Rebirth of Microsoft?

  sonic0002        2012-10-05 20:09:15       3,296        0         

Only from the point of view of design and products, Microsoft may seem like an ongoing decline of the old giant: IE browser market share continues to drop, PC market continues to shrink where Windows depends on and tablet PC market gets rapid expansion, Windows Mobile, Windows phone perform not so well, even CEO Steve Ballmer is often ridiculed and accused. All these seem to indicate that Microsoft's golden era is over. But on the other hand, while its net profit for the past two years has slightly decreased ($16.978 billion in fiscal year 2012), however its still has a market capitalization of $249.49 billion (although Google caught up two days ago ...), it still keeps steady growth in revenue ($73.723 billion in fiscal year 2012), we may not call Microsoft a loser. However, we can not fail to see the reality that Apple and Google are running ahead of Microsoft.

However, the market seems to change this year, we can see signs of re-emergence of a trace of Microsoft. This does not mean that it will once again to be the leader, Microsoft may be difficult in the corresponding areas truly beyond Apple or Google. However, Microsoft may no longer be regarded as an unambitious old company, but an innovative, vying for market share later.

Competitors hard time and Microsoft's attempts

On one hand, Microsoft's chance of recovery is because competitors begin to experience problems. Perhaps it is not a big problem for Samsung to pay the huge compensation in the patent war with Apple, but it is undoubtedly a major blow for the Google Android camp. In fact, among Android handset manufacturers,other companies except Samsung face with the predicament of the market. While Apple's lawsuit did not release them too much. This will undoubtedly make many companies have to consider alternatives other than Android, Microsoft's Windows Phone 8 is a huge opportunity for many manufacturers. Compared to competitors, its drawbacks are that the belated share of the market and the ecosystem is not mature enough, but the new user experience and safety of patent make it the most natural alternative for third-party vendors. From Samsung Galaxy Ativ to HTC's 8S, 8X series, third-party vendors in the Windows Phone platform have started to increase the trend of the development effort. If Android camp can not solve their own problems, perhaps this will create opportunities for the rise of Windows Phone.

On the other hand, in the Apple side, the kind of omnipotent perfectionism seems to have begun to subside. Although the compact industrial design of the iPhone 5 is still amazing, Retina MacbookPro is powerful, people begin to notice many problems of the Apple products and strategy, from poor design of the new version of iPad Nano to poor quality iOS 6 map applications, problems of iCloud, the so-so "genius" ad campaign during Olympic Games and dull promotion of the new iPhone. These provide a good opportunity for Microsoft products to re-attract attention.

Of course, if Microsoft really wants to snatch away market, it can not rely solely on the competitor's error, it must also make its products truly revolutionary. As of now, it seems Microsoft is on the right track. Windows Phone is praised because of its innovative interactive design, smooth user experience and some problems existed are mostly resolved in the latest Windows Phone 8. Similarly, in the field of desktop and tablet PCs, the new Windows 8 is a great adventure, but it's also a big innovation of Microsoft's own core products. If Surface Tablet PC really reaches its demonstration effect, competition in the tablet PC market will face a new situation.

The first step to change

For a company, the first step to change is to admit to problems, Microsoft has apparently recognized this. Standardization for the IE browser is a welcome improvement, the change of logo is also a clear indicator that Microsoft really wants to change itself.

There are good news to Microsoft in the market. Antitrust lawsuits targeted to Microsoft have decreased, Microsoft gets more freedom to do the things it wants to do. However, Google and Apple begin to increasingly attract the attention of the regulatory authorities. In addition, Microsoft and Apple's patent cross-licensing agreement ensures that their market in smart phones, tablet PCs will not have too much interference, but there is still a long way to go for Apple and Google on this issue. Microsoft has also started to increase investment and effort on marketing, compared to past ridiculous Windows advertising, its latest Windows 8, Surface, IE and Windows Phone ads are worthy of note.

Of course, Microsoft is also not without problems: IE 10's Do Not Track is not compliant with W3C standards, Apache will completely disregard this feature. Some problems in Windows 8 are still remaining which is a potential hazard to Microsoft...Microsoft needs to solve many problems.

There is hope for Microsoft, do not forget its Windows and Office are still keeping the dominant position in PC market and PC market still plays a vital role in people's lives.  People expect a new intervention force in the war between Apple and Google, and now it seems Microsoft has the opportunity as the intervention force.

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