) that this behaviour is inherent in being human. But being able to hack together scripts simply makes it much easier to go from a state of rage to a basic solution in a very small amount of time. As a side point, this is one of the reasons that teaching the basics of programming in schools is so important. It’s hard to think of any j...

   Automate,Email,Repeative     2012-02-07 06:21:19

  What and what not to log while debugging

Log is a critical part of an application. It serves as an eye to the programmer on how the application is working while debugging. Especially for applications running on production environment, if the application encounters problem and the problem cannot be reproduced on other environments, log will be extremely useful. While log is essential, but developers have to log smartly. Because if don't put log smartly, you may not get what you want while debugging or you may get too many...

   PROGRAMMING,DEBUG,LOG,SUPPORT     2016-03-14 08:09:03

  Deep Understanding of ReentrantLock: Unlocking the Mysteries of Java Concurrent Programming

ReentrantLock introduction ReentrantLock is a class in the Java concurrent package, java.util.concurrent.locks, and is an implementation of the Lock interface. As its name suggests, it is a reentrant mutual exclusion lock. A mutual exclusion lock is a synchronization tool used to protect shared resources, ensuring that only one thread can access the resource at a given time. Reentrant means that a thread can acquire the same lock multiple times without causing a deadlock. This lock provides some...


  What was the Internet like in 1995?

The Internet evolves very fast since its birth. In 1995, a TV program called Computer Chronicles made an episode about new technology "The Internet". Now let's check out what the Internet looks like in 1995 through some video screenshots. First the host Stewart Cheifet appeared in the video where he was in a network cafe. There you can meet the real people and virtual person. That's a good thing. The first guide of us is the technology journalist from New York Times John Markoff. He said his f...

   Internet,History,1995,Computer Chronicles     2013-04-10 06:30:28

  GitHub : Code is the most direct way for programmers to communicate

If not invested by Andreessen Horowitz, GitHub might not be noticed by Forbes, CNN, New York Times. People didn't know this tool because it was very far away from the world -- GitHub is a project hosting service used by programmers.But to some programmers, it is not just a place for project hosting, it is`also the hub for open source projects, a place for programmers improving themselves and a social network for programmers.There are around 3.26 million projects hosted on GitHub currently, inclu...

   GitHub,Open source,Hosting,Social     2012-07-20 11:38:31

  As A Hottest Job Ever, What Should You Know As A Front End Web Developer?

The front end web developers are the openers for the visitors to visit the web page. It is also known as the client-side development, works predominantly with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. The tools and techniques are the important players of the front end web development. The developer must be aware of the updation of web technologies.The scope is evergreen with this technology as every company or business needs a website to showcase their profile. There are many objectives must be measured while ...


  Learning Is More Important Than Knowing

Although DuckDuckGo's success is based more on ideology than technology, you'd have to be a pretty arrogant technologist to not appreciate and be impressed with what this small team (for a long time, 1 person) has accomplished. And while DuckDuckGo teaches us a number of valuable lessons (about business, and privacy), to me, the most important, is that good programmers should be measured by what they can learn, not what they already know. Gabriel Weinberg, DuckDuckGo's creator, has been wo...

   Learning,Knowing,Google,DuckDuckGo     2012-04-18 07:17:53

  Google Chrome Alternatives: Best Browsers For Android

Most Android phones come with Chrome pre-installed as the default browser. There’s nothing wrong with that. Chrome is a great browser with excellent features. And it feels natural alongside all the other Google products that also come pre-installed on Android. But the type of browser someone uses is super important. In the end, the browser may be one of the most-used apps on any phone.  Browsers need to fit the needs and lifestyle of the person who is using it. To name a few examples,...

   FIREFOX,MICROSFT EDGE,CHROME     2020-06-18 07:12:35

  User experience distance

Good user experience can narrow the gap between product and users, it can also improve the user efficiency and increase satisfaction and comfort of users. Here we talk about user experience distance with different examples: 1. Floating bubble layer When users need to delete one picture,they click on the "Delete" button, then the floating bubble layer appears to prompt the user to confirm the deletion, users only need to focus on the picture which reduces the visual burden, and also no need to mo...

   User experience, Design,Detail     2012-12-20 13:20:16

  HTML Site vs. WordPress Theme: Which one is better?

Are you looking for a perfect platform to set up your website? Then, there might be a close competition between the simple HTML and the WordPress platform. In this blog post, we will try to explore some points that will help you in making the right decision. Let us overview at some advantages grasped by HTML and WordPress. 1. Security of a website It has been discovered that the website running on WordPress is more vulnerable to security threats and hackers. As we know, WordPress is open source...