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  GitHub launches a separate training page

Code hosting community Github has much proud data: 55 employees, Andreessen Horowitz promised a $100 million investment, $750 million valuation, a place developers stay longest since its launch in 2008 ... Github announced the official launch of a separate teaching page, to teach developers collaborative programming through various forms. Github announces the detail about the training program on its official blog, the entire training project has two modes : free and paid. The content of their t...

   GitHub,Training,Open source     2012-10-07 05:45:47

  How does iPhone 5 compete with the latest Android and Windows Phone?

Apple's latest release of the iPhone 5 finally resolves some key issues: the larger screen, high-speed 4G LTE network, as well as a higher pixel front camera, which previously were the advantages of the Android phone. In addition, one-piece aluminum housing also gains praise. How does IPhone 5 compete with the latest Android and Windows Phone? In fact, Apple is now facing more intense competition.The most significant upgrade is the new display, 4-inch retina display compared with the old is a gr...

   iPhone 5,Android,Windows Phone,Comparison     2012-09-12 21:58:27

  Instagram gains 78% more visits after acquired by Facebook

Since Instagram was acquired by Facebook, its popularity continually heats up. Some  data shows that independent views of  Instagram surges 78%.In April, Instagram’s website saw a 78 percent uptick in unique visitors in the U.S., making the web property of the photo-sharing phenom the highest gaining site on the Internet for the month, according to analytics firm comScore.. For an application whose all functions are present in the mobile terminal, the site of Instagram is onl...

   Facebook,Instagram,App,Website     2012-05-28 05:45:32

  Make Magento 2 Faster: Five Quick tips

In this post, you will learn from Magento development company experts about speeding up the Magento 2. We hope these tips will help you in making Magento 2 faster than before. Magento 2 is a powerful platform. Once installed and with no customization it is a fully functional store. They even give you a well-designed, responsive storefront. However as you add products and your own content things will incrementally begin to slow down. To combat that there are some things you can do to increase spe...


  10 modern technologies we will still use in 2030

Although there is rapid revolution for new technology, some technologies can survive with the passage of time. Here are 10 modern technologies which may continue to exist in 2030. 1. QWERTY keyboard Speech recognition, handwriting recognition and gesture control input will become the trend for the next two decades. Nonetheless QWERTY keyboard input is still one of the most accurate way - although not necessarily the most convenient. Although physical keyboard disappear on phones and tablet PCs, ...

   New technology,Trend     2012-11-12 11:02:02

  CSS position explained

CSS has two very important properties on determining the position of an element in webpage: display and position. display is used to determine how elements are grouped and displayed on the page. While position is used to determine the exact position of an element on a page. And this post would explain position property in detail. position is used to determine the exact position of an element on a page. It has five possible values. static relative absolute fixed sticky sticky is supported start...

   CSS,STICKY,CSS3     2019-11-22 19:57:52

  Apple patent shows they are developing "Killer" 3D Camera

This is not the first time that Apple patent shows they have interest on 3D camera technology. In November last year, one Apple patent shows that Apple is developing advanced three-dimensional object recognition and verification technology. According to PatentlyApple report (March 30,2012) one patent released this week shows that Apple is developing a 3D camera technology for the future iOS devices. This 3D camera is described as an advanced component with advanced micro-lens, depth, chrom...

   3D Camera,Apple,Patent     2012-04-03 07:46:35

  Recursive class initialization in Java

When a Java class is referenced and initialized, it has to go through the loading and linking first. Once the loading and linking complete successfully. The class will be initialized. The static variables and constant variables will be initialized during this process. Once the class is initialized, it is ready for use. If when class A is initialized and it is referencing a class B, the class B will also get initialized. But what will happen if class B is referencing class A as well? This is call...

   Java,JVM,class initialization,static final     2015-04-15 21:04:29

  HTML5 Web Worker

Web Worker is a JavaScript multithreading solution provided by HTML5. we can put some compute intensive codes into Web Worker and it will not hang the user interface. 1. How to use Web Worker Web Worker's basic mechanism is to use Worker to load a JavaScript file to create a new thread in JavaScript's main thread. It will not block other thread's execution and will provide a data exchange interface between main thread and new thread : postMessage() and onmessage. Let's look at an example: //work...

   JavaScript,HTML,Web Worker     2012-12-02 06:25:00

  UC browser won Readers' Choice Award

China's leading mobile Internet software technology and application service provider UC excellent, its flagship product, UC browser, following the 2011 recommended by the world's leading classified information site named the Readers' Choice Award in best mobile browser category, is once again awarded by as Reader's Choice Award in Best Android Browser category. UC browser comes out on top in the selection in two consecutive, a part of The New York T...

   UC,,Readers' Choice Aeard,2012     2012-04-03 08:08:03