SEARCH KEYWORD -- Microsoft data

  What does a Bing driven Siri mean to Google?

On Tuesday, Apple announced that Bing would become the default search engine of the upcoming iOS 7. This is another Google service kicked out by Apple after Youtube and Google Maps.For Siri: if the default system of Siri can not answer your question, it will try to search the Internet. Currently, Siri connects to the Safari browser by default, and Safari's primary search engine is Google (Can change to Yahoo or Bing). But in iOS 7, Siri's default search engine will be replaced by Bing. Siri will...

   Siri,Bing,Google     2013-06-12 00:20:34

  52.4 million tablet shipments in Q4 globally

IDC released the global tablet shipment report for Q4. The total tablet shipments in Q4 were 52.4 million globally. It set a new record where the shipments increase 75.3 annually and increase 74.3% compared to last quarter which had shipments of 30.1 million. Among all the tablets vendors, Apple iPad's shipments were 22.9 million which ranks the first place among all vendors. It takes 43.6% market share. Samsung has 7.9 million shipments, increased by 264% compared to the same period last year....

   IDC,Tablet, iPad,Android,Kindle,Surface     2013-01-31 02:45:25

  Java code to retrieve Bing background image path

When Microsoft presented their search engine Bing, this new design gave us some surprise, especially its background images, they are very beautiful and it will change every day. But   unfortunately we cannot save the image onto our PC by right clicking the mouse.  After some research on its source code, I found a feasible but not so sophisticated way to achieve this, we can retrieve the image path from the source code and then use this path we can download the image. This is just to sh...

   Java,Bing,Background image path,URL,Download,Save     2012-05-02 10:51:51

  Google Chrome Alternatives: Best Browsers For Android

Most Android phones come with Chrome pre-installed as the default browser. There’s nothing wrong with that. Chrome is a great browser with excellent features. And it feels natural alongside all the other Google products that also come pre-installed on Android. But the type of browser someone uses is super important. In the end, the browser may be one of the most-used apps on any phone.  Browsers need to fit the needs and lifestyle of the person who is using it. To name a few examples,...

   FIREFOX,MICROSFT EDGE,CHROME     2020-06-18 07:12:35

  Example of less is more

Less is more is a very important design principle. It is as important as the 80:20 principle. It means that which is less complicated is often better understood and more appreciated than what is more complicated; simplicity is preferable to complexity; brevity in communication is more effective than verbosity. Next we will use an animated image to describe what is less is more. The popularity of flat design in web application design also proves the importance of less is more. Many famous compan...

   Less is more,Flat design     2013-09-20 07:20:43

  TIOBE : What's the future of C#?

TIOBE released the programming language index for August 2012, the top 3 programming languages are still C, Java and Objective-C. Objective-C still performs well after it ranked 3rd place last month, it's still rising. Is there any possibilty Object-C will overtake Java in the near future? However, Microsoft's C# doesn't look so good. C# is generally recognized as the enterprise language with most modern and expressive features available today and C# has shown more downward trends in the past an...

   TIOBE,August,C#     2012-08-13 14:48:11

  Some tricks on PHP session

1. Session timeout problem There is a nuance we found with session timing out although the user is still active in the session.  The problem has to do with never modifying the session variable. The GC will clear the session data files based on their last modification time.  Thus if you never modify the session, you simply read from it, then the GC will eventually clean up. To prevent this you need to ensure that your session is modified within the GC delete time.  You can accomp...

   PHP,Session,Timeout,Solution,Various domain     2015-03-13 07:05:37

  The difference between System.load and System.loadLibrary in Java

When writing code using native library in Java, normally the first step is loading some native library. static{   System.load("D:" + File.separator + "Hello.dll"); } JDK provides two ways to load libraries: System.load(String filename) System.loadLibrary(String libname) This post will try to explain the differences of these two ways. According to Java Doc on System.load(), it has below description. Loads the native library specified by the filename argument. The filename a...


  Behind Start Screen of Windows Phone 8

Last week, Microsoft unveiled Windows Phone 8, in addition to some new features, the biggest difference between WP8 and iOS, Android is that it has a start screen consisting of abundant live tiles. Senior product manager of Microsoft Josh Phillips published an article on Microsoft official blog. He talks about the story behind start screen of Windows Phone 8. "How can we make Start even more personal" is the question Phillips and his team is always thinking about. Windows Phone makes the static ...

   Windows Phone 8,Start Screen,Live Tile     2012-11-03 02:27:22

  Microsoft will drop support of IE8, IE9 and IE10

Microsoft will push the last set of security updates for IE8, IE9 and IE10 next Tuesday(January 12). Thereafter that Microsoft will drop support of these three versions of IE. These are some other old products given up by Microsoft since Windows 7.  IE11 will be the only Internet Explorer supported and Edge will be another star advocated by Microsoft. The good news is you will not get annoying notification from Microsoft anymore to ask you to upgrade your IE. But the bad news users&nb...

   MICROSOFT,IE,NEWS     2016-01-09 07:55:44