Lessons Learned About Documentation

Here at Kendo UI, we have always encouraged you to give us feedback.  Whether it’s through our forums, or the Kendo UI User Voice site, what you think is important to us.  We take your thoughts very seriously.  We receive a lot of feature requests, enhancement requests and other various pieces of product feedback. One of the things that we heard loud and clear from our users was that our documentation could be better.  We took a good look at what we had, and we ag...

   Documentation,Lessons,Programming     2012-02-15 05:53:28

  JavaScript's Two Zeros

JavaScript has two zeros: -0 and +0. This post explains why that is and where it matters in practice. The signed zero Numbers always need to be encoded to be stored digitally. Why do some encodings have two zeros? As an example, let’s look at encoding integers as 4-digit binary numbers, via the sign-and-magnitude method. There, one uses one bit for the sign (0 if positive, 1 if negative) and the remaining bits for the magnitude (absolute value). Therefore, -2 and +2 are encoded as f...

   JavaScript,zeros     2012-03-24 05:21:49

  MySQL index optimization

Problem description: We need to access a very big table which has 40 million records. In the table, id is the primary key and program_id is indexed. When executing a select query: select * from program_access_log where program_id between 1 and 4000 The above query executes very slowly, we thought it was because there were too many records in the table. So we added id in the where condition to limit the search so that each time only half a million records would be read. select * fr...

   MySQL,Index search, Partition     2012-12-26 13:14:20

  Create cron job on CentOS

These two days, I am building a website and deploying it on a VPS server which uses CentOS 5. I don't have cPanel or Plesk for my account, so I need to install and configure everything myself including Apache, PHP, MySQL and FTP server, also today's topic cron job. Since my website has a ranking algorithm to calculate the rankings of each link and update the ranking on database and I need to calculate the rankings every 5 minutes, so I think to use cron jobs. Here are what I have done which may ...

   cron job,crontab,CentOS,linux,php,example     2012-06-11 09:23:45

  SkipList in Go

Algorithmic thinking is the must-have in the coding world, so I have been keeping the routine of algorithm practice every week, consolidating my knowledge of data structures on one hand, and improving my coding skills as well. A difficult one happened to be stuck in my mind- Implement SkipList with Go, which took me quite a weekend. Below is the front-line report of how I finally got the hang of it. First, from its concept. Wiki has explained it well. a skip list is a probab...

   GOLANG,SKIPLIST     2022-04-05 02:21:59

  Why developer-friendliness is central to API design

Today, APIs play a bigger role in software development than ever before. The evolution of computing has been dominated by ever-increasing levels of abstraction; the use of higher-level languages, of course, but also the development of platforms, libraries, and frameworks. Professor Douglass C. Smith claims the progression of this second category far outpaced the development of programming languages.  Developers are also noticing that difficulty has shifted from designing algorithms a...

   API,User friendly,Significance, Improve quality     2011-12-21 02:29:54

  About JavaScript source map

Last week jQuery 1.9 was released. This is the last release before jQuery 2.0. It adds many new functions, one of them is the source map. By accessing , you can scroll to the last line and you will see below line :  //@ This is source map, it is a separate file and it is put at the same directory as the source file. You can click here and see what it looks like. It's an very useful functio...

   Source map, JavaScript, jQuery     2013-02-01 07:06:44

  Solving easy problems the hard way

There’s a charming little brain teaser that’s going around the Interwebs. It’s got various forms, but they all look something like this: This problem can be solved by pre-school children in 5-10 minutes, by programer – in 1 hour, by people with higher education … well, check it yourself!  8809=6 7111=0 2172=0 6666=4 1111=0 3213=0 7662=2 9313=1 0000=4 2222=0 3333=0 5555=0 8193=3 8096=5 7777=0 9999=4 7756=1 6855=3 9881=5 5531=0 2581=? SPOILER AL...

   Problem solving     2012-04-05 23:40:35

  Display GIF animation while submitting the web form

Internet appears everywhere in our life. Form as a data gathering component is the must have component in a web app. When the page is submitting data to the server, if it takes a relative long time for the backend server to process the data, then the client users will feel lost while waiting for this if he cannot get any indication about what's happening. They may even reclick the button which will cause the data resubmission. This affects the user experience and also the system performance and ...

   HTML,Spin,Submit,Form     2013-05-17 11:47:07

  CSS Animation vs. JavaScript: Which One Is Better?

You know that there are two ways of creating animations on the web: with CSS and JavaScript. And, their selection completely depends on the dependencies of the project. But many web developers hold a wrong perception that CSS is the only way of creating the animations. In fact, CSS has established as the most pampered system of the web development industry and most of the developers recommend it because it is mobile-friendly and powerful system. No doubt CSS is good, but JavaScript is the best....

   CSS animation, JS animation     2015-07-24 02:45:01