SEARCH KEYWORD -- Microsoft Office

  Microsoft announces new Microsoft Band

Microsoft just announced a new Microsoft Band on a new product release event held in New York today. This new device is the second generation of the smart wearable device since the first generation announced around 1 year back(29 October, 2014). The biggest change of the new Microsoft Band is that it has a whole new design with curved screen. It now can be better adept to our body structure. In addition to this, there are a few other features as well. Below is a list of the features this new Mi...

   MICROSOFT BAND 2,MICROSOFT     2015-10-06 09:51:41

  Convert printed document into electronic document

首先你得先把这些打印稿或文件通过扫描仪扫到电脑上去,一般单位都有扫描仪,如果没有也没关系,用数码相机拍也行,拍成图片放到WORD里面去,不过在些 之前,你还得装...

   Printed document,Electronic document,Con     2011-07-23 23:19:42

  Microsoft to launch Surface Pro 4 on October 6

Microsoft Microsoft has just updated on their website about an event to be held on October 6. This event will be held in New York at October 6 10am EDT.  As described by Microsoft : "We have some exciting news to share about Windows 10 devices". Although there are no details about what these Windows 10 devices are, many think this is the time when new Lumia Phones and Surface Pro 4 will be launched.  The Lumia devices will be Lumia 950 and Lumia 950XL. Both of them will be shipped wit...

   SURFACE PRO 4,MICROSOFT,WINDOWS 10,LUMIA     2015-09-15 07:31:56

  The new Surface RT may use Qualcomm Snapdragon processor

According to Sina Tech, Microsoft will launch its new Surface RT tablet equipped with Qualcomm processor . The source said, some of the new Surface RT will use Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, this processor will provide faster wireless data connection speed. The current Surface RT uses Nvidia's Tegra processor. Some versions of the Surface RT will continue to use Tegra processor. By adding Qualcomm processor as another option, Microsoft will further expand Surface RT function. Despite Microsoft h...

   Surface RT,Qualcomm,Processor     2013-06-19 08:11:03

  Will Microsoft use Windows 8 to replace Metro?

Since there is some dispute with a German company Metro AG on the word "Metro", it is said that Microsoft will abandon "Metro" in Windows 8. Then what will be the replacement of "Metro"? According to Zdnet, the answer may be Windows 8. Microsoft reminds Windows developers not to use "Metro" when they mention interface of Windows Phone or Windows 8 in their apps and recommends that the developers use New User Interface when they describe Windows 8 style interface design. Microsoft officially anno...

   Windows 8,Metro,name     2012-08-10 13:32:00

  Microsoft releases Windows 8 RTM

Microsoft's Windows 8 RTM version now is available for download to MSDN and TechNet subscribers. This RTM version will be the same as the final Windows 8 release version. Windows 8 may be released on 26th October.Microsoft Software Assurance users will be able to get RTM version of the new system on 16th August. Volume License customers without Software Assurance will be able to purchase Windows 8 through Microsoft Volume License Resellers starting from 1st September.. Although this version is a...

   Windows 8 RTM, Release,MSDN,TechNet     2012-08-16 15:04:10

  Why doesn't Microsoft involve in the patent war with Apple?

After Apple and Samsung patent war ends, Samsung immediately announced that they would continue to appeal. People are now guessing that the next target of Apple is Motorola and Google, while the situation getting worse, we could not help to ask why there is no emergence of Microsoft?At first glance, the answer seems to be very simple, both Microsoft Window 8 and Window Phone products do not have much intersection with Apple's products. But there is an unknown reason, there is a patent cross-lice...

   Microsoft,Apple,Patent     2012-08-27 22:10:19

  SkyDrive may be banned on App Store

Apple App Store may block Microsoft SkyDrive, because Microsoft is not willing to pay for SkyDrive to be on App Store.According to App Store agreement, 30% income of an app on App Store should be paid to Apple, However, Microsoft said it was difficult for them to accept it.SkyDrive provides users with 7GB of free storage space, after which the user should pay for extra storage space up to 100 GB. Apple insists that 30% of sales of SkyDrive storage space should be paid to Apple, Microsoft thinks...

   App Store, SkyDrive,Ban     2012-12-11 13:41:11

  Steve Ballmer will retire from Microsoft within one year

Microsoft today announced on its official website that CEO Steve Ballmer will retire from Microsoft with 12 months. But he will remain as the CEO until the successor is named. Steve Ballmer commented on his retirement as : There is never a perfect time for this type of transition, but now is the right time, We have embarked on a new strategy with a new organization and we have an amazing Senior Leadership Team. My original thoughts on timing would have had my retirement happen in the middle of...

   Microsoft,CEO,Retirement     2013-08-23 08:34:10

  Silicon Valley engineers have something to say about work from home

Quitting from Google and joined Yahoo which was thought as a declining giant, Marissa Mayer has been trying to prove that she has the ability to lead this Internet giant to reverse the decline. In order to boost the low morale of the employees, Meyer tried to transplant Google's work culture to Yahoo with office decoration, free lunch and issuance of smart phones, these generous measures let her win the applause of the Silicon Valley.But a recent ban issued by Meyer has attracted a lot of contro...

   Work from home,Yahoo, Marissa Mayer     2013-03-07 02:39:23