Get Bluetooth back on my ASUS Zenbook UX31A

A strange thing occurred to me a few days ago after I installed some routine Windows updates on my ASUS Zenbook UX31A, my Bluetooth was gone and I could not have my Bluetooth speaker connected to my PC and listen  my favorite music. It's just like a ghost, everything disappears all of a sudden. Everything was tried to find where my Bluetooth went but no luck. Below is what my device manager shows: No Bluetooth is found, usually if there is some issue with the Bluetooth driver, the device m...

   Bluetooth,Windows 8.1,ASUS Zenbook, Bluetooth driver     2014-12-11 09:17:11

  How to optimize MySQL insert statement

For a big data system, one problem is the data access efficiency, one more problem is that the data insertion is very slow. We had a service system, the data loading process would take 4-5 hours. This time consuming operation is risky since if the program is interrupted during the loading process, it might be rerun, this will be troublesome. So it's necessary to improve the insertion efficiency for big data systems. Here we provide two optimization suggestions. 1. Combine multiple insert stateme...

   MySQL,insert,optimization     2012-10-24 22:03:13

  Python SSH Connection Tools

Program Design Purpose: We aim to create a simple Python SSH tool library that facilitates SSH communication, SCP file transfer, and SSH port forwarding through multiple jump hosts in an SSH tunnel chain. The library is designed to provide a simple API for establishing nested SSH tunnel connections through multiple jump hosts with customizable TCP ports. This allows users or their programs to automate SSH tasks such as: Batch processing SSH connection tasks, such as connecting to multiple ser...

       2024-08-30 04:46:05

  20 cool jQuery countdown scripts and plugins

Have you ever seen the count down component of Apple before its app downloads reached 50 billion times? It's really cool. On a website, we often need to have a count down function, for example, when a e-commerce site initiates some promotions or some organizations want to start an event. In this post, we introduce some cool jQuery countdown scripts and plugins. Circular Countdown jQuery Plugin MORE INFO / DEMO Coconut – Jquery Countdown Plugin - MORE INFO / DEMO ...

   jQuery,countdown,plugin     2013-09-01 22:07:57

  Mozilla releases a web identity system : Persona

Now almost every website requires the user to register, there are many benefits of registration for a website, such as retaining users, accommodating discussions, providing customized content and so on.But there is too much trouble if each site requires registration, right?Of course, users can also have their own way, for those less important sites, for example, using a unified user name, password and email so that you only need to remember one account. Then, we also see some advanced methods em...

   Mozilla,Persona,Security,ID     2012-09-28 12:02:25

  Extension context menu is missing in Firefox after restart

If you have experience of writing Chrome extension, you may be familiar with how you can add a context menu for your extension. The code would be similar to below: chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(function() { chrome.contextMenus.removeAll(); chrome.contextMenus.create({ "id": "your_id", "title": "Your Title", "contexts": ["all"] }); }); You need to add a listener listening to the extension install event. Once the extension is installed, create a contex...


  How to use xargs command in Linux

What is the xargs command? The xargs command constructs and executes commands provided through standard input. It takes input and converts it into command arguments for another command. This functionality is particularly useful in file management and can be combined with commands like rm, cp, mkdir, and others. Using the xargs command When used alone, the xargs command prompts the user to enter a text string and then passes it to the echo command. This example demonstrates the input provided an...

   XARGS,LINUX     2023-11-17 11:19:41

  Make Big Data Collection Efficient with Hadoop Architecture and Design Tools

Hadoop architecture and design is popular to spread small array of code to large number of computers. That is why big data collection can be made more efficient with hadoop architecture and design. Hadoop is an open source system where you are free to make changes and design new tools according to your business requirement.   Here we will discuss most popular tools under the category Hadoop development and how they are helpful for big projects. Ambari and Hive– When you are designing...


  Check out YouTube new design

Recently, YouTube has developed its new design, but is is still not officially released. But you can check out the new design now by following the steps below:1. Open on your Chrome or Firefoc2. Press Ctrl + Shift and J in Chrome to open the Developer Tools and Press Ctrl+Shift and K in    Firefox3. On the bottom part of the development tool, you can type some commands there. Copy the following code and paste on the console window on the bottomdocument.cooki...

   YouTube,New design,Chrome,Firefox,How to     2011-11-20 11:38:58

  Google+ doesn't support Firefox 23?

Mozilla just released a new version of Firefox--Firefox 23, but after upgrading to the new version. We cannot login to Google+ anymore, instead it will show a page which says "Your browser is no longer supported" and it gives some choices to download new web browsers. It also allows to download Firefox. But the thing is we have updated to the latest version. Also when clicking on the "Download Firefox" link, it is redirected to the download Firefox for Android page, is it weird? Is this becaus...

   Firefox 23,Google+     2013-08-10 21:46:27