SEARCH KEYWORD -- Java software development

  The future smells like JavaScript

Of course I am only repeating what others are preaching about the recent rise of JavaScript. But I think the movement is significant and can't be overstated. And recent developments are really even making it more and more interesting. Nobody can deny hat JavaScript is the de facto programming language of Html5. Every other language trying to bolt itself onto Html5 looks like pure friction so far. And Html5 is looking upon a prospering future. Today we are used to some established JavaScri...

   JavaScript,Future,Node.js,Client-side     2012-02-03 08:06:43

  Lustre file system set for spit 'n' polish

Whamcloud, the startup created in July 2010 to continue development of the open source Lustre supercomputer file system, has secured a $2.1m contract from OpenSFS to spruce it up with new features and functions.Lustre – used on about 60 per cent of the largest supercomputers in the world – is a parallel clustered file system designed for both supporting petabytes of files and giving high-speed access to the data stored on the file system. Lustre was created by Peter Braam...

   TOP500,Cloud,Server,Database,Management     2011-08-25 08:25:14

  How to Prevent a Data Breach: Guide For Businesses

The consequences of a data breach are nothing to joke about. From reputation damage to regulatory fines, it is a disaster for any business. So you should always strive to do your best to prevent it. But with so many steps to take, where do you even begin? Businesses of all shapes and sizes should follow this 8-step approach: 1. Outline Your Assets Your assets, whether digital or physical, should always remain in your sight. It should be the very first step you take. Picture anything that might r...

   DATA SECURITY     2020-03-04 08:16:44

  Microsoft: Apple UI sucks, Metro UI is philosophy

Microsoft is a typical IT company of the last century - a huge strength, but turned a little less sensitive. Now, Microsoft is trying to change the tradition of no connection between home desktop and mobile system developers, the best indicator of this effort is their design.Microsoft products, especially software products, are now gradually using a simple, plain and neat appearance: Metro. But if you think the Metro is just on Windows 8, Windows Phone, the application market and Xbox Live,...

   Windows, Metro UI,Apple     2012-04-13 07:12:21

  Kualitee: For better Test Management in the year 2020

New IT trends will dominate in 2020. Big data management, customer satisfaction, security concerns, mobile apps, artificial intelligence (AI), test automation, DevOps and agile methodologies are a few of these rising technologies and trends.  With their rise, Quality assurance (QA) has to take the testing game a notch up, especially with using smart test management tools for their testing.  Test Automation Stays A report by Research and Markets estimates the global automation testing ...

   TESTING,KUALITEE     2019-09-04 07:33:25

  Show Bootstrap tooltip in AngularJS ng-repeat elements

In contemporary web application development, many front-end frameworks have been used to accelerate the speed of development and circumvent browser compatibility issues. Among them, AngularJS and Bootstrap are two frequently used.  AngularJS is a MVC JavaScript framework developed by Google to provide easy synchronization between user view and data model. While Bootstrap is developed by Twitter and it eases the work of designing a simple and concise UI without much manual design work ...


  Windows 8 first impressions: It's a game changer

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The PC needs saving. With Windows 8, Microsoft believes it has the magic cure.It just might. I've been testing a consumer preview version of Windows 8 for the past week, and it's unlike anything I've ever seen in a PC operating system.The stunning "Metro" interface just begs you to touch and interact with it. Beautifully designed apps, ultra-simple navigation, and instinctive commands make it hard to believe Metro came from the same company that brought us Windows Vista...

   Windows 8,Hands on,Game changer,Impression     2012-03-17 04:26:54

  Nokia fires the Qt team

Recently, Nokia announced that they would lay off around 10000 employees, 700 of them are developers. Among these 700 developers, 100 are the core developers of the open source project Qt.Nokia is the main sponsor of the open source project Qt. According to Mirko Boehm, the core Qt team has around 100 people, this means that Nokia fires the whole Qt team.He criticized Nokia's decision, he thought that a responsible CEO should persuade the team to move to other platforms.Qt team is experienced, t...

   Nokia,Fire,Qt     2012-06-26 06:57:06

  Macro to change text color conditionally in Excel

Macros are small but very powerful VBA programs in Microsoft Office software. They can help us complete some repeated tasks automatically. Today, I will show you one macro example which is to change the text color conditionally. The excel file has a work sheet which contains some records of request. I want to check the status of each request, if the status of a request is approved, the text color of the status should be green; if the status of a request is rejected, the text color of the status ...

   Macro,Excel,Text color,Conditionally     2012-07-07 12:53:28

  10 Questions with Facebook Research Engineer – Andrei Alexandrescu

Today we caught up with Andrei Alexandrescu for a “10 Question” interview. He is a Romanian born research engineer at Facebook living in the US, you can contact him on his website or @incomputable. We will talk about some of the juicy stuff that going on at Facebook, so let’s get started. Hello Andrei, welcome on Server-Side Magazine. 1. Tell us a little bit about yourself. Who are you? Where and what do you work? Who am I? Ah, the coffee breath of one talki...

   C++,Facebook,PHP,Future,Machine learning     2012-02-06 08:08:12