SEARCH KEYWORD -- Mobile app

  Why MySQL 8 drops support of query cache

Many of you may have heard or used MySQL's query cache, because it used to be a popular way to improve MySQL's performance. As an important feature for improving MySQL's performance, the query cache was often recommended as a solution for slow queries. However, why has MySQL 8 abandoned the query cache? Today, we will analyze and explore this decision. What is query cache? According to official document: The query cache stores the text of a SELECT statement together with the correspon...

   MYSQL 8,QUERY CACHE     2023-03-11 09:05:17

  Some famous product release venues

About product release conference, you must remember Apple Worldwide Developers Conference(WWDC), right? But do you remember where the conference is held? Actually, when companies release new products, they will hold some kind of conferences or sessions to introduce their products. But does anyone know what are the places where these conferences are held? Here geekpark summarized some product release places for us. 1. Moscone West Convention Center Moscone West Convention Center is the biggest co...

   Conference, Place,Product release     2012-10-11 20:32:22

  Which web front-end framework to choose?

When doing web design, we often need to choose which front-end framework to use in order to provide great user experience and simplify the development. Also, compatibility problem can be solved by using front-end frameworks. Here is a list of front-end frameworks. Which one are you using? Which one do you prefer?1. Apache FlexApache Flex, is a software development kit for the development and deployment of cross-platform rich Internet applications based on the Adobe Flash platform. Initially deve...

   Web design,Front-end,Framework     2012-07-30 13:57:26

  Will We Need Teachers Or Algorithms?

Editor’s note: This is Part III of a guest post written by legendary Silicon Valley investor Vinod Khosla, the founder of Khosla Ventures. In Part I, he laid the groundwork by describing how artificial intelligence is a combination of human and computer capabilities In Part II, he discussed how software and mobile technologies can augment and even replace doctors. Now, in Part III, he talks about how technology will sweep through education. In my last post, I ...

   Teacher,Algorithm,Development     2012-01-16 10:17:45

  Do designers need code?

So many problems in software occur because programmers and designers don't communicate well all the time. Why don't more designers learn to code themselves or have engineers build abstractions better suited to them? People's minds work in different ways, they can process thoughts differently, solve problems in completely different but equally valid ways. It's a mistake to assume everyone should possess the same skill set.  Also not everyone should be a full stack engineer although full stac...

   Design,Coding     2014-01-07 06:22:52

  The Story of W&L: China’s Great Internet Divide

Here’s an introductory quote from The Story of W&L, a tale of China’s great internet divide: China does not have one so-called “national internet,” instead there’s a great divide. It encompasses the elite with ThinkPad laptops and also the grassroots with MTK Shanzhai mobile phones. Our elites are on par with America, while our grassroots are on par with Vietnam. This is the story of W&L, two representatives of China’s great internet divide. T...

   China,Internet divide,Elite,Grassroot,Laptop,Mobile phone     2011-12-05 12:23:56

  Lenovo becomes the king of PC

According to Sina Tech, Data from market research firm IDC and Gartner shows that Lenovo defeats Hewlett-Packard to become the largest PC manufacturer in the world In the second quarter , global PC shipments dropped by 11%, the fifth consecutive quarter of decline.In October 2012, Gartner ranked Lenovo as the world's largest PC manufacturer, but IDC data ranked HP as the largest PC manufacturer. However, the rank of largest PC manufacturer between IDC and Gartner has no difference this time.Gar...

   Lenovo,PC,HP,IDC     2013-07-11 04:52:04

  UIWebView Secrets - Part1 - Memory Leaks on Xmlhttprequest

My first blog post on iphone subject reveal a big memory bug when using UIWebView component. This is the (only one) component to display some HTML content in an iphone interface. UIWebView object has a lot of differents issues and I’m going to highlight the biggest of them. Actually, all XMLHttpRequests used in javascript code are fully leaking!!! I mean when you do a request that retrieve 100ko of data, your memory used grow up for 100ko! This bug is not always active, but almost always....

   XMLHttpRequest,Memory leak,Mobile device,UIWebView     2011-11-25 13:46:30

  Why Javascript is a Joy

I’m probably a bit biased – being a front-end web developer for a few years will do that – but I really enjoy writing Javascript. I’ve recently retreated from pure coding the last few months, but I got an opportunity this past week to jump back into some tasks, and it has reminded me how fun it is to dive into our[1] front-end codebase. Yes, Javascript can be surprisingly elegant yet completely infuriating, and all on the same line of code; for a long time, ...

   JavaScript,Speed,Simplicity,Malleable     2012-03-26 15:00:31

  Using Fabric to deploy web app

Many people may use FTP and rsync to synchronize codes to server, this way is fine but it may be troublesome when you need to deploy many times a day, actually there is a simple way if you can spend time on finding the fast way. We introduce Fabric today for deploying web app to remote server. Fabric is a deployment tool written with Python, the biggest feature if it is you no need to login to remote server, you can execute remote commands locally. Here is s simple deployment script written with...

   Fabric, Web deployment,SSH,Python     2012-12-08 03:16:00