SEARCH KEYWORD -- Java software development

  How to upload file to FTP server using C# Asp.Net

This post is about uploading files to FTP server in development. You will learn step-by-step to upload files programmatically to FTP web server. All the examples shared in this post are intended by professionals to make you learn about the subject Here, I will explain you an example of Uploading Files to FTP Server programmatically in C#.Net. Using this approach, the Files will be programmatically uploaded to FTP Web Server. For example, I will create a function in which we will simply p...

   ASP.NET,DEVELOPMENT     2016-06-24 08:45:37

  When to Make a Mobile Web Application

I believe that unless your application meets one of these native application criteria, you should not create a native application, but should instead focus on building a mobile web application. Like I said before, I’m a big fan of native applications and I feel that there are a lot of great innovative and market opportunities here, but mobile web apps are the only long-term viable platform for mobile content, services, and applications. Native applications don’t service t...

   Web app,Situation,Condition,Native application     2011-12-12 02:45:52

  Easy Parallel Processing in PHP

The proliferation of multicore CPUs and the inability of our learned CPU vendors to squeeze many more GHz into their designs means that often the only way to get additional performance is by writing clever parallel software. One problem we were having is that some of our batch processing jobs were taking too long to run. In order to speed the processing, we tried to split the processing file into half, and let a separate PHP process run each job. Given that we were using a dual core serv...

   PHP,Parallel processing,Multithreading like,Sleep     2011-12-12 10:58:59

  Returning To Work After COVID-19: How To Ensure Your Employees Are Ready

Every aspect of our day-to-day lives has been impacted by the Internet, whether it be work or personal time. Since nations enforced strict lockdowns, employees have mostly been working remotely. Now that the world is slowly getting back on its feet after the lockdown, employers are evaluating their options and planning strategies to ensure employee safety after returning to the physical office.  With some restrictions remaining, companies must consider not just the workplace, but employees'...

   TRAINING,COVID-19,REMOTE WORK     2022-03-29 08:35:08

  10 cool iOS app websites

No matter how big the iOS 7 design change is or no matter how unhappy you you fee about iOS 7, you cannot deny that iPhone is still the best phone on earth and App Store is the best software eco-system. There are lots of excellent apps on iOS, the overall quality of apps on iOS are better than other platforms. Some apps are also only available on iOS. These apps may also have excellent websites to promote. Now let take a look at some cool app websites. Currency Converter App TriplAgent  Pic...

   App Store,Website,Website design     2013-06-26 04:10:23

  Let Your Programmers Be Silly

6Share You’re in the middle of a crazy startup development sprint. Pressure is sky high as you might have to fire everyone if you don’t generate significant traction over the next 4 months. Make it or #fail situation. The guys (I wish we’d have girls but … wait we have a student, anyway) are killing tickets and you’re pretty much on the target you’ve set with your investors. Not comfortably confident but ok. And you catch your guys debating, f...

   Programmer,Style,Management,Work     2012-01-29 04:31:56

  What is your opinion on WordPress hosting providers?

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) used by millions of websites around the world. According to data from, at least 64.2% of websites that have CMS use WordPress’s system. However, to run a WordPress website, you need a hosting provider that can support it. There are many hosting providers that offer specialized WordPress hosting. For example, they would provide seamless, one-click WordPress migrations, or dedicate a team of experts to address any WordPress-r...

   WORDPRESS,HOSTING PROVIDER     2023-02-27 06:45:29

  Install multiple versions of Go

As a developer, there might be need in some cases to have multiple versions of Go installed. One may test out some new features of the latest version of Go but also wanna maintain a stable version of Go for daily development purpose. How to maintain multiple versions of Go? The GoLang official website has provided a way to maintain multiple versions of Go by using go get to install the different versions of Go. Below are steps: Download a normal version of Go and install it Go to the Go release...

   MULTIPLE VERSION,GO BINARY,GO VERSION     2021-05-16 02:01:46

  Undoing Changes in Git: Working Directory, Staging Area, and Committed Changes

When working with Git, it's crucial to understand how to undo changes at different stages—whether in the working directory, the staging area, or after committing changes to the local repository. This guide walks you through the essential Git commands to effectively manage and revert changes, ensuring that your version control process is smooth and error-free. Modifying Files in the Working Directory but Not Yet Added to the Staging Area When you make changes to files in your working direct...

   GIT RESET,STAGING AREA,UNDO CHANGE     2024-08-11 08:53:34

  How to prevent next HeartBleed bug?

How to ensure the security of open source projects is a concern for many open source users including individual users and companies. But it's not an easy task to ensure the security of open source projects. Because everyone can see the source code, there is much higher possibility that a bug may be found by someone. Once a bug is disclosed, people may exploit it and do evil things, this may cause loss of money either for individuals or companies, some of the bugs may even have big impact to the...

   Open source,HeartBleed,Security     2014-04-24 09:07:05