Canonicalize XML in Java

XML canonicalization is often used when there is need to create digital signature to be sent to peers for verification. Since digital signature is created based on XML data, the XML data has to be canonicalized before its signature value can be calculated. Even an extra space may affect the signature value calculated, hence it must follow some rules to canonicalize the XML data so that it has a standard format. This is why W3C created specification Canonical XML Version 1.1. This specificat...

   JAVA,XML,JAVA SECURITY     2016-01-20 01:39:45

  Use Java ThreadLocal with caution

According to Oracle documentation, ThreadLocal is a class provides thread-local variables. These variables differ from their normal counterparts in that each thread that accesses one (via its get or set method) has its own, independently initialized copy of the variable. ThreadLocal instances are typically private static fields in classes that wish to associate state with a thread. In short, ThreadLocal variables are variables belong to a thread, not a class or an instance of a class. One common...

   JAVA,MEMORY LEAK, THREADLOCAL     2015-11-03 07:31:57

  5 Modern Strategies to Improve Your Hiring Process

Without even a pinch of doubt, the labor market across the globe has turned highly competitive. So, there goes a rat race where the best recruiters vie to hire the most potential candidates. Let's say you need to hire Java developers. Certainly, your hiring challenge would be to find applicants with niche skills. Sadly enough, the traditional hiring methods are detrimental to getting the creme of the talent pool. It's time-consuming and involves a lot of manual and paperwork, wherein there are c...

   HIRE,JAVA,DEVELOPERS     2017-06-28 00:15:48

  Python Disrupts the Programming Language World- Gets Hot and Popular

Python is one of the fastest growing languages currently. It is undeniable that more and more programmers use Python and deploy it to the best of their use. Everyone, from the freelancer and startups to giant corporations and even governments, is using Python. Let us have a look at the reasons that make it so popular.  Training: According to research, 8 out of 10 tech schools in the US teach Python over JAVA. Even the three major MOOC platforms, edX, Coursera, and Udacity have a similar app...

   DEVELOPMENT,PYTHON,TEAM     2018-06-07 01:02:03

  Build Hadoop environment in Linux

Hadoop standalone installation: 1. Install JDK Install JDK with below command: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk Configure Java environment, open /etc/profile, add below contents: export JAVA_HOME = (Java installation directory) export CLASSPATH =".:$JAVA_HOME/lib:$CLASSPATH" export PATH = "$JAVA_HOME/:PATH" Verify installation of Java Type java --version, if it outputs Java version information, then Java is successfully installed. 2. Install SSH Install SSH with below command: sudo ...

   Hadoop.Linux,Configuration     2013-07-31 23:22:27

  Using keytool to create certificate chain

JDK provides a command line tool -- keytool to handle key and certificate generation. This tool has a set of options which can be used to generate keys, create certificates, import keys, install certificate and export certificates etc. In this tutorial, we will show how to create certificate chain using keytool. If you want to understand how to create certificate chain programmably, please refer to Generate certificate in Java -- Certificate chain. To begin, we first generate a key pair whi...


  Want to be a programmer? Top programming languages that will be result driven in 2017

Programmers are always high in demand in software industry: take any corporate blue chip Software Company India for instance; programmers are playing a pivotal role in company’s business and relevant growth. In that case if you are planning to pursue a programmer’s career and earn fat package, here goes the range of option for your further study. Alternatively, if you are an employer and you want to understand the basic idea of coding, the outline description of popular programming ...


  String.length() vs String.getBytes().length in Java

In Java, String.length() is to return the number of characters in the string, while String.getBytes().length is to return the number of bytes to represent the string with the specified encoding. By default, the encoding will be the value of system property file.encoding, the encoding name can be set manually as well by calling System.setProperty("file.encoding", "XXX"). For example, UTF-8, Cp1252. In many cases, String.length() will return the same value as String.getBytes().length, but in some ...

   Java,UTF8,String,Encoding,Sample     2015-04-01 22:22:23

  The Ultimate Guide to Implement Function Overloading in Python

Introduction When it comes to function overloading, those who have learned Java should be familiar with it. One of the most common uses is logging, where different overloaded functions are called for different parameters. So, how can we implement function overloading in Python? Concept of Overloading Function overloading allows multiple functions with the same name to exist within the same scope, but with different parameter lists. Although many programming languages (like Java and C++) support ...

   GUIDE,JAVA,OVERLOADING,PYTHON     2024-11-14 22:29:17

  Why accessing Java HashMap may cause infinite loop in concurrent environment

HashMap in Java is frequently used to handle key/value pairs. But it is not a good candidate to be used in concurrent environment where ConcurrentHashMap should be used instead. If used in concurrent environment, it may cause lots of unexpected behavior even including make the program getting into an infinite loop situation. To understand how this can happen, let's first discuss how HaspMap works internally. In this post we will use implementation of HashMap before Java 8 as example, Java 8 prov...

   JAVA,HASHMAP,INFINITE LOOP     2020-03-29 01:47:00