SEARCH KEYWORD -- Java software development

  Finding selected checkbox items in a JSF dataTable

This is one of those problems that I couldn’t find a complete example for when I needed it, so hopefully this will save somebody else the extra time it took me to piece it together. We frequently need to have data tables in our UI, and allow the user to select a subset of those items for action. In JavaServer Faces, this means having a DataTable, each row having its own checkbox. But when the action is triggered, how to we find which items the user has selected. The first step is to ...

   JavaServer Faces,JSF,Datatable,Checkbox,Example     2012-01-03 03:02:46

  Why making a cool project is a good idea for an aspiring software developer

As a software developer, I get to know a lot of other software developers. Many of the software developers I know are either running a startup, working as an early employee for a startup, doing contract jobs for a startup, or dreaming of one day starting a startup. My point is that software developers are very interested in startups, either starting them or working for them. My advice to anyone who’s interested in startups: Before you ever start a startup, try to make at least ...

   Innovation,New business,Start,Tip     2011-08-08 22:55:22

  Programming Languages for Machine Learning Implementations

Machine learning algorithms have a much better chance of being widely adopted if they are implemented in some easy-to-use code. There are several important concerns associated with machine learning which stress programming languages on the ease-of-use vs. speed frontier.Speed The rate at which data sources are growing seems to be outstripping the rate at which computational power is growing, so it is important that we be able to eak out every bit of computational power. Garbage collected la...

   Programming language,Machine learning,Development     2011-11-16 08:22:17

  TIOBE : Where is that next big programming language?

TIOBE has released the Programming Community Index for May 2012 a bit late. The top 3 languages do not change compared to last Month TIOBE : C overtakes Java as the No.1 programming language, they are still C,Java and C++. However, the share of Java is continuing dropping, Objective-C is steadily rising  Other languages which have rising trend are Visual Basic.NET,PL/SQL and Logo.The last 8 years not much has changed in the top 10 of the TIOBE index except for Objective-C (in) and Del...

   TIOBE,2012,May,King     2012-05-12 01:18:27

  3 meanings of Stack

We may frequently see stack when we read programming books. But many times we may be confused about the different meanings of it. This term actually has three common meanings. Here we explain the three different meanings of Stack in programming. 1. Data structure The first meaning of Stack defines a method for storing data. Its feature is LIFO9Last In First Out). In this data structure, data are accumulated level by level. The data last put in is added at the top of the stack. When using the dat...

   Stack,Memory,Data structure     2014-02-24 04:56:46

  App Store, Most Effective Weaponry In Apple’s Armor

Apple’s most effective and effectual weaponry is its app store. Surprisingly however, the first generation iPhone did not support any Mobile apps, and Steve Jobs was actually proud of this fact. Back then, in 2007, third party mobile apps were not allowed on the iPhone. Jobs in-fact announced that Mobile app developers could use the most modern standards and write customized mobile apps for the iPhone web browser. He said, “We think we’ve got a very sweet story for you. You can...

   Mobile app developers, customized mobile apps, software development kit,     2015-07-28 03:26:19

  Advantages and disadvantages of GoLang

GoLang is a strong typed language which means it is less flexible than interpreted languages by nature. But Go provides Any type(interface) and Reflect mechanism which make the language very close to interpreted languages on flexibility. More and more people start to learn GoLang. This post is mainly for listing down some of the advantages and disadvantages of GoLang. Advantages Performance(Machine code) GoLang is a compilation language which can be compiled to machine code and the compiled bina...


  I'm not good enough to work on open source software

Actually, that's not true - I've produced plenty of open source software over the years.  However, in a sense, it is true: only the very best actually get paid to work on open source software full time, and I'm not one of them.  People like Linus Torvalds.  People like Guido van Rossum, although even he supposedly divides his time, and does not work on Python full-time. Think about that.  Python is a hugely popular programming language used by many companies and ind...

   Open source,Free,Money,Full-time     2012-04-16 13:27:35

  A Toast to C

At Cloudmetrx, we use a lot of C. So given the recent passing of UNIX legend Dennis Ritchie, the creator of the C language, we think a toast to C is only fitting.Our extensive reliance on C is especially unusual considering the other languages in our stack – Clojure, Node.js, and other hipster platforms. We aren't predisposed to using older, "venerated" technologies simply because they're older and venerated. But when it comes to high-performant computation, there's just nothing like C. S...

   C,Toast,C Language,Unix,Dennis ritchie,popularity     2011-10-24 11:21:32

  Introduction to DTLS(Datagram Transport Layer Security)

Secure communication has become a vital requirement on the Internet. Lots of information transferred through the Internet are sensitive data such as financial transactions, medical information, media streaming etc. To ensure security of data transferred on the Internet, a few secure protocols have been designed including SSL/TLS and IPsec. Many large websites in the world have adopted TLS. Apart from SSL/TLS, there is some other protocol designed to be used in special cases. One of them is ...

   JAVA 9,DTLS,TLS,SECURITY     2016-04-02 05:55:36